
  • 网络Online songs;g love;Muise
  1. 网络歌曲影响下的青少年价值观教育研究

    Research on Teenager Value Education under the Influence of Network Songs

  2. 如何让网络歌曲摆脱此二难境地,是一个需要全社会共同关注和解决的问题。

    How to help internet song get out of the dilemma is an tough problem concerned to society-wide .

  3. 本章从他对广东音乐的二度创作和对不良网络歌曲的抵制两方面说明徐沛东对中国音乐事业做出的特殊贡献。

    This chapter , from the perspective of Guangdong folk music dual creation and his resistance to bad network songs , discussed his special contribution to Chinese music career .

  4. 很难说得清楚第一首网络歌曲是什么,因为在20世纪90年代早期没有人真的知道网络和音乐的关系会发展成如今这样。

    It 's hard to say definitively what the first song on the Internet was , since no one really knew what relationship the web would have with music in the early 1990s .

  5. 与Spotify类似,AppleMusic允许用户搜索并通过网络传输歌曲。

    Apple Music allows users to search for songs and stream them over the Internet , similar to Spotify .

  6. 它们不只追踪创造文件分享软件的人,同时也向未经许可就从网络下载歌曲的个人施压。

    Not only are they going after the creators of file sharing software , but they 're also putting the squeeze on individuals who 've downloaded songs from the Internet without permission .

  7. 网络上的歌曲和其它内容正在使用创作共用来标识其版本信息。

    The Creative Commons is indicating license information for songs and other content on the Web .