
  1. 我在罗得岛州的普罗维登斯找到了这些干细胞,本来打算飞到华盛顿然后回伦敦。

    I picked up the stem cells in Providence , Rhode Island , and was meant to fly to Washington then back to London .

  2. 上周四,抖森在罗得岛州被狗仔抓拍到与斯威夫特亲吻。之后在接受《W杂志》的采访时,他坦言自己不同于剧中饰演的角色。他可能会因名气渐长而无法完成间谍任务。

    During his interview with the publication , which took place before the paparazzi caught Tom kissing Taylor in Rhode Island last Tuesday , he readily admitted to W that unlike his character , he would be a failure when it comes to espionage because of his growing fame .

  3. Dosa是罗得岛州布朗大学WarrenAlpert医学院的内科教授,也是该疗养院的老年医学顾问医生。

    Dosa is professor of medicine at Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University , Rhode Island , and a geriatric consultant at the nursing home .

  4. 他就要去罗得岛州学校学设计了。

    He 's going to the Rhode Island School of design .

  5. 汤姆-羌德勒曾是美国罗得岛州的桂冠诗人。

    Tom Chandler is the Poet Laureate Emeritus of Rhode Island .

  6. 罗得岛州由于面积小被称为“小罗得”。

    Rhode Island 's nickname is Little Rhody because of its size .

  7. 罗得岛州:我们真得不是一个岛屿!

    Rhode Island : We 're Not REALLY An Island !

  8. 罗得岛州是最小的州。

    Rhode Island is the smallest one .

  9. 罗得岛州为8美元每小时。

    Rhode Island $ 8 an hour .

  10. 下个月,还将有9000余名罗得岛州民众失去救济。

    Benefits will run out for about 9000 more Rhode Island residents in the coming month .

  11. 罗得岛州参议员谢尔登怀特豪斯质疑政府不愿主动公开披露信息。

    Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse questioned the lack of voluntary public disclosure by the government .

  12. 这位亲戚名叫杰克·克劳福德,年近古稀,以前是罗得岛州威克费德的教区长,现在已经退休了。

    Jack Crawford now nearly seventy , was the retired Rector of Wakefield , Rhode Island .

  13. 约翰斯顿罗得岛州中北部城镇,位于普罗维登斯郊区,以制造业为主。人口24907。

    A town of north-central Rhode island , a manufacturing suburb of providence . population , 24907 .

  14. 罗得岛州州长吉娜·雷蒙多已被参议院确认为美国新任商务部长。

    Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo has been confirmed by the Senate as the new U.S. commerce secretary .

  15. 以“创业”而言,波士顿位居第二位,排在其后的是罗得岛州的普罗维登斯。

    Boston sits in second place in terms of " entrepreneurship , " followed by Providence , Rhode Island .

  16. 发生在罗得岛州一位推销员身上的故事,可以说是愚人节恶作剧之最了。

    The story of a salesman in Rhode Island is said to be the worst trick on April Fools ' Day .

  17. 研究人员对罗得岛州201名高中生进行了调查分析,这些学生的学校将开课时间从早晨8点推迟到8点30。

    The researchers evaluated 201 Rhode Island high school students whose school pushed back its start time from 8 to 8:30 .

  18. 目前,美国面积最小的州-罗得岛州正试图成为美国第一个在全境建成一个无线宽带互联网的州。该项目的设计者强调,它最大好处在于使全州成为新型商用技术的试验田。

    America 's smallest state is seeking to become its first to offer a wireless broadband network from border to border .

  19. 康涅狄格州对儿童年龄的界定为12岁或以下,而罗得岛州的界定为13岁或以下。

    Connecticut defines children as12 years of age or younger , while Rhode Island defines as13 years of age or younger .

  20. 然后我获得了在WJAR做周末电视记者的工作,这个电视台在我的家乡罗得岛州的普罗维登斯市。

    And then came the offer to be a weekend television reporter at WJAR in Providence , Rhode Island , my home town .

  21. 罗得岛州首府和最大城市;在罗得岛州的东北部,临纳拉干西特湾;布朗大学所在地。

    The capital and largest city of Rhode island ; located in northeastern Rhode Island on Narragansett bay ; site of brown university .

  22. 现的49岁的雷蒙多曾是一名风险投资家,她将缩短其作为罗得岛州州长的第二个任期,并预计今天宣誓就职。

    Raimondo , a 49-year-old former venture capitalist , will her second term as governor of Rhode Island and is expected to today .

  23. 如果国会未能在假期前批准紧急失业补助项目,约5千名罗得岛州民众将失去失业救济。

    Some 5000 Rhode Islanders will lose their jobless benefits after congress failed to renew the emergency unemployment compensation program before leaving for the holidays .

  24. 罗得岛州劳工培训部部长查尔斯·福格蒂表示,该机构正在努于通知受影响的民众他们可能需要的资源。

    Head of Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training Charles Fogarty says the agency is working to inform affected individuals of resources they may need .

  25. 全是由于妈妈的牺牲和伟大的梦想,我进入了常春藤联盟的罗得岛州普罗维登斯市的布朗大学。

    Thanks to my mom 's sacrifices and big dreams , I 'd made it to the Ivy League : Brown University in Providence , Rhode Island .

  26. 这个项目的经理鲍勃·帕诺夫表示,到目前为止,除了罗得岛州以外,美国其他各州都没有兴建全州范围无线互联网的项目。

    So far , no state outside Rhode Island has sought to build a border-to-border network , said Bob Panoff , a private consultant and the RI-WINs project manager .

  27. 据罗得岛州公共广播电台的约翰·本德报道,这对美国最小的州罗得岛州有重大的影响,因为罗得岛州的失业率位居全美首位。

    Rhode Island Public Radio 's John Bender reports it has a major impact on the country 's smallest state which has the one of the nation 's highest unemployment rates .

  28. 尽管过多的雨水阻碍了南瓜生长,但美国罗得岛州一位农民种出的南瓜很可能创下了世界最大南瓜的新纪录。

    WARREN , R.I. - Despite heavy rains that stunted pumpkin growth , a Rhode Island farmer has set what could be a new record for the largest pumpkin in the world .

  29. 在第13届罗得岛州南部新英格兰巨型南瓜种植者年度大赛上,培养出南瓜王的华莱士指出,种出巨型南瓜的关键是从4月到10月间种植南瓜的能力。

    Wallace said at the13th annual Rhode Island Southern New England Giant Pumpkin Growers Championship that the key to growing a giant pumpkin is the ability to commit to the task from April to October .

  30. 明尼阿波利斯-圣保罗双城区排名第二,其后依次是俄亥俄州的哥伦布市、波士顿、德克萨斯州的奥斯汀、芝加哥、克利夫兰、匹兹堡,罗得岛州的费城和普罗旺斯并列第九。

    Minneapolis-St. Paul was ranked second overall ; followed by Columbus , Ohio ; Boston ; Austin , Texas ; Chicago ; Cleveland ; Pittsburgh and then Philadelphia and Providence , R.I. , in a tie for ninth .