
  • 网络network analyzer;VNA
  1. 实验中采用网络分析仪对SAW谐振器的谐振频率和Q值进行了测量。

    The resonant frequencies and losses of SAW resonators are measured by a network analyzer .

  2. 使用矢量网络分析仪对PCB天线进行测试,分析其性能特性。

    Using vector network analyzer to test PCB antenna and analyzing the performance characteristics .

  3. SDH网络分析仪解决ATMOverSDH物理层问题案例分析

    Solving ATM over SDH Physical Layer Problem by the SDH Analyzer

  4. 用单端矢量网络分析仪测试手机RF电路的差分散射参数

    Difference Scatter Parameter in the RF Circuit of Mobile by Means of the Single Terminal Vector Network Analyzer

  5. 将铁镍纤维和树脂混合后制成波导样品,采用网络分析仪在X波段测量了铁镍纤维的电磁参数。

    The permittivity and permeability of Fe_ ( 20 ) Ni_ ( 80 ) fibre were measured with network analyzer in X-band .

  6. DDS在低频矢量网络分析仪中的应用

    The Application of DDS Technology in Net Analyzer

  7. 基于矢量网络分析仪的RCS测量系统及应用

    RCS Measurement System based on Phasor Network Analyzer

  8. 基于VBA的射频网络分析仪自动校准系统

    Automatic Calibration System for RF Network Analyzer Based on VBA

  9. 基于GPIB接口对微波网络分析仪进行虚拟仪器的设计

    The Virtual Instrument 's Design Based on the GPIB to the Microwave Network Analyzer

  10. 在实验上制作了GHz级高速光接收机前端,并用微波网络分析仪测试了前端的频率响应。

    We experimentally fabricate GHz high speed optical receiver front-end and measure their frequence response using microwave network analyzer .

  11. 本论文基于SDH网络分析仪相关标准,对SDH网络分析仪接收端电路进行了设计和实现。

    Receiver circuit of SDH network analyzer is designed and realized in this paper based on standards related to SDH network analyzers .

  12. 一个测试系统中的主要部分可能包括直流偏压、直流测量、RF功率计、网络分析仪、RF源,以及其它仪器。

    The main components in a test system may include DC bias , DC measurement , RF power meter , network analyzer , RF sources , and other instruments .

  13. 本文提出并阐明了自动网络分析仪(ANA)系统剩余误差的概念。

    The concept of residual error in an Automatic Network Analyzer ( ANA ) system is presented and expounded .

  14. 使用Agilent矢量网络分析仪解决射频和微波测量领域的难题

    Solve the Hard nut in RF and Microwave Measurements by Using Agilent VNA

  15. 其中,利用控制软件控制伺服电机的运行,完成反射棒的精确定位;使用VISUALBASIC6.0并结合矢量网络分析仪自带的应用程序来完成测量软件的编译。

    The precise location of reflection probe is completed by operation of servo motor controlled by software . Then by applying Visual Basic 6.0 with application program in PNA , we complete the program of the measurement software .

  16. 本文介绍近两年在暂态网络分析仪(以下简称TNA)上对10条输电线路所作的暂态分析结果。

    This paper presents TNA studies of electromagnetic transient analyses on 10 transmission lines .

  17. 运用XRD、SEM和矢量网络分析仪对AlN-W复相衰减材料的相组成、显微结构和衰减性能进行表征。

    The phase composition , micro-structure and microwave attenuation of AlN-W composites were characterized by XRD , SEM and network analyzer .

  18. 利用VISUALBASIC编写了一个计算程序,该程序直接读取HP8722ES网络分析仪电磁参数测量系统的数据文件,并结合其它参数计算材料的反射率。

    To calculate the normal-incidence and oblique-incidence reflection coefficient of the electromagnetic wave , a program is based on Visual Basic . The program loads the data files from the electromagnetic parameters measurement system , the other parameters are input by hand .

  19. 介绍了PNA脉冲网络分析仪自动控制的实现和系统测试软件的设计。

    The automatic control method of PNA pulse vector network analyzer and the design method of system test software are presented .

  20. 在利用低频同轴反射法(LCR)进行材料吸波性能的测试过程中,经常会使用矢量网络分析仪的GATE功能来滤除干扰因素对测试结果的影响。

    The GATE of VNA is often used to remove the influence of interferential factors on the measuring results in measuring the performance of absorber by LCR .

  21. 标量网络分析仪不仅应用在无线射频(RF)元件测量和设备线性特性测量等方面还可以应用于材料及信号完整性的测量。

    Scalar network analyzer is not only practical in wireless radio frequency ( RF ) component measurement and the measurement of device linearity can also be applied to the measurement of materials and signal integrity .

  22. 分别采用GPIB卡和多功能数据采集卡获得矢量网络分析仪测试数据和压力位移传感器采集数据。

    The data of the RF network analyzer are obtained using GPIB card and the data of press / displacement are obtained using multifunction card .

  23. 基于chirp-z逆变换矢量网络分析仪时域测量技术

    The Time - domain Measure Technique of Vector Network Analyzers base on Inverse Chirp - z Transform

  24. 给出了一种用二端口矢量网络分析仪(VNA)对多端口器件进行测量的方法。

    A method for multi-port device measurement using a two-port vector network analyzer ( VNA ) is presented .

  25. 利用Agilent矢量网络分析仪PNA-X测试微波固态脉冲高功率放大器

    Measurements of microwave solid state pulsed power amplifier with Agilent Vector Network Analyzer PNA-X

  26. 论文构建了具有HARNESS结构的仿真测试平台,利用NC-VERILOG工具,结合SDH网络分析仪接收端电路,对发送端电路进行联合RTL仿真。

    Combined with the receiver circuit of SDH network analyzer , transmitter circuit is simulated by NC-VERILOG simulation tools , traversing a variety of TEST_CASE for simulation .

  27. 测试平台包括四个主要部分:网络分析仪,发射端、接收端电感,固定支架和SBF溶液。

    The experiment station includes four parts : a network analyzer , a few transmitter and receiver coils , a clamp stand and some SBF liquid .

  28. 本文提出和设计了一种配置USB接口的高频标量网络分析仪。首先论述网络分析仪开发的目的和意义,介绍USB接口技术特点和开发步骤。

    This paper propose and design a kind of high frequency scalar network analyzer with USB . Firstly , discuss the intention and meaning of this research of network analyzer , introduce the characteristic of usb technology and the process of development .

  29. 一般矢量网络分析仪(VNA)的双端口测试夹具校准,至少需要三个已知标准才能实现。

    At least three known standards are normally required for the full two-port test fixture calibration in vector network analyzers ( VNA ) .

  30. 最后,采用光刻、刻蚀工艺完成最小线宽为100μm的LC谐振应变传感器样品的制备,设计了应变测试悬臂梁系统,采用矢量网络分析仪对传感器样品的性能进行了测试。

    Finally , the LC resonant strain sensor samples with minimum line width of100 μ m were prepared by the technologies of photoetching and etching . The performances of the sensors were tested by strain cantilever system and vector network analyzer .