
  1. 让越来越多的学生具备基本的美术素养。

    More and more students with basic art literacy .

  2. 小教专业(本科)学生美术素养的作用和定位刍议

    Primary Study on the Function and Orientation of Students Integrative Art Quality in Elementary Education ( Undergraduate ) Major

  3. 研究者自编了关于美术素养观念的调查问卷,对中学美术班与非美术班以及大学不同专业方向的美术教师进行了问卷调查;

    We made the questionnaire on the aesthetic accomplishment concept and investigated the opinions about the aesthetic accomplishment of fine arts teachers , some of whom are from senior middle schools and others with different majors are from fine arts schools .

  4. 论美术教师的素养

    The Qualifications of an Art Teacher

  5. 美术教师专业素养的研究作为本论文研究的主要内容,其中着重阐述了教师素养问题中的专业素养。

    Art teacher professionalism study as the main content of this paper , emphatically elaborated the professional teachers quality problem accomplishment .

  6. 加强大学语文教育提升美术专业学生人文素养

    Enhance College Chinese Education and Improve the Humanistic Qualities of the Art Major Students

  7. 大学美术教师对美术素养的理解在总体上不存在显著的专业方向差异,在个性层面存在显著的专业方向差异。

    Among the fine arts university teachers , major has significant effect on their opinions on personality .

  8. 本研究力图通过对美术教师的美术素养观念的比较研究,对美术教师美术素养观念有一个比较全面的认识,以期为我国的美术教育改革提供理论与实证的支持。

    Through this comparison study , we try to get a whole knowledge on the aesthetic accomplishment concept of fine arts teachers and give supports to the innovation of the art education .

  9. 美术高效课堂教学对培养学生美术素养具有独特价值,是传统理论教学所不可替代的。

    It has its unique value in cultivating the art skills of students and is irreplaceable by the traditional theory of education .

  10. 笔者通过采访、问卷等方式对部分高校的美术课选修情况、在校大学生的美术素养等方面作了调查,并获得了第一手资料。

    The author researched the status through interviews , questionnaires , etc , obtained the firsthand information about Public art elective courses at colleges and the University Students of fine arts literacy and so on .

  11. 客观的讲,除去外部因素,美术学科的地位与美术教师的职业素养和知识水平有很大的关系,教师队伍整体的精神面貌和职业素养很大程度上决定了学科的发展水平。

    Saying fairly , despite of the external cause , the position of the art lesson has a great connection with our teachers ' vocational accomplishment and the standard of knowledge . The developing standard of art subject depends on the mental state of the teacher contingent .

  12. 中学美术班或非美术班的美术教师对美术素养的理解不存在显著的差异。

    The opinions are not remarkably different among the fine arts teachers in senior middle schools .

  13. 因此,探究和构建专业形态性美术批评学理、实践模式与充实美术批评实践者素养内涵的研究,是该课题的研究目的。

    Therefore , the purpose of this research is to explore and construct the critical theory and the practical mode for the professionalized art criticism and to cultivate and improve the quality of practitioners in art criticism .

  14. 校外美术教育是美术教育重要的组成部分。它为学生提供了美术素养进一步提高的空间,在培养美术特长生、为国家输送美术精英人才方面有其独到的贡献。

    Serving as a vital component of art education , extramural art education provides the students with a chance to improve the aesthetic accomplishment further , thus contributes a lot to training of the students with art specialty and elites as well .

  15. 普通美术教育是面向全体学生的基础型美术教育,作为一种审美教育,其目的在于培养学生较高的美术素养、审美素质以及较强的视觉读写能力等。

    General Art Education is a fundamental education which faces all the students . As a kind of aesthetic education , it aims at improving students ' art attainment and aesthetic quality , and tries to improve their ability of reading and conveying visual information .