
  • 网络green textile
  1. 组合预测法分析绿色纺织品的市场销量

    Analysis of sales volume of green textile with combinatorial forecast method

  2. 绿色纺织品贸易作为绿色贸易的主要组成部分,已成为世界各国人民关注的焦点之一。

    As an indispensable part , green textile has been the hottest point .

  3. 以保护环境,研究开发绿色纺织品为出发点,分别介绍了绿色纤维Tencel和羊绒纤维的结构与性能特点,指出两种纤维在性能上有很好的互补性与匹配性。

    For the purpose of protecting environment and exploiting environment friendly textile , we introduce the features in structure and property of environment friendly Tencel fiber and cashmere fiber .

  4. 纺织工业绿色纺织品的设计与开发

    The Design and Development of Green Textiles in Textile Industry

  5. 积极研发绿色纺织品和生态服装;

    Ecological Green textiles and clothing positive development ;

  6. 绿色纺织品对企业带来很好的环境生态效益和绿色市场信誉。

    Green textile takes good environmental ecological benefit and green market reputation for Enterprise .

  7. 绿色纺织品的研制和消费将成为21世纪的发展趋势。

    Preparing and consuming of green textiles will be the developing trend in the 21st century .

  8. 绿色纺织品的开发和研究

    Development and study of green textiles

  9. 关于绿色纺织品开发

    On the development of green textiles

  10. 绿色纺织品的开发方向

    Developing Direction of Green Textile

  11. 为了适应当今绿色纺织品发展的趋势,重视服装对人体健康的影响,在标准的制定中加强了对生态指标的研究。

    In order to adapt to the trends of development Eco-Textiles , the ecological indexes were augmented when the standard was set .

  12. 为了使彩色棉符合绿色纺织品的要求,必须采用无害、无污染或少污染的前处理工艺。

    A harmless , non pollution or less pollution pretreatment must be adopted for meeting the requirements of " Green Textiles " .

  13. 为此,在此文中,笔者从纺织生产生态学、纺织消费生态学和废弃纺织品处理生态学三方面阐述了什么叫绿色纺织品及绿色纺织品的研制。

    Therefore , in this article , the author discusses the green textiles and its production from ecological textiles , consumption textiles and discard textiles .

  14. 绿色纺织品越来越引起人们的重视,而环保染料是保证绿色纺织品的重要条件之一。

    Green textiles have become more and more popular , while using environment-friendly dyes is one of the important preconditions to guarantee them " preen " .

  15. 从化学结构和应用两方面详细分析活性染料和直接染料的生态毒理特性,指出活性染料是一类很有发展前途的染料,对环保型染料和绿色纺织品的发展具有重要意义。

    The ecological and toxicological properties of reactive dyes and direct dyes used for cellulose fiber were in detail analyzed in this paper from the two respects , i. e. their chemical structure and their application .

  16. 纺织印染行业必须充分了解和认识包括生产生态学、用户生态学和处理生态学在内的纺织生态学的全部内容和有关法令,以及如何生产出绿色纺织品供应市场。

    Domestic textile dyeing and printing industry must fairly know and recognize the details about textile ecology concerning eco-manufacture , eco-customer , eco-treatment and relevant laws as well as how to produce " green textiles " to share the market .

  17. 竹纤维的开发突破了传统的竹材应用领域,符合开发绿色纺织品的潮流,提高了纺织品的档次,增加了产品在国际市场上的竞争力。

    The exploitation of the bamboo fiber will break through the scopes of utilization of bamboo , accord with the world 's textile current of exploiting green textile material , elevate the lever of the textile material , improve the competition force in the worldwide market .

  18. 阐述了作为绿色纺织品主要基础的环保型染料的生态学和毒理学要求、内容与注意点,并指出了环保型染料是现代染料工业的核心产品和开发方向。

    Core product and develop trend in modern dyestuff industry is environment - friendly dyestuff , which is the main basis of the green textile . This paper reviewed the requirement of ecology and the toxicology , the content and some important points on environment - friendly dyestuff .

  19. 课题的研究为绿色抗菌纺织品的发展起到了积极的探索和实践作用。

    The study on this paper has played an active exploration and practice role for the development of green antibacterial textiles .

  20. 染整加工后排放的污水量少,且容易净化处理,染整加工产品是生态(绿色)纺织品。

    It produces less amount of sewage , and easy to purify the processing , dyeing and finishing products are ecological ( green ) textiles after dyeing and finishing .

  21. 随着人们崇尚自然,回归自然的需求和环境保护意识的不断增强,绿色保健纺织品日益受到人们的青睐。

    With people 's requirement of the return to nature and strengthen of environmental protection consciousness , " Green " health care function textiles is favored by consumers gradually .

  22. 新标准的颁发使绿色环保成为纺织品及床垫等类似用品技术性贸易壁垒发展的主要趋势。

    The new standards make green environment protection the main trend of technical trade barrier of products like textiles and bed mattresses .

  23. 前言:加入世贸组织后,绿色壁垒对纺织品贸易的影响主要表现为两个方面:一是市场准入,二是竞争力。

    After WTO , the influence of green barrier to the textile trade mainly comes from two parts : one is the market permission system , the other is the competition .

  24. 绿色浪潮、绿色纤维和绿色纺织品(三)

    Green Tide , Green Fibre and Green Textiles (ⅲ)

  25. 绿色染整是用环保纤维生产绿色纺织品的保证。

    While green dyeing and finishing is the assurance of green textile production with eco-fibers .

  26. 随着绿色环保理念的深入人心,市场对绿色纺织品的呼声和消费需求越来越高,对天然彩色棉产品的开发寄予很大的希望。

    With the growing popularity of the concept of green environmental protection , market preference of " green " textiles and consumers ' demand for natural colored cotton products are increasing .

  27. 从绿色消费时尚及中国即将加入WTO着眼,介绍了关于绿色纺织品的含义、标志、织物上有害物质的情况及开发绿色纺织品的方向。

    With a view to the green consumption fashion and our presently joining in WTO , the concept and sign of green textiles and harmful substances in textile fabric are introduced . Moreover , some effective approaches to develop green textiles are analysed .