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fénɡ zhì
  • sew;make
缝制 [féng zhì]
  • [sew] 用针缝合

  • 为一家人缝制衣服和软鞋,并在上面绣花

  1. 她的婚纱是手工缝制的。

    Her wedding dress was stitched by hand .

  2. 在地下室里,15名员工正在忙着缝制定做的外套。

    In the basement fifteen employees are busy making bespoke coats .

  3. 每一件东西都是莫莉灵巧的双手缝制出来的。

    Everything had been stitched by Molly 's nimble fingers

  4. 她用缝纫机缝制了这些裙子。

    She sewed the dresses on the sewing machine .

  5. 每条褶裥都是手工缝制到位的。

    Each pleat was stitched in place by hand .

  6. 她的衣服多是仿照她喜爱的时装自己缝制的。

    She makes most of her own clothes , copying any fashion which takes her fancy .

  7. 这是照那件衣服的原尺寸而缝制的。

    It was made in the size of the clothes .

  8. 你只是在小X缝制的,让您的设计。

    You just stitch over the little X 's to make your design .

  9. PU帆布缝制更稳定,并且防油,防灰效果更好,更结实耐磨。

    PU Canvas sewing more stable , and the anti-oil , anti-dust better , more solid wear .

  10. 基于WINCE的智能缝制设备嵌入实时操作系统

    Embedded Real-Time Operating System Based on WINCE for Intelligent Sewing Equipment

  11. Crew从意大利厂商手中购入优质衬衫面料和羊绒纱,然后在劳动力低廉的国家进行剪裁和缝制。

    Crew buys many quality shirting fabrics and cashmere yarns from Italian factories and then cuts and sews the clothes in less expensive countries .

  12. 橡皮大黄鸭由PVC材料制成,就相当于一个充气城堡,由新西兰一家专营体育馆屋顶和大帆缝制的公司特制而成。

    The Rubber Duck - made of a PVC material similar to jumping castles - was constructed in New Zealand by a company that specialises in sewing stadium rooftops and large sails .

  13. 巴西圣保罗鞋履设计师莱恩•马里尼奥(LaneMarinho)创作的剪纸拼贴与油画图案是设计装饰主义的手工缝制凉鞋的关键。

    The paper-cut collage and oil paintings that S ã o Paulo shoe designer Lane Marinho produces are an intrinsic step in the creation of her decorative , hand-stitched sandals .

  14. 索尼亚•德劳内(SoniaDelaunay)等艺术家对一会儿手工缝制晚礼服、一会儿又在家具与画布上作画并不以为然。

    Artists such as Sonia Delaunay thought nothing of stitching an evening gown one moment then painting furniture and canvases the next .

  15. 这些手套都是缝制于东萨西克斯一个农场里经改造过的牛棚,领头的是身形窈窕的吉纳维芙·詹姆斯(GenevieveJames)。

    Each of these gloves was sewn in a converted cowshed on a farm in East Sussex , under the direction of the willowy Genevieve James .

  16. 莱蒂西亚•卡多纳(LeticiaCardona)和其他5位当地妇女在这里缝制床单被罩,但受到了中国进口产品的冲击。

    Leticia Cardona and five other local women sew sheets and bed covers but have found themselves badly undercut by Chinese imports .

  17. 这件衬衫的面料有丝质和棉质两种,由来自印度勒克瑙(Lucknow)的裁缝手工缝制。勒克瑙是印度北部的乌塔普拉德什邦(UttarPradesh)的一个城市,以精致的刺绣品闻名遐迩。

    The shirt , available in silk or cotton , is hand-stitched by tailors in Lucknow , a city in India 's state of Uttar Pradesh known for its fine embroidery .

  18. 因此,本论文研究了服装企业基于MTM生产形态的女装多品种、小批量生产快速反应缝制系统,应用了模块式吊挂生产缝制系统这一新型的流水线组织形式。

    Therefore , this paper studies the quick response sewing system of the multi-type and small batch dress production on MTM production form and applies a new-style streamline - module and hanger sewing streamline .

  19. 所有缝制足球的协议,授权,对工厂,缝制中心的监控,以及对所有缝制足球的检测都由全球认证部WWL负责。

    WWL is responsible for all stitched soccer ball agreements , warranties , ongoing inspection of manufacturing facilities and stitching centers , and the testing of all stitched soccer balls .

  20. 《华尔街日报》的记者JoshRobinson和SaraGermano在一系列黯淡无光的结果出炉后报道说,速滑队员对他们的UnderArmour队服感到厌恶,据说,队服是在火星上由生活在未来的机器人手工缝制的。

    The Journal 's Josh Robinson and Sara Germano broke the news that after a string of lackluster results , the speed skaters were in revolt about their Under Armour skin suits , which were allegedly handcrafted on Mars by robots living in the future .

  21. 第一个从铁塔上跳下自去的是一位名叫Reichelt的裁缝,他为自己缝制了一个蝙蝠翅膀的衣服,他以为自己能飞起来,但是很遗憾,他没有成功地飞起来。

    The first jumped from the tower to go from a tailor named Reichelt , who sew their own clothes and wings of a bat , and he thought he could fly , but unfortunately , he did not fly successfully .

  22. 皮革服装的设计及缝制工艺真丝针织品的生产工艺探讨

    Designed and Manufactured Technology of Leather The Processes of Silk-knitted Goods

  23. 智能缝制设备三维协同运动建模与控制方法

    Modeling and control method for 3D-collaborative motion of intelligent sewing equipment

  24. 你手工缝制的衣服非常合你的身哪。

    You always look so nice in the clothes you make .

  25. 玛丽按照纸样缝制她的新衣服。

    Mary used a paper pattern to make her new dress .

  26. 她可以给儿子们买布缝制新衬衫。

    She would buy cloth for new shirts for the boys .

  27. 由25人花费了两周的时间来缝制。

    They were sewn by 25 people over a 2-week period .

  28. 一种非常结实的用来缝制或包扎包裹的三股绳。

    A strong three-ply twine used to sew or tie packages .

  29. 经过几天精心的缝制,拖鞋做好了。

    After several days careful sewing , the slippers were finished .

  30. 智能花样缝制设备的主流花样格式分析与仿真

    Prevalent Pattern Formats Analysis and Simulation of Intellectual Pattern Sewing Equipment