
shéng tī
  • rope ladder
绳梯 [shéng tī]
  • [rope ladder]两边用绳而磴子用绳、木或金属做的梯子

绳梯[shéng tī]
  1. 他从绳梯上掉下来,受了重伤。

    He fell off the rope ladder and was hurt badly .

  2. “这是绳梯,”奶妈悲伤地回答道。

    This is the rope ladder , @ replied the nurse sadly .

  3. 在进入一个很深的岩洞之前,光是装配绳梯和建立供应基地就需要八天之久。(makeadescent下降)来自《用法词典》

    It can take as long as eight days to rig up rope ladders and to establish supply bases before a descent can be made into a very deep cave .

  4. 你船须将绳梯装在右舷侧。

    You must rig Jacob 's ladder on starboard side .

  5. 水手们在上岸之前做好了绳梯。

    The sailors finished rattling down before going ashore .

  6. 绳梯样固定器治疗长管状骨粉碎骨折的有限元分析

    Mechanical Analysis of Rope Ladder Fixator for Comminuted Fractures of Long Tubular Bone

  7. 把绳梯放在左舷上。

    Get a ladder over the port side .

  8. 他们把绳梯投到峭壁上,开始往上爬。

    They shot rope ladders over the face of these cliffs and began to pull themselves up .

  9. 我会派人带一条绳梯过去,这样今晚我就可以和我的妻子在一起。

    I will send somebody around with a rope ladder so that I can be with my wife tonight .

  10. 要想到达那个建造在树上的小屋,你得爬绳梯-一点说说容易做时难。

    To reach the tree-house you have to climb a rope ladder – which is easier said than done .

  11. 盗贼利用绳梯,在没有惊动感应器和警报器的情况下将主楼洗劫一空。

    Via a rope ladder , the men were able to ransack the main floor without tripping any sensors or alarms .

  12. 其中一名领袖通过绳梯从三楼爬下,在聚集在酒店周围的支持者的帮助下仓惶逃走。

    One of the leaders climbed down three floors using a rope , and was rushed away by supporters thronging the building .

  13. 快上来!她嚷嚷道。安妮和杰克抓住绳梯,开始向上爬。

    Come on up ! she called . Annie and Jack started up the rope ladder . They climbed up the tree house .

  14. 过去航船上搁加农炮弹的金属架子。他从船栏杆上吊起一架绳梯。

    A metal stand that formerly held cannon balls on sailing ships . He suspended a rope-ladder from the rail of the ship .

  15. 登山工具包括登山靴,冰爪,护目镜,铁头登山杖,冰镐,冰锥,铜锥和绳梯。

    Climbing kit includes climbing boots , crampons , snow goggles , alpenstocks , ice axes , ice pitons , piton hammers , and rope ladders .

  16. 杰克把桑姆的书放回了原处,然后,他和安妮离开了书屋,爬下了绳梯。

    Jack placed Slim 's book back on the stack of books . Then he and Annie left the tree house and climbed down the ladder .

  17. 比力许了一个愿,“我希望在花园的树上有一个小屋,还要有一个绳梯可以爬上去。”

    Billy made a wish ," I wish I had a tree house in the garden and it had a rope ladder I could climb up . "

  18. 结论股骨粉碎骨折后用绳梯样固定器固定比钢板更符合生物力学要求,有利于骨折愈合。

    Conclusion The rope ladder fixator for the comminuted femoral fractures has more coincidence with biomechanics and has more effects on the union of the femoral fracture than the plate fixation .

  19. 横档用的是红杉的树枝,既轻巧又结实,这套设备是由绳梯专家潘克洛夫一手做成的。

    As to the rounds , they were made of a sort of red cedar , with light , strong branches ; and this apparatus was wrought by the masterly hand of Pencroft .

  20. 因此赛勒斯·史密斯决定不再拖延,立刻开始制造结实的绳梯。以后只要把梯子拉起来,就没有上“花岗石宫”的道路了。

    Cyrus Harding , therefore , resolved to proceed without any further delay to the fabrication of a strong rope ladder , which , once raised , would render Granite House completely inaccessible .

  21. 我自己,当然先要得到您的允许,我在船头前桅的绳梯上守着,等我们到了鱼叉投得着的距离时,我就把鱼叉投出去。

    As for me , with your permission I 'll go perch on the bobstays under the bowsprit , and if we can get within a harpoon length , I 'll harpoon the brute .

  22. 据了解,这间奇特的“海盗船”卧室由史蒂夫设计制造,有索桥、岗亭、双层隐形滑道,铁牢房甚至一条通往贮藏室的绳梯。

    Created by designer Steve Kuhl , the special bedroom features a rope bridge , crow 's nest , a two-storey hidden slide , wrought-iron jail cell and even hidden rope ladder access to the closet .

  23. 绳梯水平连成一串的小绳,当作船体外衣,供人们作梯子登高他们把绳梯投到峭壁上,开始往上爬。

    Any of the small ropes fastened horizontally to the shrouds of a ship and forming a ladder for going aloft . They shot rope ladders over the face of these cliffs and began to pull themselves up .