
  • 网络the american scholar
  1. 20世纪90年代,美国学者R.V.George从更贴近现代城市设计师工作方法与过程的角度,提出城市设计是一种二次订单设计(Second&OrderDesign)。

    In 1990s , the American scholar R. V. George suggested that urban design is a ' Second-Order Design ' from the perspective of working method and process closer to modern urban designers .

  2. 第三部门(Thirdsector)的概念由美国学者T·列维特(T.Levitt)于1973年首次使用,用以统称处于政府和私营企业之间的社会组织。

    The American scholar T. Levitt in 1973 firstly used the definition of " Third Sector ", which was a general designation of the social organizations between the governments and private enterprises .

  3. 昨天一位美国学者被逐出该国。

    An American academic was expelled from the country yesterday

  4. 两位美国学者史蒂芬·霍姆斯和卡什·R·孙斯坦撰写的《权利的成本》一书则是力图改变上述缺憾的一部力作。

    The Cost of Rights by Stephen Holmes and Cass R.Sunstein is an effort trying to make up for this regret .

  5. 美国学者Hall用易变性来描述这种职业生涯并致力于该领域的研究。

    Hall used " protean career " to describe this new career and commitment to the study of the field .

  6. 在这种情况下,美国学者派恩(B.JosephPineⅡ)于1990年系统地提出了一种新的生产范式&大规模定制(masscustomization)。

    In that case , American scholars B. Joseph Pine II systemically brought forward a new production mode Mass Customization in 1990 . A.

  7. 美国学者Berle和Means于1932年系统地分析了在公众公司中存在的公司所有与公司经营相分离的现象后,在经济学和公司法学中都产生了重大的影响。

    In 1932 , Berle & Means systematically identified the separation of corporate ownership and management in public corporations .

  8. 以两位美国学者的实证研究为基础,从理论上对CRM的协调四阶段进行了分析。

    Taking the empirical study of two American scholars as the foundation , this paper analyzes theoretically on the four-stage coordination of CRM .

  9. 将判决承认与执行事项纳入WTO体系之思考&对美国学者Perez观点之分析与回应

    Thought on the Opinion of Integrating Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments into WTO - An analysis and respond on Perez 's opinion

  10. 1924年,美国学者谢尔顿(OliverSheldon)最早提出了公司的社会责任这一概念。

    In year 1924 , USA scholar Shelton ( Oliver Sheldon ) had brought forward the concept of CSR .

  11. 隐性课程(hiddencurriculum)这个概念是1966年美国学者杰克森(P·w·J&ckson)首先提出,此后课程学者才开始从事系统的研究和讨论。

    The concept " hidden curriculum " ( HC ) was initially put forward by the American scholar P. W. Jackson in 1966 , and systematically developed and discussed by those curriculum scholars hereafter .

  12. 不过,美国学者大卫韦恩斯坦(davidweinstein)表示,官方数据将日本的通缩率低估了几个百分点。

    However , according to the American scholar David Weinstein , the official numbers understate Japanese deflation by several percentage points .

  13. 美国学者在美国所做的一项试验证实,HIV携带者每天口服常规剂量的鱼肝油胶囊即可有效降低艾滋病的发病率。

    American scholars in the United States has done a pilot confirmed , HIV carriers in conventional daily oral dose of cod liver oil capsules can effectively reduce the incidence of AIDS .

  14. 大约20年前,美国学者和作家约耳加罗(joelgarreau)在《边缘城市》(edgecity)一书中对新城市的条件进行了界定。

    Roughly 20 years ago , Joel garreau , the US academic and writer , defined a new urban condition in his book edge city .

  15. 直到1993年,美国学者R.A.Scholtz发表论文论证了采用冲激脉冲进行跳时调制的多址技术,使UWB技术的发展重新繁荣。

    Until 1993 , the American scholar R. A. Scholtz published a famous paper in Milcom '93 proposed the multiple access technology using the impulse radio to implement the Time-Hopping modulation .

  16. 美国学者近期发现包皮环切术可降低生殖器疱疹及HPV感染发生风险,但对预防梅毒没有帮助。

    A new study by researchers in the US found that male circumcision cut the risk of genital herpes and human papillomavirus ( HPV ) infection , but not syphilis .

