
  • 网络Keep Singing
  1. 谁继续唱,就是下一个被吊起来的!

    Who kept singing , who 's the next to be hanged !

  2. 现在要做的就是继续唱下去。

    Now it 's time to sing along .

  3. 这首歌完了,歌手继续唱起《伤心旅馆》。

    The song ended . The singer went on to do ' Heartbreak Hotel . "

  4. 第二天晚上,当他的摇滚乐队演奏完《恶土》一曲时,观众继续唱了下去。

    On the second night , when the band finished up Badlands , the audience kept the song going .

  5. 当她暂停一会儿的时候,老皇帝轻柔地说:继续唱下去,亲爱的夜莺,继续唱下去。

    Go on , dear nightingale , go on , @ he said softly when she stopped for a moment .

  6. 例如,您可能会唱一个特别的圣诞颂歌给婴儿了,你会继续唱每年。

    For instance , you might sing a special Christmas carol to the baby the you will continue to sing each year .

  7. 雅俐继续唱着,很快就发现自己唱着一些不懂的语文,连音调也是新的!

    Ari continued singing and soon she found that she was singing in words she could not understand and tunes that were entirely new !

  8. 迈克尔继续唱着:“亲爱的,你从来不知道我有多么爱你。请不要把我的阳光带走——”

    Keep on singing , Michael . " You never know , dear , how much I love you . Please don 't take my sunshine away - "

  9. 迈克尔继续唱着:“亲爱的,那天晚上当我睡着,我梦到我把你抱在怀中……”

    Keep on singing , Michael . " The other night , dear , as I lay sleeping , I dreamed I held you in my arms ... "

  10. 玛亚会将许多疑问和无用的争论塞进我们脑中,但如果我们继续唱颂,治疗的程序就会继续下去,不要在乎这些困惑。

    Maya may put so many doubts and worthless arguments into our minds , but if we continue the chanting , the curing process will go on , never mind the doubts .

  11. 最后,只有威斯里孪生两兄弟还在以一种非常缓慢而沉重的音调在继续唱着丹怕多用他的魔杖指挥着兄弟俩唱完最后几句。

    And learn until our brains all rot. Everybody finished the song at different times . At last , only the Weasley twins were left singing along to a very slow funeral march .

  12. 不规则的、紧张的呼吸变得如小猫的呼噜声那般安稳。迈克尔继续唱着:“亲爱的,那天晚上当我睡着,我梦到我把你抱在怀中……”

    Keep on singing , Michael . " The other night , dear , as I lay sleeping , I dreamed I held you in my arms ... " Michael 's little sister relaxes as rest , healing rest , seems to sweep over her .

  13. 所有的这些元素都使得“好声音”极具娱乐效果。中国好声音导师那英说,“我们鼓励每位学员表现出他们最好的状态。即使他们没能被选为最好声音,我们也会告诉他们继续唱下去并歌随心动。”

    All of these elements make for lively entertainment . Na Ying , coach of " The Voice of China , " said , " We encourage each singer to give their best . So even if they 're not chosen as the winner , we tell them to develop their singing and follow their heart . "

  14. 他仍在继续的唱并演着??Livin'LaVidaLoca。

    And he continues to sing and act ? @ Livin ' La Vida Loca .

  15. 海南话歌要继续的唱下去!我会介绍更多的马来西亚朋友来听!

    Keep on singing ! I will get more Malaysian Hainanese to listen !

  16. 每逢曲中有停顿的地方,她就用抽抽噎噎的哭声来填补,然后又用震颤的女高音继续去唱歌词。

    Whenever there was a pause in the song she filled it with gasping , broken sobs , and then took up the lyric again in a quavering soprano .

  17. 既然现在你已经认识了这些单词,且能把握这首歌曲的大意,你可以继续听且跟着唱了。

    Now that you know the words and have grasped the general meaning of the song , you can continue to listen to the song while singing along .