
  1. 本研究从我国大学存在的实际问题着手,对大学年轻教师选聘制度进行理性上的重新审视与思考,综合各学科理论知识,并借鉴国外大学先进经验,提出了优化的建议。

    The thesis begins with problems existed in our systems , and makes a rational re-examine and thinking about the current systems , and also learns from international countries , lastly raises some optimized suggestions .

  2. 文章综合前人理论,就知识员工的敬业行为加以界定。

    The study synthesizes the former theories , defines the engaged behavior of knowledge workers .

  3. 理论教学内容是基础,综合性实验是理论知识的应用和验证,而课程设计则是综合运用课程所学的理论性知识及实验得到的实践性知识,研究和解决实际问题。

    Theory teaching is the foundation , comprehensive experimentation is the application and validation of theories . The aim of course design is to analyze and resolve problems applying theory and practice knowledge .

  4. 本文综合利用颜色技术理论知识、多光谱技术知识结合数字图像处理技术,针对古画的颜色修复方法进行研究。首先,利用多光谱采集设备获取颜色精度较高的古画数字图像。

    This paper contributes in fixing color of old painting using color technology combined with multi-spectral digital image processing technology . Firstly , high precision digital image paintings are acquired through multi-spectral acquisition equipment .

  5. 本文以新疆葡萄产业为研究对象,主要以比较优势和竞争优势为理论依据,综合相关学科的理论知识,运用定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法、比较分析法以及因素分析法。

    The research mainly based on the theory of comparative advantage and competitive advantage , comprehending related discipline theory knowledge , using the method of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis , the comparative analysis and factor analysis .

  6. 指导毕业设计(论文)是培养学生综合运用能力和创新素质的关键环节,也是大学生综合所学的理论知识分析解决实际问题的一次系统训练和检验过程。

    Guide design project for graduation is an important segment for training students in the comprehensive ability and the bring forth new ideas , and it is a system training and examining process that students resolve reality problems with learning knowledge .