
  • 网络green corridor
  1. 塔里木河下游绿色走廊生态环境与前景

    Ecologic environment and prospects of the green corridor in the lower reaches of Tarim River

  2. 浅析塔里木河下游绿色走廊输水后生态与环境的变化

    Eco-environment changes after water diversion to " Green Corridor " at lower reaches of Tarim river

  3. 其中,人为干扰是绿色走廊现代生态环境演变过程中最重要最活跃的控制因素。

    The interruption of people is the most important controlling factor in them .

  4. 塔里木河下游绿色走廊的沙漠化及其防治

    Desertification and its Control along the Banks of the Lower Reaches of the Tarim River

  5. 抢救绿色走廊

    Salvage the Green Corridor

  6. 绿色走廊的演变受到构造运动、气候波动和人为干扰等因素的影响。

    The evolution of green corridor in Hetian river has been impacted by geology , climate and people 's interruption .

  7. 水是和田河绿色走廊形成与演变最重要的因素。

    The water resources is the most important factor in the formation and evolution of the green corridor of Hetian River .

  8. 塔里木河下游绿色走廊特点及衰败成因分析

    Analysis on the Features and the Decline Causes of the Green Corridor at the Lower Reaches of the Mainstream of Tarim River

  9. 从不同的角度,对绿色走廊的现状与未来进行了广泛有益的讨论。

    Some research workers carried out wide-ranging discussions and studies on the status and the future of the green belt from different viewpoints .

  10. 和田河是目前唯一穿越塔克拉玛干沙漠的河流,和田河地表水资源是和田绿洲的主要水源,浇灌着塔克拉玛干沙漠中的绿色走廊。

    As the only river that traverses the Taklimakan Desert , water resources in Hotan Catchment is the main source of Hotan oasis-Green Corridor in the Desert .

  11. 西部干旱区生态需水的规律及特点&以塔里木河下游绿色走廊为例

    Patterns and characteristics of ecological water demand in west arid zone of China - A case study of green corridor in the lower reaches of Tarim River

  12. 塔里木河下游绿色走廊土地荒漠化驱动因子贡献度研究&基于投影寻踪回归模型

    Contribution Degrees of the Desertification Driving Factors of the Green Corridor in the Lower of Tarim River Watershed & Based on the Model of Projection Pursuit Regression

  13. 本文通过对塔木河下游绿色走廊生态环境现状调查,分析了走廊地下水状况,对绿色走廊进行了三段划分,依次为繁茂带、散生带和恶变带。

    This paper analyses the necessity and importance of protecting the Green Corridor at lower reaches of the Tarim river from three perspectives of economic , military and ecological significance .

  14. 西安市园林绿地系统规划从自然、历史、生态、景观四个方面构建富有地方特色的绿地体系,最终形成生态基质.绿色走廊.绿地斑块的生态性型景观格局。

    Xi'an Landscape Green Space System Plan constructs an green space system full of local feature through four aspects : nature , history , ecology and landscape , forming an ecological landscape structure with ecological base , green corridor , and green space bolcks .

  15. 最终把河西地区建成一个经济持续发展、人民生活水平显著提高、生态环境逐步改善的绿色生态走廊和经济可持续发展走廊。

    Based on these , the final objective is to construct Hexi region into a green corridor with economic sustainable development , people life level increasing markedly and eco environment improving gradually .