
  • 网络art education;DBAE
  1. 美术教育应注重培养学生创造力与技能的统一

    Students ' Creativity and Skills Should be Unified in Art Education

  2. 徐悲鸿的写实主义美术教育思想及其教学体系

    Xu beihong is realism thinking of Art education very teaching system

  3. 广西高等师范美术教育课程探究

    Inquired into the Guangxi Higher Pedagogical Fine Arts Education Curriculum Reforms

  4. 甘肃省基础美术教育发展对策研究

    The Strategy and Research on Elementary Art Education in GanSu Province

  5. 公共美术教育多媒体运用的思考

    On the Application of the Multimedia in the Public Art Education

  6. 学前儿童美术教育的危机与挑战

    The Crises and Challenges in the Artistic Education for Preschool Children

  7. 论学校美术教育体系的重新构建

    On the Reconstruction of Art Education System of Schools and Colleges

  8. 高校美术教育存在的问题

    Problems on the Educational Management of Art in Colleges and Universities

  9. 面向21世纪,开创美术教育新局面

    Open up the New Prospects of Art Education Facing 21st Century

  10. 高师美术教育价值取向与教育功能的全面凸现

    Values Orientation of Art Education and Educational Function in Normal University

  11. 高校美术教育专业数字艺术课程研究

    Digital Art on Curriculum Study of College of Fine Arts Education

  12. 试论潘天寿美术教育思想的价值取向

    Value Orientation of Pan Tian-shou 's Educational Thought on Fine Arts

  13. 当前幼儿园美术教育的新变化、面临的问题及其对策

    Orientations , Problems and Countermeasures in Recent Kindergarten Fine Arts Education

  14. 美术教育应造就中国式的理想人格

    On Aesthetic Education Should Bring Up Chinese Style Ideal Characters

  15. 高等美术教育应注重美术欣赏教学

    Higher Art Education Should Pay Attention to Art Appreciation Teaching

  16. 甘肃高等师范美术教育的发展历程及趋势

    The Developing Process and Tendency of Teachers Colleges Art Education in Gansu

  17. 采取新的见习方式&美术教育体验;

    Using new practice method i.e. experience of fine arts educational practice .

  18. 中国现代设计教育中的传统工艺美术教育

    The Traditional Education of Art and Crafts in Chinese Modern Design Education

  19. 试论复合型美术教育人才的知识结构

    On the Knowledge Structure of Complex Talents in Art Education

  20. 根据职业美术教育的特殊性提出了几点看法。

    According to the particularity of professional art education a few comments .

  21. 浅谈职业学校中的美术教育谈职业学校中的创业教育

    It is shallow to talk the art education of the occupation school

  22. 美术教育与学生审美个性的发展

    The Development of Students ' Aesthetic Personalities in Art Education

  23. 大教育背景下的社会美术教育研究

    Research of Social Fine Arts Education under Comprehensive Education Background

  24. 论高等美术教育创造性思维能力的培养

    The Discussion of Cultivating Creative Thought Power in Higher Education

  25. 论高职师范儿童美术教育的本质

    Discuss the Essence of the Pedagogical Art Teaching in Higher Vocational College

  26. 职高美术教育要立足于市场经济

    Art Education in Vocational Schools Must Be Based on the Market Economy

  27. 当今中学美术教育之管窥&素描教学

    On the Contemporary Fine Art Education in Secondary Schools & Scratch Teaching

  28. 师范院校美术教育改革思考

    Reflection on Art Education Reform in Normal Schools and Universities

  29. 中小学美术教育欣赏课浅谈

    On Art Education Appreciation Class in Primary or Middle School

  30. 浅谈现代艺术在基础美术教育中的重要性

    On the importance of modern arts in the basic education of art