
Most of the cellulases encoded by Cytophaga hutchinsonii contain neither carbohydrate-binding modules ( CBMs ) nor docking domain-like structures .
But so far , most of those tools make this particular problem worse .
However , intelligent mobile would eliminate a big part of this kind of accident .
Most of the procedures are conducted in clinics where costs are far lower than in hospital surgery rooms .
Most terriers have wiry coats that require special grooming known as stripping in order to maintain a characteristic appearance .
Although a little portion of low-grade astrogliomas display benign features , most of these tumors are malignant and usually exhibit a poor prognosis .
Most of these satellites do not change their positions . They remain above the same place on the earth and travel round it in a very high circle .
Some mental disorders , such as Alzheimer disease , are clearly caused by organic disease of the brain , but the causes of most others are either unknown or not yet verified .
If I try to cast my mind back , I find the answer is no. I think the amount of work that gets done is a fairly fixed quantity , and in most managerial jobs is pitifully low .
Comprehensive and teacher training colleges , which are located far away from the central cities , are dispersive in scientific reach resources and lack the ability to undertake high-level research projects . So their research level is mot high and their research capability is not strong .
The CASE ⅱ water related measurement parameterization will be discussed .
But by far the majority of primate species
The result is that most Class III devices are still approved with minimal testing .
By optimizing the conditions of chromatography and mass spectrometry , we separated 26 triazine herbicides which basically covered the majority varieties of triazine herbicides . 3 .
The research area soil environment quality overall is good , the overwhelming majority accords with the standard of I type , II type , and belong to the first and the second grade soil .