
  • 网络progressive movement
  1. 美国进步运动时期黑人问题边缘化初探

    A Study of the Negro Problem Neglected during the Progressive Movement

  2. 20世纪80年代以来国内关于美国进步运动的研究综述

    Summarize on American Progressive Movement since 1980s by Chinese Scholarship

  3. 试论赫伯特·克罗利政治思想及其对美国进步运动的影响

    On Herbert Croly 's Political Thought and Its Influence on the Progressive Movement

  4. 论美国进步运动的动力

    On The Motive Forces of American Progressive Movement

  5. 论美国进步运动的历史背景及其社会影响

    On the Historical Background and Social Impact of the Progressive Movement in the United States

  6. 美国进步运动时期的环保思想与实践

    The Thought and Practice on American Environmental Protection During the Period of the Progressive Movement

  7. 美国进步运动研究评述

    Overview on the American Progressive Movement

  8. 它树立起美国进步运动今后五十年将要遵循的哩程标。

    It erected mileposts that the American progressive movement would follow for the next fifty years .

  9. 从构成进步运动的主体看,19世纪末20世纪初的美国进步运动是由复杂多样的改革运动组成的,得到不同的变革力量的倡导与支持。

    From the perspective of its leaders and participants , the Progressive Movement during the late 19th and early 20th century was made up of different and diverse reforms .

  10. 虽然,我们的工业化、城市化运动在美国进步运动一百年之后,两国在社会政治制度与新闻体制方面仍然不可同日而语。

    In spite of our industrialization and urbanization movements a hundred years later than American progressive movement , the social and political systems and press system of the two countries still can not compare with each other .

  11. 关于美国进步主义运动的几个问题

    On the Progressive Movement in the United States

  12. 在这种情况下,克雷明对美国进步教育运动及其理论进行历史的、系统的、客观的总结。

    Under this circumstance , Cremin made a historical systematic and objective summary on American progressive education and its theory .

  13. 他们的努力与付出,无论是文字上的或是行动上的,都为美国进步主义运动画上了浓墨重彩的一笔。

    Their efforts whether in literature or in action , are painted on a splendid touch in Progressive Movement in the United States .

  14. 转型、困惑与出路&美国“进步主义运动”略论

    The way out for transition and predicament & a study on the american " progressive movement "

  15. 从研究方法的角度看,国外主要是美国学界关于进步运动的研究大体可分为专题研究、综合研究与比较研究。

    Studies on the Progressive Movement in U.S. were divided into specific study , general study and comparative study by their method of study .