
  • 网络Vitaly;vitali;Vitally
  1. 维塔利,你会很满意的。

    Vitaly , you 're going to have a great time .

  2. 我没有仔细思考过维塔利的脑子里到底在想什么。

    I never realized what was going on in vitaly 's head .

  3. 维塔利已经多次战斗在AEG公司拥有的事件,其中包括两次在斯台普斯中心。

    Vitali has fought multiple times at events owned by AEG , including twice at Staples Center .

  4. 克里琴科,他的哥哥维塔利在周末通过击倒古巴的前奥运会冠军奥德拉尼尔索利斯重获WBC重量级冠军头衔,原定于2009年与海耶比赛。

    Klitschko , whose brother Vitali retained his WBC heavyweight title by knocking out Cuba 's former Olympic champion Odlanier Solis at the weekend , was originally going to fight Haye in2009 .

  5. 维塔利将显示一个伟大业绩和卫冕冠军。

    Vitali will show a great performance and defend his title .

  6. 维塔利,我要你下车。

    Vitaly , I need you to get out of the car .

  7. 一场大屠杀发生了,就像维塔利所说的那样

    The massacre played out exactly how Vitaly predicted .

  8. 维塔利,我们一直知道这个事实.我们不能控制他们要干什么

    Vitaly , it 's what we always know : We can 't control what they do .

  9. 但俄罗斯体育部长维塔利.姆特科谴责这些指控是“延续对俄罗斯体育的信息攻击。”

    But Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko condemned the allegations as " a continuation of the information attack on Russian sport . "

  10. 除此之外,维塔利只是一个典型的9岁男孩,不教书时,他也热衷于电脑游戏。

    Other than that , he is just a typical nine-year-old who likes to play computer games when hes not teaching .

  11. 问题之一是,维塔利已经来了,他在美国作斗争的方式是他打架。

    One of the problems Vitali has had when he comes over to fight in America is the way he fights .

  12. 但是很多人认为是时候采取行动,这位不愿透露自己姓氏叫做维塔利的人说道:

    But many people think it is time for action , people like Vitaliy who did not want to give his last name .

  13. 利用外国人胸围例如,维塔利经过从头建立一个科幻人物设计的主要步骤。

    Using the example of an alien bust , Vitaly goes through the main steps of creating a sci-fi character design from scratch .

  14. 不需说维塔利在学校的评价很高,但是他的生活的另一方面,他与病魔做着斗争。

    Needless to say , Vitaly gets top marks in school . However , one area of his life in which he does struggle with is his health .

  15. 加州大学伯克利分校的粒子物理学家卡尔·哈伯和维塔利偶然在电台听到这些唱片保护者的困境。

    Enter Carl Haber and Vitaly Fadayev , particle physicists at the University of California , Berkeley who happened to hear a radio piece on the preservationist 's dilemma .

  16. 在电脑上将这些纹道处理成数字音乐后,哈伯和维塔利接着发明了一种软件来模仿唱针在纹道内旋转而重现音乐。

    After digitally reproducing the mapped grooves on a computer , Haber and Fadayev then created software to mimic the effect of a needle moving in the mapped grooves in order to re-create the sounds .

  17. 由于身体健康的问题,他不能时常去学校上课,现在他正请假在家。维塔利说:我想我不久就可以继续上课。

    Since he suffers with poor health , he is not always able to attend school , and he is currently taking a break from giving lectures . I think I will go back to lectures soon .

  18. 俄罗斯执政党统一俄罗斯党的国会议员维塔利?米洛诺夫敦促文化部部长在电影上映前先举行一场试映会,看其是否符合相关法律,如果发现“同性恋宣传成分”,可以“发出全面禁令”。

    But Vitaly Milonov , an MP of the governing United Russia party , urged the culture minister to hold a screening of the film before it was released to see if it complied with the law and to " take measures to totally ban " it if he found " elements of propaganda of homosexuality . "