
  • 网络What a Wonderful World;A wonderful world;world
  1. 是啊我自己在想一个多么美好的世界。

    Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world .

  2. 我想,我来到了一个美好的世界。

    And I think to myself what a wonderful world .

  3. 父母婚姻的破裂使得罗茜田园诗般美好的世界陡然画上了句号。

    Rosie 's idyllic world came to an abrupt end when her parents ' marriage broke up

  4. 她写到在弗莱德的追思会上为他唱起《多么美好的世界》(WhataWonderfulWorld);写到她发现自己已经比弗莱德去世时年长、比自己所有英年早逝的朋友去世时都要年长时的心情。

    She writes about singing " What a Wonderful World " for Fred at his memorial service and she writes about realizing that she is now older than Fred when he died - and older than many of her departed friends .

  5. 我们已经开始唤醒员工对CSR的意识,并不断深化着我们公司的愿景:美好的世界从我们开始!

    We have started to awaken the CSR consciousness of our employees and to deepen the meaning of our company motto : a beautiful world begins from us .

  6. 我们可以使它成为一个更美好的世界,通过我们的辛勤工作。

    We can make it abetter world through our hard work .

  7. 我敢保证这会是个更美好的世界。

    I 'm pretty sure that would be a better world .

  8. 不是因为建设一个美好的世界。

    Not because it 'll make the world a better place .

  9. 多美好的世界啊,乞丐都有假期!

    What a nice world , beggars having a day out !

  10. 我希望我能重见那美好的世界。

    I wish I can see the glorious world again .

  11. 我们想做的是创造一个美好的世界。

    What we want to do is to make a better world .

  12. 为你,为我,创造一个更美好的世界。

    Make a better place for you and for me .

  13. 我敢保证这会是个更美好的世界

    I 'm pretty sure that would be a better world

  14. 我们关心的是把社会推向前,使之进入一个更美好的世界。

    We 're interested in moving society forward into a better world .

  15. 历史的终极目的是创造一个更加美好的世界。

    The supreme purpose of history is a better world .

  16. 他告诫我们可以用双手打造一个更加美好的世界。

    That we can buid a better worid wth our own hands .

  17. 历史的主要目的是创造一个更加美好的世界。

    The main purpose of history is to create a better world .

  18. 我认为它将会是一个更美好的世界。

    I think it would be a better world .

  19. 他毕生的目标就是创造更加美好的世界。

    All though his life his aim was to make a better world .

  20. 我们已经设法建设了一个更美好的世界。

    We have managed to build a better world .

  21. 什么将产生一个更美好的世界呢?

    What is going to produce a better world ?

  22. 吾等联合国之子民,为更美好的世界而联合。

    We the peoples of United Nations , united for a better world .

  23. 我明白如果我想创立更美好的世界。

    I figured if I was gonna make the worid a better piace .

  24. 让你们生活在美好的世界?

    So you can live in your better world ?

  25. 我要如何用我的学位开创更美好的世界。

    How I was gonna make the world a better place with my degree .

  26. 我们在哪可以找到更美好的世界。

    Where can we find two better hemispheres .

  27. 随着现代技术的发展,我们将拥有更美好的世界。

    With the development of modern technology , we will have a better world .

  28. 这是个非常美好的世界。

    This is a very entertaining world .

  29. 让我们共愿由于我们老师的改变而不同的更美好的世界。

    Let 's hope for the best for a different word changed by our teachers .

  30. 迈步走向更美好的世界。

    Ever onward to a better world .