
  1. 这种有趣迷人的动物是婆罗洲独有的。

    This interesting and charming creature is unique to Borneo .

  2. 战争期间上校在婆罗洲服役并被授予一般服役奖章。

    The colonel saw active service in Borneo and was awarded the General Service Medal .

  3. 中国与马来西亚昨日签署了一项协议,要在资源丰富的马来西亚婆罗洲(Borneo)一条有争议的经济开发走廊联手建造一些大型项目。婆罗洲是世界上最后几处荒野之一。

    China and Malaysia yesterday signed a deal to build large projects in a controversial development corridor in resource-rich Borneo , one of the world 's last great wilderness areas .

  4. 在不同的岛内还有很多不同的族群,如在婆罗岛上的婆罗洲土著部族和Punan部落就拥有不同的生活方式。

    There are also quite different groups within many islands , such as Borneo , with its Dayak and Punan , who have different lifestyles and skintones .

  5. 我还希望他翻过山跑到荷属婆罗洲去了呢

    I hoped he 'd run over the mountains to Dutch Borneo .

  6. 她没有上船她跑去荷属婆罗洲了

    She not catch boat . She making a run for Dutch Borneo .

  7. 他们从荷属婆罗洲翻山过来的

    They come across the mountains from Dutch Borneo .

  8. 我们年轻、单身,又在婆罗洲。

    We 're young . we 're single . we 're in borneo .

  9. 布朗先生是在婆罗洲做实地考察时发现的。

    Dr Brown made the discovery while on a field trip to borneo .

  10. 马来西亚婆罗洲西北一地区。

    A region of Malaysia on northwestern Borneo .

  11. 他们决定到婆罗洲。

    They 've fixed to go to borneo .

  12. 群岛距亚洲大陆大约800公里,位于台湾和婆罗洲之间。

    The archipelago is around 800 km from the Asian mainland and is located between Taiwan and Borneo .

  13. 在婆罗洲,马来西亚采取的,这张照片的摄影师维基科克尔赢得首奖的宏类别。

    Taken in Borneo , Malaysia , this photo won photographer Vickie Coker first prize in the macro category .

  14. 他们只生活在婆罗洲和苏门答腊,用工具吃东西,把树叶做成雨伞的样子。

    They only live in Borneo and Sumatra , use tools to eat and fashion umbrellas out of leaves .

  15. 我上次去这里时,听到一个声音,好像是婆罗洲雨林里的声音。

    During a recent trip there , I heard a strange sound that transported me to the rainforests of Borneo .

  16. 早渐新世以后,南沙地块与婆罗洲地块拼贴,北康盆地整体位于海相环境。

    After early Oligocene Nansha block with kaliamantan block collided together , the main body of Beikang basin became marine environments .

  17. 在此栖息的十种灵长类动物中,红毛猩猩与长鼻猴是婆罗洲特有的。

    Among the 10 primate species that inhabit this area are the orangutan and proboscis monkey , which live only on Borneo .

  18. 孟加拉、罗洲、甸、国(东、西及海南)印度、挝、来西亚、国及越南。

    Bangladesh , Borneo , Burma , China ( Guangdong , Guangxi and Hainan ), India , Laos , Malaysia , Thailand and Vietnam .

  19. 在婆罗洲和马来西亚,忘忧瓶子草用它叶子末端水壶状的部位或瓶状叶吸引着昆虫。

    In Borneo and Malaysia , the Nepenthes pitcher plant traps insects using a jug-shaped attachment , or pitcher , at the end of its leaves .

  20. 在婆罗洲的沙巴的丹浓谷保护区中,一只蝴蝶正在夜幕的掩护下优雅的在一片叶子上合翅休息。

    Under the cover of darkness , a butterfly with folded wings rests gracefully on a leaf in the Danum Valley Conservation Area in Sabah , Borneo .

  21. 如果你曾操着一口外国腔在婆罗洲的丛林里与强收买路钱的当地村民讨价还价,你还会惧怕与客户谈判吗?

    How can you be intimidated by negotiating with a client when you 've negotiated safe passage in a foreign tongue with villagers in the back jungles of Borneo ?

  22. 在婆罗洲,露丝学会了传统部落的生活方式,他们教她怎样吃炖肉,以及如何从水蜗牛中吸水。

    In Borneo , Ruth was adopted by the Iban tribe , who taught her to eat tadpole stew , and how to suck water snails from their shells .

  23. 袖珍松鼠,并不比老鼠大,生活在非洲和婆罗洲。印度的巨人松鼠有家猫那么大。

    Pygmy squirrels , no larger than mice , live in Africa and Borneo . ( 1 ) The giant squirrels of India are as large as house cats .

  24. 1963年,当先前的英国殖民地新加坡,还有位于婆罗洲北海岸的东马来国家沙巴和砂劳越加入联盟后,马来西亚诞生了。

    Malaysia was formed in1963 when the former British colonies of Singapore and the East Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak on the northern coast of Borneo joined the Federation .

  25. 镜头的捕捉器放置在婆罗洲的卡扬?门塔让国家公园的山中,当这个神秘的动物穿过一片热带雨林的时候,镜头快拍到了两张这种动物长相的照片。

    A camera trap set in the mountains of Kayan Mentarang National Park in Borneo snapped two images of the mysterious creature as it trundled through the rain forest in2003 .

  26. 此前,在婆罗洲和东南亚其他地区也发现过相似风格的艺术作品。澳洲北部的岩石艺术也以手形图和动物绘画而见长。

    Similar art styles have previously been discovered in Borneo and other locations in Southeast Asia , and rock art in northern Australia also features hand stencils and paintings of animals .

  27. 他的成就包括了攀登上美国约塞米蒂国家公园的标志性的西北半圆顶,以及爪哇岛的婆罗洲的哥打京那巴鲁峰将近2500英尺的悬崖峭壁。

    His achievements include climbing the iconic north-west face of the Half Dome in America 's Yosemite National Park and tackling the 2500ft cliffs near to Borneo 's Kota Kinabalu peak .

  28. 本属的种类可归入具甲鞘的腰鞭毛虫类,兼具动、植物特征。在此栖息的十种灵长类动物中,红毛猩猩与长鼻猴是婆罗洲特有的。

    Members are dinoflagellates with Both plant and animal characteristics . Among the 10 primate species that inhabit this area are the orangutan and proboscis monkey , which live only on Borneo .

  29. 英国科学家于上周四称,在婆罗洲群岛发现的一种身长超过1英尺的竹节虫为目前世界上最长的昆虫。

    A stick bug from the island of Borneo measuring well over a foot in length has been identified by researchers as the world 's longest insect , British scientists said Thursday .

  30. 辛格的愤怒是一项几近年度仪式中必不可少的一部分:苏门答腊岛和婆罗洲印尼一侧点燃的大火,让东南亚部分地区数周都处在浓烟的笼罩下。

    Mr. Singh 's anger is part and parcel of a near-annual ritual : Fires set in Sumatra and the Indonesian side of Borneo blanket parts of Southeast Asia with smoke for weeks .