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  1. 惊闻罗京老师病逝的消息,是我今天下班后上网才知道的。

    Romanian teachers died in Beijing Shocked the news today after work I only know online .

  2. 罗京溘然长逝,带给我们悲痛与惋惜,但唯有记住他的笑容,也许才是最合适的慰藉。

    Though the passing of Luo Jing brings us pain , it 's only fitting to remember his smiles with happiness .

  3. 罗京是我心目中值得信赖的新闻主播,他是新闻从业人员的优秀楷模。

    Heavily mourn for Luojing 's died , he is an honest news presider of CCTV , and an excellent model of journalist .

  4. 罗京同志在长期工作中,形成了沉稳、大方、庄重的播音风格,深受全国电视观众的喜爱。

    During the long period of Luo 's career , he formed a sedate , gentle and decent style and was very popular among television audiences across the county .

  5. 罗京,中国观众熟知的一位新闻主持人,参与主持中央电视台的《新闻联播》节目长达20年。

    Luo Jing , a popular presenter with Chinese audiences , co-anchored CCTV 's national news program " Xinwen Lianbo ", or News Broadcast , for the past twenty years .