
  • 网络vian;WAY-ON;Vivane;Octavian
  1. 她只是想拜倒戴维安的殿堂前。

    She wants to worship at the temple of devine .

  2. 伊森亨特和他的小队刚刚在罗马抓住了欧文戴维安。

    Ethan hunt and his team just grabbed Owen Davian in rome .

  3. 1867年8月5日,蒙特利奥航海公司的摩拉维安号

    On March 5 , 1867 , the Moravian from the Montreal Ocean Co. ,

  4. 不过百分之一对我们德内维安这样的公司来说实在是太高了。

    But one per cent is just too high for a company like denavian .

  5. 扎恩,一个戴维安女祭司被控残忍的杀死了她的爱人;

    Zhaan , a Delvian priestess jailed for the brutal murder of her lover ;

  6. 从我到这那一天起就想抓住戴维安。

    I 've been trying to bring Davian down since the day that I got here .

  7. 皮歇说,的维安情报搜集工作,了当地民众对夜间袭击的担忧。

    Pichet says improved security operations and intelligence gathering have eased tension in communities that once feared night-time attacks .

  8. 但有两个尊贵的妇人,古尔丹夫人(即布克侯爵夫人)和沙多维安伯爵夫人,感到那样赎罪还不够。

    But this expiation did not satisfy two sainted women , Madame Courtin , Marquise de Boucs , and the Comtesse de Chateauvieux .

  9. 片中的女主角维安具有一种特别的能预测顾客的巧克力口味的能力。

    The leading role in this movie , Vianne , has a special ability to predict her customer 's particular tastes in chocolate .

  10. 摩拉维安号被撞以后,一定要把它从加拿大载来的二百三十六名乘客一齐带到海底去。

    the Moravian would surely have split open from this collision and gone down together with those 237 passengers it was bringing back from Canada .

  11. 她们的第一个修院是用布克夫人和沙多维安夫人的钱在卡塞特街“修建一新”的。

    Their first convent was " a new building " in the Rue Cassette , out of the contributions of Mesdames de Boucs and de Chateauvieux .

  12. 潘基文可以为较落后的国家做更多贴心的事,例如在这些国家的发展和维安方面都有可为之处,投桃报李,他将可以寻求更大的权力。

    In return for doing more on issues dear to the poor world , like development or peacekeeping , which require heavier spending , he will seek greater power .

  13. 在对巴格达进行维安之前,美军曾经尝试过类似行动,只要部队移防他处,当地便重燃战火。

    The Americans have tried before to impose order on Baghdad , only for violence to flare again as soon as the troops move on ( see article ) .

  14. 喜鹊是种黑白相间的大鸟,十分配这款酒的名字&黑色的设拉子和白色的维安尼亚。

    The magpie is a large black and white bird which is a most suitable name for this wine – a blend the black Shiraz and the white Viognier grape .