
  • 网络Roman Villa
  1. 这所房子是仿罗马别墅的建筑。

    The house was built in imitation of a Roman villa .

  2. 约瑟夫和他的。母亲住在一所.仿效罗马别墅的房子里。

    Joseph and his mother lived in a house built in imitation of a Roman Villa .

  3. 所有的这些理念最初是在古代遗物中被发掘出来的,你能在罗马别墅,乔治时期的官邸,法国城堡以及弗兰克·劳埃德·莱特的草原房屋中发现。

    All of these ideas were first explored in antiquity and can be found in Roman villas , Georgian mansions , French chateaux , and in the prairie houses of Frank Lloyd Wright .

  4. 他们来到他在罗马的别墅。

    Descended on his VIIIa in rome .