
  • 网络bore;cylinder bore;bore size;Cylinder diameter;Cylinderbore
  1. 小缸径柴油机采用浅W型燃烧系统的研究

    A Study on Small Bore Diesel Engine with Shallow W Type Combustion System

  2. 报导了在几种型号小缸径高速柴油机上采用浅W型燃烧系统的研究工作。

    This paper introduces the study on several types of small bore high speed diesel engines with a shallow W type combustion system .

  3. 本文开展了基于小缸径柴油机的液化石油气(LPG)单一燃料发动机的设计和全面的试验研究工作。

    The design of LPG ( liquefied petroleum gas ) mono-fuel engine based on small bore diesel engine and comprehensive experimental investigations were made first in our country .

  4. 亚临界600MW机组高压缸径向位移分析及处理

    Analysis and Treatment of High-pressure Cylinder Radial Displacement for Subcritical 600 MW Unit

  5. 论述了直喷式柴油机典型燃烧系统的特点,对DI型小缸径柴油机单孔直喷式燃烧系统中燃油喷式方向对柴油机性能的影响进行的研究。

    Characteristics of typical combustion system of direct injection diesel engine are dealt with experiments and study are made on effects of fuel injection direction upon a new-model single - nozzle direct injecting diesel engine which has smaller diameter cylinder .

  6. 论述了用VB编制的单体液压支柱的密封质量检测及数据管理,实现了在线设置液压支柱的各种工作方式,可以根据煤矿需要设置支架数量和缸径;

    A software was developed with VB 6.0 to detect the airtight quality and manage data for hydraulic support test-bed , implemented setting work modes of hydraulic support test bed at will ; The support number and cylinder diameter is set according to the demand of coal mine ;

  7. 钢质二道环比较适用在缸径60mm以下、环高1.2mm以下和发动机散热较好的车型。

    This steel ring is applicable to the engine with 60 mm less bore diameter , 1 . 2 mm less ring height and better heat dissipation ;

  8. 本文针对小缸径轻型车用柴油机燃烧系统结构紧凑、均质混合气制备和燃烧过程组织困难的特点,开展了基于适时早喷结合高比例冷却EGR实现预混合低温燃烧的研究。

    Aiming at the difficulties of forming the homogeneous charge and organizing the combustion progress for the compact structure of light-duty vehicle diesel engines , the research in this dissertation is based upon advanced injection combined with high proportion cooling EGR to achieve the low-temperature premixed combustion .

  9. 对缸径为60~75mm涡流室柴油机喷油嘴结构和喷油过程进行了深入研究。

    The in depth study of the structure of injection nozzles and the injection process has been carried out for the swirl chamber diesel engines with diameters from 60 ~ 75mm .

  10. 依据6105柴油机燃烧爆发压力提高38%和缸径从105mm扩大到110mm的改进设计,分析活塞的横向运动特性。

    The piston transverse movement characteristics were analysed according to the improved design of 6105 engine in which the explosive pressure was augmented by 38 % and the cylinder diameter was enlarged from 105 mm to 110 mm .

  11. 本项目研制的2.8L小缸径六缸直喷增压柴油机,采用了一系列优化设计,进行了各项有关试验,表明具有良好的动力性、经济性和排放指标。

    This item developed 2.8L small diameter cylinder DI six cylinders diesel engine , adopt a series of optimum design , carry through apiece item relational test , indicate possess nicer dynamic economic property and exhaust emission standard .

  12. 本文介绍了重型车用柴油机所用的三种喷油系,分析了它们的结构及特性后认为,P&T喷油系对大缸径(120~160mm)直喷武柴油机较为合适。

    Three types of injection systems used in heavy duty truck diesel engines are presented , their structures and features are analyzed . Then the paper concludes that P & T Injection System is suitable for bigger size bore ( 120 ~ 160mm ) DI diesel engines .

  13. 小缸径多缸柴油机装配工艺方案初探

    An Approach to the Assembly Process of Small-bore Multi-cylinder Diesel Engine

  14. 气缸直径被称为发动机缸径。

    The diameter of the cylinder is called the engine bore .

  15. 中小缸径直喷柴油机油线网计算

    Spray Calculation for Small and Medium Bore Diameter DI Diesel Engines

  16. 小缸径风冷柴油机热负荷的试验分析

    Experimental Analysis of Heating Loads in Small Bore Air Cooling Diesel Engine

  17. 对我国小缸径多缸柴油机发展途径的探讨

    Development Ways for Small bore Multi - cylinder Diesel Engines

  18. 汽轮机高压内缸径向变形趋势的探讨

    Discussion on Radial Deformation of High Pressure Inner Cylinder of Steam Turbine

  19. 大缸径天然气发动机点火线圈的开发

    Development of Ignition Coils for Natural Gas Engine with Large Cylinder Bore

  20. 小缸径活塞环热加工工艺优化

    Optimize of Hot-work Technique for Piston Ring of Small Diameter

  21. 非道路多缸小缸径柴油机排放控制措施

    Emission Control of Off-Road Multi-Cylinder Small Bore Diesel Engine

  22. 小缸径增压柴油机的排气管设计

    Design of Exhaust Manifold for Small Turbocharged Diesel Engine

  23. 小缸径柴油机冒烟现象探析

    Discussion on Smoking from Small - Bore Diesel Engines

  24. 小缸径涡流室柴油机用喷油嘴的研究

    Fuel injection nozzle used on small bore diesel engine with swirl combustion chamber

  25. 小缸径增压中冷柴油机燃烧特性及放热规律分析

    Analysis on Combustion Process of a Small Cylinder Diesel Engine with Turbocharging and Intercooling

  26. 小缸径涡流室柴油机非稳态工况噪声研究

    Investigation on noise during non-steady working condition of a small swirl chamber diesel engine

  27. 中小缸径柴油机的发展现状

    Status of Light Duty and Minor Diesel Engines

  28. 小缸径柴油机排烟影响的试验研究

    Investigation on Small-bore Diesel Engine Exhaust Smoke

  29. 一种新的小缸径柴油机单孔直喷燃烧系统的研究

    A Study of New Single Spray Direct Injection Combustion System for a Small Diesel Engine

  30. 本文以强度理论为依据,推导出了液压缸缸体材料、缸径、承受压力与安全系数之间的关系。

    On the basis of strength theory .