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  1. 所编码的绝大部分纤维素酶类都不含有碳水化合物结合结构域(CBMs),也不含有类似于纤维小体中dockingdomain的结构域。

    Most of the cellulases encoded by Cytophaga hutchinsonii contain neither carbohydrate-binding modules ( CBMs ) nor docking domain-like structures .

  2. 但与此同时,绝大多数这类工具也让电邮泛滥的问题进一步恶化。

    But so far , most of those tools make this particular problem worse .

  3. 智能汽车则能消除绝大多数这类事故。

    However , intelligent mobile would eliminate a big part of this kind of accident .

  4. 绝大多数这类整容手术都在诊所开展,价格要远低于医院手术室。

    Most of the procedures are conducted in clinics where costs are far lower than in hospital surgery rooms .

  5. 绝大多数梗类犬拥有特别的刚毛,需要按一定的次序剥毛,以维持其特别的外貌。

    Most terriers have wiry coats that require special grooming known as stripping in order to maintain a characteristic appearance .

  6. 虽然少量的低级别星形胶质细胞瘤为良性肿瘤,但是绝大多数该类肿瘤为恶性肿瘤,常导致不良预后。

    Although a little portion of low-grade astrogliomas display benign features , most of these tumors are malignant and usually exhibit a poor prognosis .

  7. 绝大多数这类卫星都不改变它们的位置。它们保持在地球上空的同一位置,在高中环绕地球运行。

    Most of these satellites do not change their positions . They remain above the same place on the earth and travel round it in a very high circle .

  8. 某些心理疾症明显是导因于大脑组织的病变,例如阿兹海默症,但是绝大部分这类疾病的致病机转,医界仍然不知道知或未能证明。

    Some mental disorders , such as Alzheimer disease , are clearly caused by organic disease of the brain , but the causes of most others are either unknown or not yet verified .

  9. 当我回想从前的时候,我发现答案是否定的。我认为,我们要完成的工作量基本上是固定的,而在绝大多数管理类工作中,工作量少得可怜。

    If I try to cast my mind back , I find the answer is no. I think the amount of work that gets done is a fairly fixed quantity , and in most managerial jobs is pitifully low .

  10. 远离中心城市的绝大多数综合类、师范类本科高校,科研力量分散,缺乏承担高层次科研项目的能力,且科研水平不高,科研能力不强。

    Comprehensive and teacher training colleges , which are located far away from the central cities , are dispersive in scientific reach resources and lack the ability to undertake high-level research projects . So their research level is mot high and their research capability is not strong .

  11. 中国的近岸水体和湖水绝大部分是二类水体,因此该文也将对二类水体光谱测量的有关参数化问题进行讨论。Ⅱ.变化区;

    The CASE ⅱ water related measurement parameterization will be discussed .

  12. 但绝大多数的灵长类

    But by far the majority of primate species

  13. 结果便是,绝大多数的三类产品依旧是经过了最少的检测程序便被批准。

    The result is that most Class III devices are still approved with minimal testing .

  14. 通过优化色谱和质谱条件,完成了对26种三嗪类除草剂的分离,基本覆盖了绝大部分三嗪类除草剂品种。

    By optimizing the conditions of chromatography and mass spectrometry , we separated 26 triazine herbicides which basically covered the majority varieties of triazine herbicides . 3 .

  15. 研究区土壤环境质量总体良好,绝大多数符合Ⅰ类、Ⅱ类标准,为一级、二级土壤。

    The research area soil environment quality overall is good , the overwhelming majority accords with the standard of I type , II type , and belong to the first and the second grade soil .