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  • compass;box compass
罗盘仪[luó pán yí]
  1. 手持GPS和罗盘仪在涉案林地面积测量中的精度分析

    Precision Analysis for Hand GPS and Compass Used in Law-case Related Forestland Area Measurement

  2. 悬挂罗盘仪在东乡铜矿的应用实践

    Application practices of using hanging compass at Dongxiang Copper Mine

  3. AutoCAD在罗盘仪导线测量制图上的应用

    Application of AutoCAD in Compass Traverse Survey Charting

  4. 激光测距森林罗盘仪的研究

    A study on compass by laser measuring distance in forest

  5. 罗盘仪测量在退耕还林项目中的应用

    Application of Compass Measurement to Undergoing of " Returning Farmland to Forest " Program

  6. 林地面积计算方法的改进与罗盘仪导线限差的探讨

    An Improvement on the Calculative Method for Forest Land Area and An Approach to the Allowable

  7. 这对进一步由二自由度陀螺仪改造设计单自由度陀螺罗盘仪具有指导意义。

    Suspended two-degree-of-freedom gyrocompass is the main part of gyro-theodolite , thus it is significant to analyze the factors that cause the motion of the gyrocompass .

  8. 由悬挂式二自由度陀螺罗盘仪和经纬仪组合而成的陀螺经纬仪,是工程测量领域中用以确定子午线方位的主要仪器。

    The gyro-theodolite , which is composed of a suspended two-degree-of-freedom gyrocompass and a theodolite , is the main instrument in the engineering measurement for meridian determination .

  9. 利用5种常用的程序型计算器编程计算罗盘仪测量的面积,精度高、操作简单,该法已在开化县造林基地验收中采用。

    Area surveyed by compass can be calculated by 5 programme calculator after programming with high precision and easy operation . At present , this method is widely used in acceptance of forestation base in Kaihua , Zhejiang .

  10. 某型飞机无线电罗盘频率检测仪的设计

    Design of radio compass frequency tester for a certain type of fighter

  11. 介绍一种无线电罗盘综合检测仪的硬件构成及软件程序设计。

    The hardware structure and software design of a comprehensive detection instrument of radio compass are introduced .

  12. 一种使用GPS、罗盘和激光测距仪测定南极冰川运动的方法

    A Method of Using GPS 、 Compass and laser Scanner to Measure the Glacier Movement In Antarctic

  13. 以电子罗盘输出陀螺经纬仪照准部与真北方向的偏角作为反馈信号,DSP处理器进行解算,并利用模糊控制算法控制步进电机的运动,逐步逼近,实现粗寻北自动化。

    The angle between the collimating position of the gyroscope is exported from the electronic compass and true north as the feedback signal to be processed by DSP , and the fuzzy control arithmetic is adopted for control the movement of the step motor to achieve the coarse north-finding automatically .

  14. 本文从航空部队对无线电罗盘检修时存在的问题出发,讲述了无线电罗盘频率检测仪的基本设计思想、解决问题的途径及软、硬件设计原理。

    Beginning with analysis to the problems existed in radio compass checking and repairing , the basic design principles of the radio compass frequency tester , methods of problem solving and design principles of software and hardware are introduced .