
  • 网络vino
  1. 移动无线传感器网络中基于锚节点的维诺路由协议AVRP。

    Dynamic anchor-based voronoi routing protocol for mobile wireless sensor networks ( AVRP ) .

  2. 维诺格拉德富里叶变换算法(WFTA)

    Winograd Fourier Transform Algorithm ( WFTA )

  3. 因饰演可爱的瑞秋·格林而一直被人们所熟识的安妮斯顿依旧获得了Aveeno(艾维诺,美国强生公司的下属公司)及Smartwater(可口可乐高端瓶装水品牌)等几家公司的重要代言合同。

    Forever recognizable as the lovable Rachel Green , Aniston continues to score major endorsement deals with companies like Aveeno and Smartwater .

  4. 伦敦金融城的天际线正在涌现不规则的形状,从罗杰斯勋爵的被称为“奶酪刨”(Cheesegrater)的Leadenhall大楼,到维诺里的位于芬丘奇街(FenchurchStreet)20号的“对讲机”(WalkieTalkie)大楼。

    The City of London 's skyline is sprouting unusual shapes , from Lord Rogers " " Cheesegrater " Leadenhall Building to Mr Vi ñ oly 's " Walkie Talkie " at 20 Fenchurch Street .

  5. 维诺庭园中的无价之宝&美国国家插画博物馆

    Priceless Treasure in Vernon Court & The National Museum of American Illustration

  6. 分析师表示特维诺喜欢这种哲塔斯主义,

    Analysts say Trevino relished in this kind of Zetaism ,

  7. 而特维诺的魔爪也将暴力伸向美国。

    And Trevino 's reach of violence also extends into the US .

  8. 评译华罗庚致维诺格拉多夫的几封信

    A translation and commentary of four letters from Hua Loo-Keng to I. M. Vinogradov

  9. 格里和维诺里已经在纽约设计了这样的楼群;

    Mr Gehry and Mr Vi ñ oly have designed such blocks in New York ;

  10. 佳维诺得去看着它们。

    Gavino has to tend them .

  11. 看看维诺尼卡,显然她已经掌握了自己的命运。

    Looking at Veronica , it 's obvious that she 's taking control of her fate .

  12. 矩阵乘经典算法和维诺格拉得快速算法的研究

    Analysis of algorithms for matrix multiplication

  13. 我亲爱的维诺妮卡,你现在开始全面认识到这就是你的工作。

    My dear Veronica , you are now beginning to fully understand that this is your work .

  14. 但维诺科医生表示,人们在对头部受伤流血部位施压时应该格外小心。

    But Doctor Vinocur says people have to be extra careful about putting pressure on bleeding head wounds .

  15. 维诺承认在去年夏天这一时间曾向一名未知身份女子发送色情信息和照片。

    Weiner acknowledged sending x-rated text messages and photos to an unidentified woman as recently as last summer .

  16. 她怪自己命不好,“我没有维诺尼卡那么幸运。”是她的口头禅。

    She blames fate . " I 'm not as lucky as Veronica , " she often says .

  17. 维诺科医生任教于马里兰大学医学院,并担任美国急诊医学学会发言人。

    Doctor Vinocur teaches at the University of Maryland medical school and speaks for the American College of Emergency Medicine .

  18. 不过贝劳德表示,安妮斯顿仍然可以同时与这两家公司合作,因为Neotensil与艾维诺的产品没有竞争关系。

    But Beraud says Aniston 's able to continue working with both brands because Neotensil 's not competitive with Aveeno products .

  19. 维诺表示,他认为选举人更加注重的是他们面对的挑战,而不是他自己过去的不良行为。

    Weiner says he thinks voters are more interested in the challenges they face than in any of his past embarrassments .

  20. 格雷森教授引用在2011年一位哲塔斯成员接受休斯顿时报采访时描述特维诺详细列出的另一个把戏。

    Grayson cites another recruiting tactic of Trevino 's detailed in a 2011 Houston Chronical interview with a member of the Zetas .

  21. 哈萨克旅游和体育部的一位官员告诉路透社,维诺库罗夫在近期并没有任何回到哈萨克的计划。

    An official at the Kazakhstan tourism and Sport Ministry told Reuters that Vinokourov had no intention of returning to kazakhstanany time soon .

  22. 在距离维诺妮卡卖农产品的市场不远的地方,一群女孩儿在属于她们的俱乐部唱歌跳舞。

    Not far from the market where Veronica sells her produce , a group of girls dance and sing in their club quarters .

  23. 特维诺的其他把戏就是砍头,并将对手或者其他穿过卡特尔人的尸体悬挂在桥上。

    Trevino 's other signatures , be headings , and leaving the bodies of rivals or those who otherwise crossed the cartel , hanging from bridges .

  24. 维诺尼卡经常会泡在图书馆中,读万卷书、行万里路令她在任何社交场合都游刃有余,并且成为人们关注的焦点。

    She goes to the library frequently and her extensive knowledge and experience allow her to take part in any conversation and become the center of attention .

  25. 通过与万事达基金合作,孟加拉乡村进步委员会为像维诺妮卡这样的年轻妇女提供小额贷款,帮助他们发掘自己的潜能,创立自己的事业。

    BRAC with its partner the MasterCard Foundation provides microfinance loans to young women like Veronica so they may realise their potential and establish their own businesses .

  26. 还有邦迪,也包括露得清、艾维诺等很多人们并不知晓,但属于我们强生家族的消费品公司。

    But then it also includes Neutrogena and Aveeno and a lot of consumer companies that people would not know belong to the J & J family .

  27. 威廉玛丽教授,研究哲塔斯的专家乔治·格雷森表示随着特维诺的落网,绝对的恶魔已经被根除。

    William & Mary professor George Grayson , an expert on the Zetas , says with the capture of Trevino , an absolute demon has been removed .

  28. 斑马军团将会在周三下午恢复训练,届时他们将在维诺沃基地的尤文图斯中心进行新赛季以来的首堂训练课。

    The bianconeri will the return to training on Wednesday afternoon when they will hold the first training session of the season at the Juventus Center in Vinovo .

  29. 在获得第一次贷款之后,维诺妮卡的事业就开始起飞,而获得200美元的第二次贷款之后,她正在进行进一步扩展。

    Veronica 's business took off after her first loan , and now she 's expanding it even further with a second BRAC loan of nearly USD $ 200 .

  30. 特里维诺的例子或许是极端的,但它提出了非常重要的问题:如果我们不睡觉(或睡得不够充足),我们的梦会怎样?

    Trevino 's case may be extreme , but it raises important questions : If we don 't sleep ( or sleep enough ), what happens to our dreams ?