
  • 网络turnover plow;reversible plow;flip plow;swivel plough
  1. 翻转犁限位块形状的反求分析与设计

    Inverse Seeking Analysis and Design of the Shape of Position Limiter for Reversible Plow

  2. 液压翻转机构是翻转犁的主要的工作部件,它的工作性能好坏,直接影响整机的工作,受到研究者的普遍重视。

    Hydraulic turnover mechanism , working performance of the main working part of reversible plow influences the performance of the plow directly . It was studied by many researchers deeply .

  3. 翻转犁翻转机构的运动与受力分析

    Kinematic and dynamic analysis on the turnover mechanism of roll over plow

  4. 翻转犁限深轮自动翻转机构设计

    Design of a New Automatic Turnover Mechanism of Depth Wheel on Reversible Plow

  5. 双向四分之一翻转犁蜗杆双滚轮式转向机构

    Reversible quarter-turn plough worm-and-double-roller steering gear

  6. 本文采用了计算机辅助智能设计技术对悬挂犁、翻转犁犁架及其零部件进行了研究。

    Development of the computer aided intelligent design technology makes the production be designed automatically and intelligently .

  7. 研究了翻转犁专用液压缸主要参数的设计方法和主要零部件的功能和结构。

    I had studied the design method of main parameters of hydraulic cylinder and the function and structure of the main parts .

  8. 提出了翻转犁的单缸卧式翻转机构运动方程,对机构运动学和动力学特性进行分析,绘出传动特性曲线。

    In this paper , the movement equation of the turnover mechanism was developed , the kinematic and dynamic performance was analysed , and the driving property diagram was drawn .

  9. 同时将反求结果用于1LF&335液压翻转犁,该犁已投入批量生产,限位块工作性能良好。

    The method above provides a new way to optimize the shape of machine part.1LF-335 plow are batch manufactured by BaoDing Plow Plant and the performance of the position limiters are reliable .

  10. 本文经过大量的调研研究,在各种翻转犁中做了大量的性能、可靠性对比分析,最后确定了对格力格尔&贝松翻转五铧犁犁架进行分析研究。

    We passes through the massive investigation and study research , and made the massive performance 、 reliability to contrast in each kind of turn over plow , finally determined the accusative strength Gregoire-Besson turn over 5 bladed plough plow frame conducts the analysis research .

  11. 液压翻转双向犁的最新结构形式研究

    The study of the structure on the newest hydraulic reversible ploughs

  12. 新型气动翻转双向犁的设计

    Design of a New Pneumatic Reversing Two & way Plow

  13. 水平换向双向犁与单向犁相比减少了地头的空行程大大提高了班次生产率;与翻转双向犁相比水平换向双向犁具有结构相对简单、震动小、整机重量小等特点。

    Level exchanged direction and double direction plough reduces the useless distance and improves working procedure efficiency compared with the single direction plough ;

  14. 全翻转式双向犁限深轮换位机构优化设计

    Optimum Design of the Crank Rocker Transposition Mechanism of Depth Wheel on Two way Alternative Plow

  15. 为研究翻转式双向犁翻转机构的动态特性,设计了三维回转部件动态测定仪。

    A dynamic measuring instrument for 3-D rotating parts has been developed in order to research the reversible dynamic properties of a reversible plow .

  16. 此文详述了液压全翻转式双向犁的犁粱、翻转机构、耕幅调节机构、安全防护机构等的最新结构形式,工作原理及其它们的特性等。

    The paper describes the newest forms of the structure of the reversible ploughs in the beam , reversible mechanism , working width adjustment and the full automatic mechanical protection , accompanying with discussing the working principles and features of them .

  17. 土垡横剖面翻转法形成高速犁体曲面

    Design of Plow Bottom Surface by Turning over Method