
  • 网络cobalt carbonyl;carbonyl cobalt
  1. 担载金属簇Ⅳ.担载四核羰基钴簇的合成及醛化活性

    Supported Metal Cluster ⅳ . Cobalt Carbonyl Cluster Supported on Polystyrene

  2. 羰基钴及其盐的合成方法研究进展

    Development in the Synthetic Method Of Cobalt Carbonyl and Relative Compounds

  3. 由氯化钴与CO制备四羰基钴盐是一个多相羰化反应。

    The preparation of calcium cobalt tetracarbonyl from cobalt chloride and carbon monoxide is heterogeneous carbonylation .

  4. 研究了利用低价含硫化合物的强配位能力和还原性及它作为助剂催化引发氯化钴的羰化反应的工艺条件,以便在较低的CO压力下合成四羰基钴盐。

    Sulfosalts are of strongly coordinative and reducing abilities , so that they may be used as auxiliary reagents for inducing and catalyzing carbonylation of cobaltous chloride under the lower pressure of CO.

  5. 羰基钴催化烯烃醛化反应中RCOCo(H)2(CO)3还原消去关键步骤的理论研究

    Theoretical Studies on the Reductive Elimination of RCOCo ( H ) 2 ( CO ), in the Hydroformylation of Olefins with Cobalt Carbonyl as Catalyst

  6. 羰基钴催化的氢甲酰化反应循环中乙烯插入、羰基插入、H2氧化加成和脱氢还原的基元反应步骤的活化位垒分别为2.11,16.22、33.03和10.71kcal/mol。

    The activation energies of olefin insertion , carbonyl insertion , H2 oxidative addition and aldehyde reductive elimination fundamental steps catalyzed by HCo ( CO ) 3 , are 2.11 , 16.22 , 33.03 and 10.71 kcal / mol , respectively .

  7. 羰基钴簇合物催化苯乙炔三聚反应的研究

    Study of catalytic reaction of trimerization of phenylacetylene by carbonyl cobalt cluster

  8. 含硫化合物在羰基钴盐合成中的应用

    Application of sulfosalt in preparation of tetracarbonyl cobalt salt

  9. 膦化聚苯乙烯担载四核羰基钴簇的合成和催化作用

    Phosphino - Polystyrene Supported Metal Carbonyl Cluster : Synthesis , Characterization and Catalysis

  10. 改性羰基钴催化氢甲酰化反应系列基元反应的理论研究

    Theoretical Study on the Mechanisms of Some Elementary Reactions Catalyzed by Modified Carbonyl Cobalt

  11. 羰基钴催化羰化合成丙二酸二乙酯

    Carbonylation of Ethyl Chloroacetate Catalyzed by Cobalt Carbonyl

  12. 用红外光谱和碘量法定性、定量测定了四羰基钴钠均相络合催化剂的物化性能。

    Preparation of tetracarbonyl cobaltate sodium , an important homogeneous complex catalyst , was studied .

  13. 羰基钴催化剂的制备及其催化羰基化合成丙二酸二乙酯

    The Preparation of Cobalt Carbonys Catalyst and Its Catalyzed Carbonylation for Synthesis of Diethyl Malonates

  14. 四羰基钴钠合成及红外光谱研究

    Sodium Tetracarbonylcobaltate : Synthesis and IR Analysis

  15. 四羰基钴钠的制备研究

    Preparation of tetracarbonyl cobaltate sodium

  16. 讨论了羰基钴在有机催化羰化反应中的研究及应用现状;介绍了羰基钴催化合成各种有机羰基化合物的方法,重点讨论了氯苄催化羰化合成苯乙酸的研究进展;

    The application of carbonyl cobalt as a catalyst for carbonylation in organic synthesis is reviewed with 63 references .

  17. 指出以羰基钴作为催化剂的羰基合成法为最理想的苯乙酸合成法。

    It is pointed out that carbonylation process in the presence of cobalt carbonyl is the most ideal one .

  18. 结果表明甲醇水溶剂系统有利于低压合成四羰基钴盐;

    The results show that the CH3OH H2O solvents system is good for the synthesis of ctalyst under a low pressure .

  19. 用氯苄、氢氧化钠和一氧化碳为原料,以羰基钴为催化剂生产苯乙酸。

    Use the Chloride , sodium hydroxide and carbon monoxide as raw materials , taking the Cobalt Carbonyl as catalyst to produce Phenylacetate .

  20. 五氟苯乙烯与三乙基硅烷、一氧化碳在八羰基钴催化下反应得一个位置和立体异体(五氟苯基烯基硅醚)的混和物。

    The Co2 ( CO ) 8 catalyzed reaction of pentafluorostyrene with triethylsilane and carbon monoxide gives a perfluorophenyl enol silyl ether as a mixture of regio-and stereo-isomers .

  21. 在低压下用雷尼镍及铁锰合金作还原剂合成四羰基钴催化剂,首次应用于羰基合成1,3-丙二醇中。

    For the first time , a cobalt carbonyl catalyst prepared under low pressure ( 12 atm ) is applied to the process of preparing 1 , 3-propanediol by hydroformylation of epoxide .

  22. 应用氯化钴和低价含硫化合物低压合成四羰基钴盐的技术于氯苄羰化合成苯乙酸的生产中。

    The technology of low pressure synthesis of tetracarbonyl cobalt with cobalt chloride and sulfur compounds with low valency has been used in the production of phenylacetic acid by carbonyl synthesis with benzyl chloride .

  23. 目前,高碳烯烃氢甲酰化主要采用均相的羰基钴或膦改性羰基钴为催化剂,存在钻催化剂分离和回收困难的问题。

    At present , homogeneous cobalt carbonyl or its phosphine complex is used as the catalyst in the hydroformylation plants of higher olefins , even though the difficult separation and recovery of the cobalt catalyst is still a problem .

  24. 采用纳米粒子复合微米吸波粉体方法制备雷达隐身吸波涂层,分别选用纳米Sic、铁酸镍钴和金属钴复合微米羰基铁粉和钴粉。

    Nano-particle composite method was used to make the radar wave stealth coating . Nano SiC , Ni-Co ferrite and nano-Co were utilized to compose with micron size carbonyl and Co powder .

  25. 简述羰基钼(钴、镍)用于聚合反应中的催化剂。

    The carbonyl molybdenum ( cobalt 、 nickel ) as catalysts used in polymerization is reviewed .

  26. 丙醇氧化羰基合成碳酸二丙酯的研究羰基钴化合物催化环氧乙烷氢酯基化反应研究

    Study on Hydroesterification of Ethylene Oxide Catalyzed by Carbonyl Cobalt Compounds