
  1. 磷酸单酯变性淀粉在绿豆凉粉中的应用研究

    Study on the application of phosphate monoester modified starch in mung bean jelly

  2. 探讨了用绿豆凉粉泔水研制清凉饮料的工艺过程和方法。

    The technological process for making a refreshing drink from mungbean protein-swill was investigated .

  3. 把凉透的绿豆凉粉切成细条状,放到一个中碗里。混合所有酱料淋在凉粉上。稍微拌匀。

    Place thinly shredded jelly in a medium mixing bowl , and mix sauce ingredients and pour over , stir gently .