
biān zǔ
  • marshalling;organize into groups;gang;form groups;gand-up
编组 [biān zǔ]
  • (1) [marshalling]∶[铁路]在编组场调度列车的各部分

  • (2) [form groups]∶按一定人数或其它条件组合成小组

编组[biān zǔ]
  1. 因此,在进行编组的时候,需要将此零索引参数重命名为course。

    So rename this zeroth index parameter to course when performing marshalling .

  2. 解组从编组创建的XML文档。

    Then it unmarshals the XML document created from the marshalling .

  3. 她未列入该编组使大家感到惊讶。

    Everyone was surprised at her omission from the squad .

  4. Controllerlink现场总线在编组站自动化中的应用

    Implementation of Controller Link Site Bus in the Automation of Marshalling Yard

  5. 基于数学形态学和相位编组SAR影像道路自动提取

    Automatic road extraction from SAR images based on mathematical morphology and phase group

  6. 编组组件内嵌有XML解析器,可以确信它们完全实现了语法。

    Marshalling components embed an XML parser , so you can be sure that they implement the syntax fully .

  7. 工业编组站MIS决策支持若干问题的数学模型

    Mathematics Models of Some Decision Support in Management Information System at Industry Marshalling Yard

  8. 利用随机Petri网对编组站作业系统建模及分析的研究

    Study on methodology of stochastic Petri Nets for modelling and analysis of marshalling station operation system

  9. 基于HLA的铁路编组站技术作业仿真系统

    HLA-based Railway Marshalling Station Technological Process Simulation System

  10. 介绍德国第三代ICE列车的设计构想、编组、牵引及制动设备;

    The design plot , marshalling , traction and brake equipment of the third generation of ICE trains in Germany are described .

  11. WSDL编组和分组方法

    WSDL marshalling and unmarshalling approach

  12. 定义表示图书资源的Java对象,提供Java代码或注释来编组和解组Java对象。

    Define the Java objects that represent the book resource , and provide the Java code or annotations to marshall and unmarshall the Java objects .

  13. 因此在Java和XML环境中,编组就是把一些Java对象转化成一个(或多个)XML文档。

    So in a Java and XML environment , marshalling would involve converting some set of Java objects to an XML document ( or documents ) .

  14. 这些实现通常使用XML解析器来编组/解组消息,同时使用JavaHTTP类来发送和接收XML文档。

    These implementations typically use an XML parser to marshal / unmarshal information , and Java HTTP classes needed to send and receive the XML documents .

  15. 编组(Marshalling)是把内存中的数据转化到存储媒介上的过程。

    Marshalling is the process of converting data in memory to a storage medium .

  16. ICF驱动器靶场编组站热稳定性分析研究

    Thermal Stability Analysis and Research of Switchyard in ICF Driver 's Target Area

  17. 在JavaEE6中,JAXB通过默认启用的编组优化来改进性能。

    In Java EE6 , JAXB offers improved performance through marshalling optimizations enabled by default .

  18. 然后必须将数据库内容读取到对象模型中,并请求底层框架将其内部的结构编组为XML格式。

    You would then have to read the contents of the database into your object model and then request the underlying framework to marshall its internal structure to an XML format .

  19. 浅谈CIPS管控一体对编组站的影响

    Effect of Integrated Management and Control of CIPS on Marshalling Station

  20. 但其中最值得注意的问题是,有时候XML文档被读入、处理然后供其他应用程序使用,而不是被编组回到XML。

    The glaring issue here , though , is that sometimes XML documents are read in , manipulated , and used by other applications , rather than being marshalled back out to XML .

  21. 如果不提到另一种选择,即XML编组库形式的解析,如Castor,本文就不完整。

    This article would not be complete if it failed to mention an alternative to parsing in the form of XML marshaling libraries such as Castor .

  22. 在企业级应用程序中,从服务器端到客户端编组复杂的业务逻辑和手工处理每个Ajax调用需要付出艰辛的努力。

    In an enterprise application , marshalling sophisticated business logic from server to client and taking care of each Ajax call manually is a strenuous effort .

  23. 编组站CIPS系统的调度计划管理

    Dispatching Plan Management of Marshalling Yard CIPS System

  24. EMF产生的代码使得可以直接生成API,用来支持WSDL文件的编组和解组,以及底层的模型管理。

    Using the EMF-based code generation allows for a very straight-forward creation of an API that supports both WSDL marshalling and unmarshalling and underlying model manipulation .

  25. MVB为快速响应的过程控制总线,对于固定编组的列车,也可以用作列车总线。

    MVB can still be used for train bus if the train is fixed organized .

  26. 元数据是根据称为方面(facets)的几个独立类别进行编组的,每个方面都采用了一些值。

    The metadata is organized in several independent categories , called facets , each of which can take a number of values .

  27. 一旦绑定编译器修改了Java类文件,那么您就可以准备使用JiBX运行时来对文档进行数据编组和数据编出。

    Once the binding compiler has modified your Java class files , you 're ready to use the JiBX runtime for marshalling and unmarshalling documents .

  28. 进行O/X映射时,您经常会看到编组(marshalling)和解组(unmarshalling)这两个术语。

    You frequently see the words marshalling and unmarshalling used in conjunction with O / X mapping .

  29. 改进了相位编组线段检测算法,参考Canny算子提取的边缘信息辅助提取线段特征。

    The gradient direction group line segment extraction algorithm was improved by referring to the edge information obtained by Canny operator .

  30. 通过满足上述要求,这个框架允许程序员将多个XML文档读入内存(解组),修改DOM,然后将更改保存回一个XML文档(编组)。

    By satisfying the requirements above , the framework allows programmers to read XML documents in ( unmarshalling ), modify the DOM , and save changes back to an XML document ( marshalling ) .