  17. 上世纪六十年代,美国学者发现了IPO抑价现象,此后,IPO抑价一直是金融学家研究的热门领域。

    The sixties of last century , the American scholars discovered the phenomenon of IPO underpricing , since then , the phenomenon of IPO underpricing is always hot research field of financial experts .

  18. 自从美国学者S.约汉森的学术专著《界面文化》发表以来,许多学者对界面概念以及界面文化的相关问题进行了研究。

    The concepts and its problem of interface and interface-culture have been studied by many scholars since , Interface Culture , the book which written by Steven Johnson , who is a U.S.A scholar , published .

  19. 但正如美国学者诺瑟姆(Ray·M·Northam)所言,伴随着城市化进程的加快,许多城市病也相继产生。

    But , just as an American scholars said , many " city disease " also generated accompanied by the acceleration of urbanization process .

  20. 美国学者伯格斯滕首先提出中美G2的想法,布热津斯基也认为,中国在国际上排名第二,仅次于美国。

    FRED BERGSTEN ( Director of the Peterson Institute for International Economics ) first suggested the idea of G2.Brzezinski believed that China is second only to the United States .

  21. 自20世纪80年代美国学者提出公钥基础设施(PKI)的概念以来,PKI技术已经成为电子商务,电子政务和企业级网络中不可缺少的安全支撑系统。

    In 1980s , the American scholars brought out the public key infrastructure ( PKI ), and the PKI technology has became the necessary supporting secure system in e-government , e-commerce , and enterprise network .

  22. 但如果答案为是,那么下一个关键问题是由美国学者理查德•西拉(RichardSylla)在多年前提出的。

    But if it is , the next key question was raised some years ago by Richard Sylla , the US academic .

  23. 社交商这个说法是由美国学者丹尼尔。戈尔曼首先提出来的,指的是人们处理人际社交关系的能力,与智商(IQ)和情商(EQ)的理念相同。

    Daniel Goleman , refers to the ability to deal with social relations and follows in the style of the IQ ( intelligence quotient ) and EQ ( emotion quotient ) concepts .

  24. 美国学者KurtGodel曾说过,在认识世界的过程中,排除某一种方式或视角所得到的结果都是不完备的。

    American scholar Kurt Godel has said the result will be not completed if you understand the world excluding a certain way or view .

  25. 数年前,美国学者约翰缪勒(johnmueller)在对数据进行分析研究后总结道:“不出几年,世界各地就会彻底没有战争。”

    John Mueller , an American academic , crunched the numbers a couple of years ago and concluded : " within a very few years there may be no war at all anywhere in the world . "

  26. 2009年,美国学者杜维明离开哈佛燕京学社(Harvard-YenchingInstitute),前往北京大学任教,致力于宣扬儒家思想,视之为一种与西方哲学并驾齐驱的严肃伦理体系。

    The American scholar Tu Weiming left the Harvard-Yenching Institute in 2009 for a post at Beijing University , promoting Confucianism as a serious ethical system on a par with western philosophy .

  27. 但是1974年美国学者指出,CFC进入同温层后将使保护地球上生物不受紫外线伤害的臭氧层遭受破坏。

    But in 1974 , American professor pointed out that CFC , once in the stratosphere , destroys ozonosphere , which protects the human race from the radiation of ultraviolet rays .

  28. 本文简要介绍了美国学者查尔斯·西伯莱等人采用DNA-DNA分子杂交方法建立的世界现代鸟类新系统。

    The paper has introduced a classification of the living birds of the World based on the results of DNA-DNA hybridization studies .

  29. 美国学者玛丽埃莉斯萨洛特(maryelisesarotte)认为,戈尔巴乔夫没有努力争取获得大规模的经济援助,以帮助实现向新经济制度的过渡。

    The American scholar Mary Elise Sarotte has argued Mr Gorbachev did not bargain for large-scale economic aid to assist the transition to a new economic order .

  30. 事实上,近来两个美国学者MariaStephan和EricaChenoweth的一项研究给出了令人吃惊的结果:非暴力运动比武装反叛更有效果。

    In fact , one surprising recent study by two American academics , Maria Stephan and Erica Chenoweth , suggests non-violent campaigns are more effective than armed uprisings .