
  • 网络Duoro;DUERO;Desguardero;Rio Negro
  1. 我们还推荐去杜罗河上游的短途自选一日游。

    We also recommend a full day optional excursion to the Upper Douro

  2. 这6款葡萄酒首先是货真价实的山区酒——颜色浓稠,而且具有阿根廷高海拔葡萄酒那种精心酿制的醇厚味,甚至可以与西班牙海拔300-400米杜罗河区(RiberadelDuero)酿制的美酒相媲美。

    They are first and foremost mountain wines , with the dense colour and vivid , finely etched flavours that you find in the high-altitude wines of Argentina or even in the best of Spain 's Ribera del Duero wines grown at a mere 300m or 400m .

  3. 在那里,游客可以乘坐游船欣赏杜罗河。

    From there , visitors can take a cruise on the Douro .

  4. 我可以告诉他,那时的邪恶行为就象人们把酒精掺进杜罗河区的纯葡萄汁里。

    I could tell him that all the wickedness of that time was like the spirits they mixed with the pure grape of the Douro .