
lǜ zhōu
  • oasis
绿洲 [lǜ zhōu]
  • [oasis] 孤立的有植被的小块肥沃地(如在沙漠中的)

绿洲[lǜ zhōu]
  1. 小区将成为文化绿洲。

    The housing estate will become a cultural oasis .

  2. 基于MODIS数据的金塔绿洲上空大气水汽含量反演研究

    MODIS-based reversion of atmospheric water vapor content over Jinta Oasis

  3. 它在他眼前晃动,好像海市蜃楼里的绿洲。

    It hovered before his eyes like the mirage of an oasis .

  4. 绿洲里有村庄和城镇。

    In the oases , there are villages and towns .

  5. 人们也住在绿洲之外。

    People also live outside the oases .

  6. 我们称这些地方为绿洲。

    We call these places oases .

  7. 他们在沙漠中的绿洲停下来过夜。

    They stopped for the night at an oasis .

  8. 2.5KaBP以来额济纳绿洲沙丘的粒度特征及其反映的沉积过程

    Grain-size Characteristics of Sand Dunes in the Ejin Oasis since 2 . 5 ka BP and Related Sedimentary Process

  9. 绿洲PRED系统及其协调初探&以甘肃武威地区绿洲为例


  10. 荒漠绿洲PRED系统特征与可持续发展定量研究

    Characteristics of the Oasis PRED System and Quantitative Study on Its Sustainable Development

  11. 其次从绿洲、绿洲-荒漠交错带、荒漠的角度进一步探讨研究区LUCC特征。

    Next from the angle of oasis , oasis & desert mixed zone and the desert , we further discussed the features of LUCC .

  12. 根据遥感图象(TM)对叶尔羌河平原绿洲水盐监测区进行了土地类型的判读,区分农区和非农区两大类型。

    The water and salt monitoring region of Yerqiang River basin plain oasis are divided into two categories , agriculture area and non-agriculture area , based on the Remote Sensing imagines ( TM ) .

  13. 绿洲是西北干旱区最主要的农业生产基地,但在西部大开发生态建设的要求下和中国加入WTO的冲击下,绿洲地区传统的灌溉农业急需进行结构调整。

    Oasis is the foremost base of agriculture production in arid regions of northwest China . Under the requirement of the ecological development in west development and the impact of China entering WTO , the agriculture framework in oasis regions need to adjust urgently .

  14. 绿洲的Bowen比大约是周围荒漠戈壁的1/20,相差一个量级,这说明绿洲和周围荒漠的气候特征相差十分明显。

    The Bowen ratio of oasis is about 1 / 20 that of Gobi , showing an obvious difference in climatic features between oasis and Gobi .

  15. 因此,每年黑河水来水量必须保证在3.2亿m3以上才可以确保绿洲生态不恶化,不会向着逆向进行演替。

    The annual water inflow of Heihe River has to be guaranteed over than 320 million m3 , in that case , the ecological environment would not get worse and adverse succession could be prevented .

  16. 石河子地区100km范围内沙漠对绿洲的增温平均1.76℃(1~2℃);

    The added temperature is average 1 . 76 ℃ . about the scope of 100 km in Shihezi Area ;

  17. 研究表明:奇台县绿洲地下水埋深已低于影响地表盐渍化的水位埋深临界值(5m),地下水矿化度低于3g/L,研究区整体处于有利于土壤盐渍化逆向演替的环境。

    The results show that Qitai oasis has already in a circumstance which is valuable for soil-salinization reversal evolvement . Groundwater table is below 5 meters , the critical point which will affect the surface salt accumulation .

  18. 从生产饲料的角度,经模糊综合评价,得到景泰荒漠绿洲区最佳玉米牧草立体种植模式为:燕麦与箭舌豌豆混播与玉米套种,带幅150cm。

    From the view of fodder production and analysis of fuzzy , the optimum model in Jingtai Desert Oasis area was oat mixed sowing with vetch and intercropping with maize , and 150 cm between rows .

  19. 干旱区绿洲生态农业发展模式研究

    A Study of the Ecological Agricultural Development Mode in Arid Areas

  20. 银川平原绿洲的稳定性与可持续发展

    The Stability and Sustainable Development Measures of Yinchuan Plain 's Oasis

  21. 绿洲土地利用变化未来趋势预测及其调控研究

    Study on Forecasting and Regulation of Future Trend of Oasis Landuse

  22. 水环境约束下的干旱区绿洲城镇化

    Analysis of effect of dry land water environment on oasis urbanization

  23. 荒漠绿洲节水灌溉制度及效益评价

    The Water-saving Irrigation System and the Benefit Analysis in Ejina Oasis

  24. 河西绿洲区储水灌溉节水技术研究

    Research on Water-saving Techniques of Water-storing Irrigation in Hexi Oasis Areas

  25. 将改造成自由和公正的绿洲。

    Will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice .

  26. 本文利用热脉冲技术对黑河下游额济纳绿洲的柽柳灌丛液流进行了测定。

    The heat-pulse technique was applied to the observation of Tamarix .

  27. 绿洲城镇化对水资源的影响研究

    The Impacts of the Urbanization on Water Resource of the Oasis

  28. 甘肃民勤绿洲近年来生态治理政策在农户中的响应

    Response of Households to Eco-environment Control Policies in Minqin in Recent Years

  29. 新疆绿洲发生发展研究

    Research of the Oases Shaping Process and Development in Xinjiang

  30. 绿洲农区土地可持续利用初步研究&以河西走廊临泽样区为例

    Sustainable use of land resources of Linze zone in the Hexi Corridor