
  • 网络green bond
  1. 10月22日,中国农业银行的绿色债券在伦敦证券交易所成功上市。

    Agricultural Bank of China ( ABC ) green bond was listed on the London Stock Exchange ( LSE ) Thursday .

  2. 大家曾经设想出一种更拉风的绿色债券。

    A funkier sort of green bond was once envisaged .

  3. 这些组合将以绿色债券为主,有望获得AA甚至更高的评级,还将拥有不少于三方的发行人,并且没有哪方会占据投资组合的大头。

    They will be dominated by green bonds , rated AA or higher , and include those of at least three issuers , with none commanding a majority of the portfolio .

  4. 国际金融公司资金部主管本杰明鲍威尔(BenjaminPowell)表示,绿色债券代表着切合气候友好型投资需求的资本市场解决方案,越来越受企业欢迎。

    Benjamin Powell , head of funding at the IFC , said green bonds represented a capital markets solution to the need for climate friendly investment and were increasingly popular with companies .

  5. 10月19日道富环球投资管理公司(SSgA)公布了一项绿色债券投资战略。

    On October19th State Street Global Advisors ( SSgA ), a big asset-management firm , unveiled a green-bond investment strategy .

  6. 绿色债券的宗旨是筹集资金用于环保目的。

    Green bonds are designed to raise funds for environmentally friendly purposes .

  7. 绿色债券的收益将通过一个专门的“绿色账户”来使用。

    A special " green account " will be used for proceeds from green bonds .

  8. 绿色债券支持减轻影响和顺应变化的行动

    Green bonds support mitigation and adaptation

  9. 由于还没有任何绿色债券指数可供参考,有关投资组合会按特定的规则进行划分。

    In the absence of a green-bond index , the relevant portfolios will be bound by certain rules .

  10. 私营公司发行的绿色债券(这类债券的所筹资金用来资助有利于环境的资本投资)急剧增长。

    Private sector companies ' issuance of green bonds , which fund environmentally beneficial capital investment , is growing rapidly .

  11. 投资者对绿色债券的投资意愿也在快速增长,部分原因是有更多基金经理获得了投资于气候友好型项目的授权。

    Appetite for green bonds is also growing quickly , partly because more fund managers have mandates to invest in climate-friendly projects .

  12. 相反,最近流行的是设法通过发行“绿色债券”等创新方式,争取私人投资者支持社会公益项目。

    Instead , the fashion these days is finding ways to get private investors to back socially worthy projects , via innovations such as " green " bonds .

  13. 评级机构标准普尔(Standard&Poor's)称,今年企业绿色债券市场预计将达到200亿美元,为2013年总发行量的两倍以上。

    The corporate green bond market is expected to reach $ 20bn this year , according to rating agency Standard & Poor 's , more than twice the total issuance in 2013 .

  14. 世界银行和其它多边债权人明码标上绿色而发行的债券倒是好算,目前已有高达50亿美元的绿色债券推向了市场;

    Bonds that are explicitly advertised as green , mostly issued by the World Bank and other multilateral lenders , are easier to count . Around $ 5 billion-worth have been issued ;

  15. 为了鼓励大家积极参与,世界银行在介绍绿色项目时都会对绿色债券做个推广。

    To encourage this , the World Bank briefs them on its green projects .

  16. 还有个更现实的动机就是,绿色投资有助于提升形象&世行一改清高做派,会在发行绿色债券的时候公布投资人的名单。

    A more obviously venal motive is that green investing is good for the image & unusually , the World Bank publishes the names of investors in its green offerings .