
  • 网络That is SuiHua
  1. 关于绥化市农村专业技术协会与农民专业合作社协调发展的SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis for the Rural Special Technique Association With The Farmers ' Professional Cooperatives Coordinated Development in Suihua

  2. 绥化1000T沥青储运站的建造安装

    The construction and assembly of Suihua 1000T asphalt preservation and transportation

  3. 电采暖在绥化供电区的应用分析

    Application Analysis of Electric Space Heating in Suihua Power Supplying Area

  4. 地下水是绥化地区的主要供水水源。

    Underground water is the main water supply in Suihua Area .

  5. 绥化电业局供电市场东扩战略

    Power Supply Market East Spread Strategic of Suihua Electric Power Bureau

  6. 试论绥化地区的旱作农业

    On farm in g with dry crops in Suihua region

  7. 绥化地震台地电阻率手段勘选及建设

    The means of resistivity of Suihua Seismic Station collates selecting and construction

  8. 绥化地区特殊教育师资队伍现状的调查研究

    On the Status of Special Education Teachers in Suihua Region

  9. 介绍了绥化市第一医院给水排水及消防给水系统及其设计参数。

    This paper introduces water-supply , drainage and fire supply system of No.

  10. 绥化及周边地区地震活动特征研究

    Study of seismic activity characteristics in Suihua area and around

  11. 绥化地区青春期女性贫血状况及其相关因素分析

    Prevalence of Anemia and Its Correlated Factors Among Female Adolescents in Suihua Area

  12. 绥化市绿色食品水稻生产基地环境质量的综合评价研究

    Assessment of environmental quality in base area of paddy green food of Suihua city

  13. 现代行波测距技术及系统在绥化电网中的应用

    Application of modern travelling wave distance measuring technology and system in electric network of suihua

  14. 绥化市就处于几块典型黑土地的中心地带。

    Suihua city is just located in the center of several such typical black glebes .

  15. 《劳动合同法》实现问题研究&兼以绥化市为例的调查分析

    Study on realization problem of Labor Contract Law & Investigation and analysis basing on Suihua City

  16. 绥化市总人口558万,其中72.9%是农业人口。

    Suihua has a population of 5.58 million , of which 72.9 % is agricultural population .

  17. 绥化地区高压配电网电压等级方案的选择

    The Selection of Voltage Ranking in the Suihua High-Voltage Network of the Electricity Transmission and Distribution

  18. 绥化路路基内部积水排除

    Obviating the Groundwater Inside Suihua Roadbed

  19. 绥化市北林区地下水水质现状及评价

    The status quo and evaluation on underground water quality in the north forest area in Suihua City

  20. 绥化电视发射塔工程场址地震基本烈度影响因素的探讨

    Discussion of influential factors for basic seismic intensity of the television signals launching tower site in Suihua City

  21. 本文利用开发的系统对绥化市城市发展战略进行了评价。

    Making use of the exploited system , this article evaluates the stratagem of development of Suihua city .

  22. 绥化2号井水位日变曲线上叠加有微小的凸起形态。

    Microconvexes have been superposed on the daily variation curves of the water level in Suihua No.2 well .

  23. 黑龙江省绥化种畜场养羊生产中存在的问题与对策

    The esse ′ s problem and solution way of meat sheep production in suihua city , Heilongjiang province

  24. 绥化地区水库土坝护坡冻害及其防治经验

    Frost Damage of the Protecting Slope of the Reservoir Dams and the Treatments to Them in Suihua Area

  25. 黑龙江绥化地区普通中学高三学生体质健康调查研究

    The Research for the Health of Senior Middle School Students in Grade 3 , in Suihua , Heilongjiang

  26. 在中国的版图上,不用放大镜,你是找不到绥化的。

    Territory in China , do not have a magnifying glass , you can not find the Suihua .

  27. 这种天气袭击了大庆和哈尔滨,沙尘暴随后将袭击绥化。

    The weather is hammering Daqing and Harbin , and Suihua will be hit by the sand storm later .

  28. 绥化&双城地区上白垩统嫩江组砂岩型铀矿成矿条件研究

    Study on metallogenic conditions of sandstone type uranium deposit of Upper Cretaceous Nenjiang Formation in Suihua - Shuangcheng area

  29. 水溶性碳分析可知,从双城到绥化到海伦呈增强趋势。

    From analysis of water soluble organic carbon , we can know that it has an increasing trend from Shuangcheng to Hailun .

  30. 绥化师专中文系汉语言文学教育专业是黑龙江省专科类学校重点专业。

    The language and Literature section of the chinese Department of Suihua Normal College is the major section of the colleges in HeiLongjiang province .