
  • 网络Mesh;Shading;guilloche;The Backdrop
  1. 渔网要在网底坠上重物。

    Fishing nets are weighted .

  2. 浪漫主义之鱼回游在收向手中的网底;

    Romantic fish swam in nets coming to the hand ;

  3. 他攻入一个十分精彩直入网底的球。

    He scored with a cracking shot into the back of the goal .

  4. 社区卫生服务机构是公共卫生体系的网底,大量的基本公共卫生功能靠社区卫生服务中心来完成,因此政府应该对社区卫生服务的基本公共卫生进行补偿。

    Community Health Service institutions form the basis of the Public Health system network .

  5. 妇幼保健专业机构应把建立社区健康服务作为重要任务,深入社区健全妇幼卫生网底;

    The propaganda work on health service in community and the organizational construction should be strengthened .

  6. 中锋凌空一脚,球便飞入网底。

    The center forward kicked the ball on the volley , and it flew into the back of the net .

  7. 球运行的速度太快了,以至于我们都不敢相信它已经撞到了网底。

    The ball had traveled so fast that we could hardly believe it had hit the back of the net .

  8. 把球击过守门员,穿过球门柱打进网底就算得一分。

    A point is scored by delivering the ball past the goalkeeper through the goal posts , which are joined by a net .

  9. 村级医疗卫生机构和乡村医生是最直接服务农民群众的农村公共卫生和基本医疗三级服务网络的网底。

    Village-level medical and health institutions and rural doctors are the most direct service foundation to the peasants in rural public health and third medical service network .

  10. 社区卫生服务是为保障人群健康权利向居民提供基本卫生服务的主要载体,特别是承担了预防、保健等基本公共卫生服务,是公共卫生的网底。

    The community health service has undertaken the basic public health work ( especially prevention and health care ) and is the bottom of public health net .

  11. [目的]研究瓷面的不同处理方法与硅烷偶联剂的使用对金属网底托槽与瓷面粘接强度以及去除托槽后对瓷破损率的影响。

    Objectives : To investigate the influence of different porcelain surface treatment methods and Silane Coupling Agent ( SCA ) on the bond strength of metal mesh-backed brackets to porcelain and porcelain fracture rate .

  12. 我国的社区卫生组织正处在不断发展的过程中,肩负着双重网底的使命,内外部环境复杂,存在着协同效应。

    Our community health organization is under constantly evolving process and has the mission of " double net bottom ", its internal and external environment is complex , and there is a synergistic effect .

  13. 在圆形三向网架非线性动力学基本方程的基础上,用拟壳法给出了网底扁球面三向网壳的非线性动力学基本方程。

    The nonlinear dynamical equations are established by using the method of quasi-shells for three-dimensional shallow spherical shells with circular bottom based on the nonlinear dynamical foundational equations of circular reticulated structures with three-dimensional grids .

  14. 发展社区卫生服务是推进卫生综合改革的交汇点,社区卫生服务机构是公共卫生体系建设的网底。

    The development of Community Hygiene Service could be the interaction for promoting the comprehensive health reform in our district . It is also the " net bottom " for the construction of public health system .

  15. 传统农村医疗卫生领域三大法宝之一的农村三级卫生预防保健网网底的发展缓慢,不利于新型农村合作医疗在广大农村的实施。

    The third grade rural network of medical immunity and sanitation which was one of the trump in traditional rural medical system develop very slowly , such situation prevents the new rural cooperative medical system from implementing in rural society .

  16. 作者在本文中将三维切片视为二维图像,利用图像边缘检测技术,检测出相干切片上断层多边形,并将其直接投影到测网底图上,用于构造成图。

    In this paper , the 3D coherence slice is considered as a 2D map , the fault polygons are detected in the coherence slice using map edge detecting technique , and then , the fault is used to achieve the structure map .