
  • Rona;【人名】Rhona
  1. 但ItoEn,Inc。负责企业关系的高级副总裁罗娜?蒂松(RonaTison)介绍道,绿茶茶艺可是门精致的学问,大多数人都存在误区。

    But preparing green tea is a delicate process that most people get wrong , says Rona Tison , senior vice president of corporate relations for Ito En , Inc.

  2. 我们遇见了那个大学新生。那个罗娜。

    We ran into that new college student , that rona .

  3. 罗娜不但不协助我,而且还妨碍我

    " Far from assisting me , Rona hampered me . "

  4. 罗娜:做完了,我昨天刚完成。

    Rona : Yes , I just finished it yesterday .

  5. 罗娜:你只是想让我感觉好些。

    Rona : You 're just trying to make me feel better .

  6. 罗娜:但看起来你似乎掌握了要领。

    Rona : But you seem to be picking it up quickly .

  7. 罗娜:我要做完理科作业。

    Rona : I was finishing my science homework .

  8. 除了粉红色外,罗娜穿什么颜色的衣服都好看。

    Lorna looks good in every color except pink .

  9. 今晚在罗娜的派对上见,好吗?

    I 'm gonna see you tonight at Ronna 's party , right ?

  10. 我知道你是出于善意,但是向罗娜求助?

    Look , I know you mean well and all that but Lorna Rose ?

  11. 罗娜:我昨天睡得很晚。

    Rona : I was up late yesterday .

  12. 罗娜:你的设计是关于什么的?

    Rona : What is your project about ?

  13. 罗娜:我觉得我做得还可以,我按时做完了。

    Rona : I think I did okay . I finished it on time .

  14. 罗娜小姐回来时,请你问问她。

    Ask her when Miss Rona comes back .

  15. 你跟法国人去巴塞罗娜。

    You go to Barcelona with the frenchman .

  16. 罗娜:这些设计真棒!

    Rona : These projects are awesome !

  17. 罗娜墨茨住这吗?

    Does a Lorna Mertz live here ?

  18. 罗娜:你说的是我的设计,还有其他作业。

    Rona : You 're talking about my project . I had other homework , too .

  19. 罗娜:既然所有的设计都很好,那我们可以看看吗?

    Rona : Since the projects are all very nice , can we look at them ?

  20. 可是今年初的一天,罗娜意识到自己再也无法忍受萨莉了。

    Then one day , earlier this year , Rhona realised that she couldn 't stand Sally .

  21. 我以前常要像一个讨厌的叔叔似的,老是给罗娜劝告,而她只是笑笑而已。

    I used to remonstrate with Laura like a fussy old uncle but she 'd only laugh .

  22. 妈妈:罗娜,要是你再不起床,上中文学校就要迟到了!

    Mom : Rona , if you don 't get up you 'll be late for Chinese school !

  23. 萨莉经常羞辱罗娜,对罗娜的母亲和其他朋友的态度也很粗鲁。

    Sally constantly put her down ; she was rude about Rhona 's mother and her other friends .

  24. 对此毫不知情的罗娜和我,周六日两天还沐浴着温暖的春日阳光,在基辅游览。

    In blissful ignorance , Rhona and I spent Saturday and Sunday touring Kiev in the warm spring sunshine .

  25. 所以为了让论坛能够更多地了解迦罗娜,他们显然应该看看漫画书。

    So for the community to learn a lot more about Garona , they should definitely check out the comic book .

  26. 美国第一颗侦察卫星(克罗娜)的发展引导了信息采集、通讯以及天气预报的进步。

    Development of America 's first reconnaissance satellite ( Corona ) leads to advances in information gathering , telecommunications , and weather prediction .

  27. 女发言人罗娜说:妈妈们的工作十分艰辛,所以自然要找人帮忙。

    Spokeswoman Lorna Dickinson said : 'Moms work incredibly hard and it 's only natural that they rely on other people to help them out .

  28. 加拿大卫生部长罗娜安布罗丝曾表示:加拿大把这支埃博拉实验性疫苗看做是全球资源,这关系到全世界人类健康的共同利益。我们会把疫苗和其他国家分享,以此来帮助应对西非的埃博拉疫情。

    Canada views this experimental Ebola vaccine as a global resource , and , in the interest of global public health , we are sharing it with our international partners to help address the Ebola outbreak in West Africa , Canadian Health Minister Rona Ambrose said in a statement .

  29. 同时原材料、能源价格的不断攀升致使企业经营成本居高不下,国家宏观政策的调控影响市场的需求,多重的压力使得费罗娜陶瓷有限公司的发展举步维艰。

    In the same time , the price of raw material and energy has constantly increase which causes high cost of operational costs , the demand of market has affected by the influence of our country macro-economic control . Under the cross-pressure , Florina Ceramics Company has difficulties in development .