
zhì xìn dù
  • Confidence level;degree of confidence
  1. 基于置信度的卫星多分辨率建模与仿真

    Apply of Satellite Multi-Resolution Modeling & Simulation Based on Degree of Confidence

  2. 仿真目标的调整控制简单、方便,仿真置信度高、精度好、经济效益显著。

    The target adjustment is simple and the degree of confidence and precision are high .

  3. 人-机工程系统CAD精度及计算机仿真置信度研究

    Study on Precision of Man-Machine Engineering CAD System and Confidence of Computer Simulation

  4. 当我将分辨率设为0.5,置信度设为0.99,并以MEDIUM模式运行UPDATESTATISTICS时,会发生什么情况?

    What happens when I set the resolution to0.5 and confidence to0.99 and run UPDATE STATISTICS in the MEDIUM mode ?

  5. 基于SVM的置信度综合方法在语音识别中的应用

    SVM-Based Combination of Confidence Measures in Speech Recognition

  6. 利用深度谱分析物体层次,提高了立体匹配的置信度,提高了X射线立体透视的分层成像的质量。

    A depth spectral method we developed for stereo matching has increased its credibility and realized the X ray stratified imaging .

  7. 同时,对所得到的拟合直线,用Fuzzy线性拟合相关系数描述了它的置信度;

    Then we put forward the degree of possibility for the straight line obtained , which is named the Related Coefficient of Fuzzy Fitting of A Straight Dine .

  8. 基于最大熵模型的QA系统置信度评分算法

    A Maximum Entropy Model Based Confidence Scoring Algorithm for QA

  9. 置信度指的是一个问题回答系统(QA系统)对其所作回答的自信程度。

    Confidence score describes how confident a Question-answering system is about its response .

  10. 所有预测方法定量性强,均能通过预报效能评分R值在97.5%置信度下的检验,效能显著。

    The three methods are quantitative and able to pass the prediction effectiveness judge check ( R value ) with the confidence level of 95 % .

  11. 频率稳定度描述:Allan方差估值的置信度问题

    Characterization of Frequency Stability : The Confidence of Estimated Allan Variance

  12. Cognos可以显示有评价信息的表,还可能一起显示置信度信息。

    Cognos can be used to display scored tables , possibly together with confidence information .

  13. 砷化镓单片开关在最高工作温度85°C、置信度90%下失效率λ小于400Fit,完全满足产品的使用要求。

    The failure rate of switch MMICs is less than 400 Fit at the maximum operating temerature 85 ° C at a 90 % confidence level , so the products meet the customer requirements .

  14. 通过全时空的扫描,确定年累计频度N≥4为异常阈值,该指标通过了置信度97.5%的R值内符检验。

    The whole time-space scanning result show 4 is the yearly accumulation frequency cutoff value , Using the R value to test it , found the success ratio is 97.5 % .

  15. 论文主要研究基于置信度传播BP算法的MIMO检测技术,论文研究的主要目标是全面评估基于BP算法的MIMO检测技术及其在不同MIMO系统条件下所能获得性能。

    Research on belief-propagation based detection algorithm in MIMO and its application and available performance in different MIMO systems is the primary objective of this thesis .

  16. 实际正负货币供应量扰动在10%的置信度下对GDP影响不具有对称性。

    Secondly , the positive and negative disturbances of the supply of the real value of currency have asymmetric on real GDP at the 10 % belief .

  17. 结论表明,在置信度为95%的条件下,运用蒙特卡罗模拟的VaR方法度量权证市场风险更为可取和有效。

    The test shows that VaR method using Monte Carlo simulation is more commendable and valid under condition of 95 % degree of belief .

  18. VVA是保证MS的置信度和可用性的关键技术。

    VV A is a key technique to ensure the credibility and availability of M S.

  19. 本文提出了在模糊的条件下采用D-S证据理论将各参数的置信度进行融合,以确定属于PD雷达的置信度。

    Parameters ' confidence factors are fused with D-S evidence theory for ascertaining the confidence factor belonging to PD radar in fuzzy condition .

  20. 然而,研究报告发现,在95%的置信度水平,股票收益基金(equityincomefunds)的错误发现率比投资于所有公司的基金和投资于小型公司的基金要小。

    However , at the 95 per cent confidence level , the research showed a lower false discovery rate for equity income funds than for funds in the all companies and smaller companies sectors .

  21. 极大似然法测定p-S-N曲线的置信度

    Confidence level of the P S N determined by the maximum likelihood principle

  22. 首先,采用BP神经网络建立价格钉识别模型,对未来某一交易时段市场清算电价可能出现的区间进行预测,并提供相应的置信度;

    Focusing on the price spike , this paper proposes a price interval identification model using neural network , which can generate forecasted price interval , level of spike and associated forecast confidence .

  23. 用多组阈值(K)进行了正交设计试验,并经过显著性检验,本方法成功率的置信度大于97.5%。

    We also have made experiments of orthogonal design with a member of groups of threshold values and test of significance . The resulting confidence limit in this method is greater than 97.5 % .

  24. 本文采用时域特征法、频域特征法、BP神经网络法等三种方法均实现了多余物材质识别,并分别给出各自的置信度评价方法。

    This dissertation used method of time-domain features , frequency-domain feature and BP neural network accomplished identification of material of remainders respectively . Furthermore , method of confidence evaluation has been put forward respectively .

  25. 文中提出了一种新的估计方法&替换百分点法,并运用MonteCarlo数字仿真对估计的置信度和精度进行了分析,研究结果表明此方法具有工程应用价值。

    The Monte Carlo simulation is used . To study the confidence level and accuracy of this method . The result shows that the method is satisfactory for engineering purpose .

  26. 在分析中,将频率误差、模态置信度以及残余力向量(residualforcevector)以不同权重值组合从而建立目标函数,利用IFHSA逐步实现对结构参数模型的修正,进而对结构损伤进行识别。

    In this study , objective function can be established using frequency error , modal assurance criterion and residual force vector combined with different weight value , structural damage were identified by using updating the structural parameter model .

  27. 结合项目实际,进行爆破地震波的测试,对测试数据进行分析,用不同的置信度进行拟合,确定K、α系数。

    Based on the analysis of the results of datum processing , measured from the blasting seismic waves in a practical blasting project , the coefficient K and α was regressed with different faith degree .

  28. 利用对数疲劳寿命符合正态分布的特性,可靠度一定时,可借助单侧容限系数给出具有置信度r的对数疲劳寿命。

    According to the fatigue logarithm life tallys with normal distribution , once given the reliability , the one side tolerance factor can be used to solve the fatigue logarithm life with the confidence level r .

  29. 利用FARMER剂量仪测定了标定点的剂量率,总不确定度为5.2%(置信度为95.5%)

    With the help of FARMER dosimeter , the dose rate of calibration point has been measured . The total uncertainty is 5.2 % , and the confidence level is 95.5 % .

  30. 在关键词验证阶段,给出了一个新的置信度函数来压制由MED搜索带来的虚警。

    In keyword verification stage , a new confidence function is presented to suppress the false alarms incurred by MED searching .