
yáng juàn
  • sheepfold;fold;sheep pen;sheepcote;sheep fold
羊圈 [yáng juàn]
  • [sheep fold;sheep pen] 羊棚,羊栏

羊圈[yáng juàn]
  1. 他用手摸了一会儿,然后说:“我不太确定,这到底是一只小狼崽,还是一只狐狸的幼崽,但是有一点我十分确定,千万别让它进羊圈。”

    He felt it for some time , and then said , " Indeed , I am not sure whether it is a wolf 's cub or a fox 's : but this I know -- it would never do to trust it in a sheepfold . "

  2. 请你帮我把羊赶进羊圈好吗?

    Would you please help me get the sheep within the sheepfold ?

  3. 在剪羊毛时,需要把羊圈起来。

    At clipping time sheep need to be penned .

  4. 他不是十分确定狐狸是怎么进入羊圈的。

    He wasn 't sure exactly how a fox could have got into the sheep 's pen .

  5. 把羊圈关好,防备羊群跑掉。

    Close the gate of the pen properly to prevent the sheep from getting away .

  6. 当绵羊们在雨中吃腻了,便慢吞吞地沿着小路回到了羊圈里。

    When the sheep tired of standing4 in the rain , they walked slowly up the lane and into the fold .

  7. 以萨迦是个强壮的驴,卧在羊圈之中。

    Issachar is a rawboned donkey lying down between two saddlebags .

  8. 你得用栏杆把那些羊圈起来,否则它们会走失的。

    You must rail in those lambs or they win wander off .

  9. 很多山羊被牧羊人赶到羊圈里。

    Goats and sheep shepherd many goats were rushed to shepherd lane .

  10. 那么,小羊羔回到了羊圈。

    So , the lamb has returned to the fold .

  11. 他象只到了羊圈里的狼般地来到了。

    He came down like a wolf on the fold .

  12. 羊栏尤指羊圈等为家畜圈起的一块地。

    A fenced enclosure for domestic animals , especially sheep .

  13. 那个农夫把羊赶回羊圈。

    The farmer drove his sheep back to their pen .

  14. 一群山羊从羊圈里蹦蹦跳跳地跑出来。

    The goats came bounding forth from their pens .

  15. 当你认为狗可信,狼已偷偷把羊圈进。

    While you trust to the dog , the wolf slips into the sheepfold .

  16. 原来是一只狼顺着窟窿爬进了羊圈,叼走了一只羊。

    A wolf had gotten in through the hole and taken a sheep away .

  17. 他把羊带进羊圈。

    He led the sheep into the pen .

  18. 过于信任牧羊犬,狼便容易进羊圈。

    White you trust to the dog , the wolf slips in the sheepfold .

  19. 两只牧羊犬把羊群驱赶进羊圈。

    Two sheepdogs herded the sheep into pens .

  20. 一天,他去羊圈,发现少了一只羊。

    One day , he went to the pen and found a sheep lost .

  21. 夜里狼闯进羊圈,羊是被狼吃掉的。

    During the night a wolf had broken into the fold and devoured the sheep .

  22. 伯宁拉、伯哈兰,都是坚固城。他们又垒羊圈。

    Beth nimrah and Beth Haran as fortified cities , and built pens for their flocks .

  23. 他的朋友对他说:“快把羊圈修理修理吧!”

    His friend said to him : " You had better mend the fold quickly . "

  24. 又拣选他的仆人大卫,从羊圈中将他召来。

    He took David to be his servant , taking him from the place of the flocks ;

  25. 把羊赶进羊圈里面去。

    Get the sheep within .

  26. 它对那只正在羊圈的一角静静孵蛋的母鹅说话。

    He mentioned this to the goose , who was sitting quietly in a corner of the sheepfold .

  27. 目前正在继续攻读环境人类学博士学位,并在四川省凉山州盐源县羊圈村从事田野作业。

    Her fieldwork site in China is Yangjuan Village , Yanyuan County , Liangshan Prefecture of Sichuan Province .

  28. 于是,他赶快修好羊圈。从此,他的羊再也没有丢过。

    Then he hurried to have the pen mended and from then on he never lost his sheep .

  29. 于是,他马上把羊圈修理好。从此,他的羊再也没有被狼吃掉过。

    Consequently , he mended the fold at once , and thereafter no more sheep were devoured by the wolf .

  30. 刘乃应回忆道了当时是怎样在自家的羊圈里发现这只刚出生的非同寻常的动物宝宝。

    Mr Liu told how he found the unusual baby animal shortly after it was born in one of his fields .