
  • 网络green mine
  1. 绿色矿山建设中的3S技术支持

    3S Technology Support in Construction of " Green Mine "

  2. 研究了3S集成技术为绿色矿山建设提供技术支持的建设目标和关键技术问题。

    The goal and key techniques in providing the technical support to the construction of " green mine " by 3S integration technology are studied .

  3. 发展矿业循环经济建设绿色矿山

    Developing recycling economy on mining and building green mines

  4. 发展循环经济打造绿色矿山&新城金矿环境保护工作的探索与尝试

    Developing cyclic economy and building green mines , the research and practice of environmental protection in Xincheng Gold Mine

  5. 建立绿色矿山建设考评指标体系对于矿山企业创建绿色矿山具有重要意义。

    It is of great significance o establish a green mine evaluation index system for creating the green mine .

  6. 绿色矿山是一种全新的矿山发展模式,已被认为是解决矿山可持续发展的最佳途径。

    Green mine is a brand-new mine development mode and has been considered as the optimal solution for mine sustainable development .

  7. 采取的技术措施及项目管理经验,值得黄金行业借鉴或参考,为黄金行业发展循环经济,建设绿色矿山发挥积极的推动作用。

    The accepted technique and project management experience can be useful for other gold enterprises to promote the cyclic economy and building green mines .

  8. 建设项目兼顾了矿山经济效益和环境因素,为建设河北省绿色矿山示范区进行了有益的探索。

    Instructive research on building " Green Mine " demonstration plot in Hebei province is realized in construction project which give attention to economic benefit of the mine and environmental factors .

  9. 结合石家庄社会经济发展和矿业现状阐述了绿色矿山建设的必要性。

    In this article with the development of social economy of Shijiazhuang and the current situation of mining industry the comment on the necessity to construct the green mine was put forward .

  10. 其次,通过分析绿色矿山内涵与建设历程及在可持续发展的新形势下对矿业发展的新要求,得出了我国煤炭类绿色矿山在资源综合利用过程中所面临的问题。

    Secondly , by analyzing the connotation and construction process of green mining and the new requirements for the development of mining under the new situations of sustainable development , the thesis concludes the problems which coal green mining faces in the comprehensive utilization of resources in China .

  11. 绿色生态材料在矿山高边坡防护中的应用

    Application of green ecological material to mine high slope protection

  12. 绿色生态材料与矿山复绿研究

    Research of Green Ecological Material s and Mine Recovery

  13. 解决问题的根本出路是贯彻科学发展观,走绿色矿业道路;矿山公园是这一思想的最佳体现。

    The basic solution is to implement scientific outlook on development and green mine conception , and the Mining Park is the best demonstration of this idea .

  14. 借鉴国外绿色建筑评估体系来研究我国绿色矿山建筑标准的建立和实施

    The research assessment system for green building of the overses main and our country mining green building standard model and Implementation