
  • 网络an american tragedy
  1. 《美国悲剧》:在享乐欲望中毁灭的克莱德

    An American Tragedy : Destroyed Clide in the Pleasure-Seeking Desire

  2. 从《美国悲剧》看大众文化的影响

    The Influence of Mass Culture in an American Tragedy

  3. 第二章论述美国悲剧。这是论文的主体。

    The second chapter is about the American democratic tragedy .

  4. 《美国悲剧》中的主题和技巧分析

    An Analysis of the Theme and Artistic Techniques in An American Tragedy

  5. 真正的美国悲剧克莱德悲剧之原因分析

    A True American Tragedy an Analysis of Causes of Clyde 's Tragedy

  6. 最动人心弦的美国悲剧&《了不起的盖茨比》评析

    The Deeply Moving America Tragedy & Analysis The Great Gatsby

  7. 我的论文论述了美国悲剧的四个方面。

    My thesis will deal with the four aspects of the American tragedy .

  8. 首当其冲的是美国悲剧是美国梦的悲剧。

    First and for most American tragedy is the tragedy of American dream .

  9. 《榆树下的欲望》一部具有普遍性的美国悲剧

    Desire under the Elms a Universal American Tragedy

  10. 第二章介绍了《美国悲剧》及其两种中译本。

    The second deals with the introduction of An American Tragedy , its author and the two Chinese versions .

  11. 《马丁伊登》,《了不起的盖茨比》和《美国悲剧》中的美国梦研究

    A Study of the Theme of the American Dream Through Martin Eden , the Great Gatsby , and an American Tragedy

  12. 文学欣赏离不开对文本的解读,本文采用文本细读和意象批评的角度欣赏《美国悲剧》,揭示美国社会和美国梦的虚妄性。

    Text interpretation is essential to literary appreciation , and this paper investigates the novel in view of close reading and imagery criticism to reveal the disillusionment of American society and American Dream .

  13. 论《美国的悲剧》的艺术手法及其深远意义

    On the Artistic Skills and profound significance of The American Tragedy

  14. 最后,美国的悲剧还是爱情的悲剧。

    And last American tragedy is the tragedy of love .

  15. 尤金·奥尼尔是美国现代悲剧的奠基人。

    Eugene O ' Neill is the founder of American modern tragedy .

  16. 《美国的悲剧》是现代美国小说的杰作之一。

    An American Tragedy is one of the masterpieces of modern American novels .

  17. 《美国的悲剧》中的心理描写分析

    An Analysis on Psychological description in An American Tragedy

  18. 《美国的悲剧》;悲剧之源;自然主义;克莱德;

    An American Tragedy ; the sources of the tragedy ; Clyde ; naturalism ;

  19. 浅析德莱赛《美国的悲剧》的现实主义特征

    On the features of realism of American tragedy

  20. 发生在他们身上的是一出美国的悲剧,我们大家都在其中扮演了一定的角色。

    Theirs is an American tragedy in which we all have played a part .

  21. 《美国的悲剧》中的男权意识

    Male Consciousness in the An American Tragedy

  22. 美国印第安悲剧的悖论分析

    On Paradoxes of American Indian Tragedy

  23. 沙利文有关音乐的写作极富感染力,而且毫不掩饰他深受“美国南方悲剧魅力”的影响。

    Mr Sullivan writes eloquently about music , and is unashamedly " under the tragic spell of the South " .

  24. 大萧条是美国的悲剧,只有美国人自己的智慧才能拯救自己

    It was an American tragedy , the Depression was , and it took American ingenuity to lift America out of it .

  25. 尤金·奥尼尔作为:美国现代悲剧之父一生共创作了50余部戏剧。

    Eugene O'Neill , who was regarded as " the father of American Tragedy " wrote about 50 plays in his lifetime .

  26. 而其后的作品如《欲望三步曲》,《天才》,及《美国的悲剧》则是这一主题的延伸和深化。

    In his later works such as Desire Trilogy , The Genius and An American Tragedy such a theme gets extended and deepened .

  27. 他表示,特雷沃恩·马丁的死是一个悲剧,这不仅是他家庭的悲剧,或某个社群的悲剧,而是整个美国的悲剧。

    He said the death of Trayvon Martin was a tragedy not just for his family or for any one community but for America .

  28. 尤金·奥尼尔是20世纪美国现代悲剧的奠基人,他的悲剧思想一直是批评家们所关注的主题。

    Eugene O'Neill is regarded as the founder of American modern tragedy in 20th century , whose tragic thought has been a long-concerned topic by many critics .

  29. 本文通过分析《美国的悲剧》一汉译本中的一些错译和误译来探讨这两种误区的出现理据以及译者的翻译方法和态度。

    Through analyses of some mistranslation sin Chinese version of American Tragedy , this article discusses the basis of these two wrong concepts and translator 's method and manner in translation .

  30. 文章探讨了美国著名悲剧作家尤金·奥尼尔在悲剧的题材、悲剧的表现手法等力面对传统悲剧的创新。

    The diversifying of the theme of the tragedy and the diversifying of the expression methods of the tragedy and so on are Eugene O Neil s surmounting to the traditional tragedy .