
  • 网络native american
  1. 美洲土著人和欧洲殖民者之间发生了很多激烈的战争。

    There were many fierce wars between Native Americans and European settlers .

  2. 然而,可能美洲土著人至少一万五千年前就生活在加利福尼亚。

    However , it is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago .

  3. 乔治?凯特林以绘画美洲土著人最为著名。

    George Catlin is most famous for painting Native Americans .

  4. 来计算出美洲土著人可能的定居点。

    Just trying to infer where native American settlements might be located .

  5. 美洲土著人和早期的欧洲移民进行毛皮交易。

    Native Americans traded furs with early European settlers .

  6. 克拉克对他想绘画并了解美洲土著人的想法表示欣赏。

    Mr. Clark liked his idea of painting and learning about Native Americans .

  7. 美洲土著人是属于亚洲人的一类。

    Native Americans fall under the Asian classification .

  8. 殖民者同美洲土著人的首领达成了协议,但是随后总是把这些协议撕毁。

    Settlers made agreements with Native American chiefs , but always broke them afterwards .

  9. 在美洲土著人传统的熊是世界上最强大的动物精神。

    In Native American tradition the Bear is one of the most powerful animal spirits .

  10. 我们忘了接下来白人拓荒者对美洲土著人实施的种族屠杀和压迫。

    We forget the subsequent acts of genocide and oppression of Native Americans by white settlers .

  11. 我因为美洲土著人、特别是阿尔贡金人的大批死亡和被迫搬迁而获得了好处。

    I have benefited from the deaths and forced removal of Native Americans , particularly algonquins .

  12. 我的母亲是美洲土著人。

    My mom was native american .

  13. 早在很多年前美洲土著人就利用黑升麻的根及根茎作为药草使用。

    The roots and rhizomes of black cohosh have long been used medicinally by Native Americans .

  14. 就这样,美洲土著人被赶到殖民者所不要的贫瘠土地上去了。

    In this way Native Americans were forced onto poor land that the settlers did not want .

  15. 他比同时代的大多数其他白人更了解美洲土著人的文化。

    He learned more about the culture of Native Americans than most other white people of his time .

  16. 美洲土著人在行为勇敢的武士的头饰上插羽毛的传统是众所周知的。

    The Native American tradition of adding a feather to the head-dress of any warrior who performed a brave act is well-known .

  17. 我正在思考采取什么行动,比如了解美洲土著人以及美洲土著的历史和文化。

    I am figuring out what action to take , such as getting to know native Americans and Native American history and culture .

  18. 不过,还是有一些人经历了这些恐怖时期而活下来。今天住在加利福尼亚的美洲土著人比任何其他州都要多。

    However , some survived these terrible times And today there are more Native Americans living in California than in any other state .

  19. 在那么多个世纪里,最早的美洲土著人一直在做什么呢?这个问题的答案在很大程度上是神秘而不可解的。

    What were the earliest Americans doing for those many centuries ? To a great extent , the answer is shrouded in mystery .

  20. 这是乔治?凯特林的一个重要旅程,因为它坚定了他了解并创作美洲土著人的画卷的想法和计划。

    This trip was important to George Catlin because it strengthened his idea and plans to learn about and paint pictures of native americans .

  21. 一支美洲土著人,沿科罗拉多河下游的地区居住,原先居住于两岸,但现在主要住在加利福尼亚这一侧。

    Native American people inhabiting an area along the lower Colorado River , formerly on both banks but now mainly on the California side .

  22. 1977年,美洲土著人公共通讯组织成立,其宗旨是让观众可以看到印第安人自己写的故事,看到对印第安文化的准确真实的描述。

    In 1977 , Native American Public Telecommunications ( NAPT ) was founded to bring audiences native stories and accurate portrayals of the culture . Taking control

  23. 出于自私自利以及自以为是等令人作呕的愚昧无知,欧美人错误地解读了美洲土著人的权利、动机、风俗、语言以及抱负。

    Native rights , motives , customs , languages , and aspirations are misunderstood by Euro-Americans out of a culpable ignorance that is both self-serving and self-righteous .

  24. 约克茨族一支美洲土著人,以前居住在圣华金河谷南部和内华达山脉附近的山脚下,其后裔现仍居原地。

    A group of Native American peoples formerly inhabiting the southern San Joaquin Valley and adjacent foothills of the Sierra Nevada , with present-day descendants in the same area .

  25. 这个地区的白人死于天花时,他怂恿士兵们将带有天花病菌的毯子送给美洲土著人,结果导致很多土著人死于天花。

    When white people died of smallpox in that area , he encouraged the smallpox-infected blankets to be taken by soldiers and given to local Native Americans , who then died of smallpox .

  26. 但是,斯内夫如今大部分时间是帮助其他人讲故事。她是美洲土著人公共通讯组织的执行主任。这是专门成立来增加美国公共电视的多样性的五个组织之一。

    But these days , Sneve mostly helps other people tell stories as executive director of NAPT , one of five groups created to increase the diversity of voices on American public television .

  27. 因此,今年感恩节我在反思自己作为个人以及白人群体的一员与美洲土著人的关系,这些人们如今在自己的家园里已经变成了“少数民族”。

    So this Thanksgiving I am reflecting on my relationship , as an individual and as a member of the white community , to Native Americans who have become ' minority peoples ' in their homeland .

  28. 除了电影之外,美洲土著人公共通讯组织还资助广播节目。但是,斯内夫表示,在这不断变化的媒体世界中,她希望能够资助支持互联网上的一些互动节目。

    Spreading the word In addition to film , Native American Public Telecommunications has funded radio programming , but in this changing media world , Sneve says she would like to be able to support some interactive programs on the web .

  29. 西印度群岛和美洲的土著人就成为了人们所熟知的印第安人。

    And all the natives of the West Indies and Central America became known as @ Indians .

  30. 托洛瓦语(Tolowa)是美洲土著部落托洛瓦人的语言,住在加州克雷森特城附近史密斯河定居地的一些原住民说这种语言。

    Tolowa , the language of the Tolowa Native American tribe , is spoken by a few members located in the Smith River Rancheria . a sovereign nation , near Crescent City , Calif.