
  • 网络Tao-Te Ching
  1. 老子道德经说:万物负阴而抱阳,冲气以为和。

    As LaoZi said , everything has the negative in and contains the positive , they are in the harmony .

  2. 老子《道德经》是中国古代思想史上的一座丰碑。

    " The moral " is a monument of ancient intellectual history .

  3. 因为人是不平等的,所以才有正义一说。(老子《道德经》)

    For men are not equal : thus speaks justice .

  4. 上德若谷上善若水&老子《道德经》之道德修养标准

    Morality as Noble as Valley and Water & Ethical Standard of Classic of the Virtue of Laozi

  5. 因为李小龙,我开始仔细研究阿兰·沃茨[英国哲学家]、基督·克里希那穆提[印度灵性导师],当然还有老子,道德经。

    Because of Bruce Lee , now I read up on Alan Watts JD Krishnamurti , of course Lao Tsu , Tao Te Ching .

  6. 老子《道德经》洋洋五千言,把社会人生等问题置于宇宙发展演变的历史长河中对照思考,历来被人们称为哲理诗。

    Lao Ti zu'Tao Te Ching , which consists of five thousand words comparing and probing into the problems concerned with society and human life from a deeper view of points long in history , is called " the poem of philosophy " constantly .

  7. 老子在《道德经》中建立了以“道”作为最高范畴的哲学思想体系。

    In Daode Jing , Laozi established a philosophy centered on Dao .

  8. 老子在《道德经》第十五章中提出蔽的概念。

    Lao Tzu raised the concept of " covering " in chapter 15 of The Tao Te Ching .

  9. 哲学家老子的《道德经》,代表了世界轴心时代东方哲学的最高成就。

    Tao Te Ching of Laozi represents the highest achievement of Eastern philosophy in the Axial Age of the world .

  10. 传统上,道教是归因于三个来源,最古老的是“黄帝”传说,但最著名的是老子的《道德经》。

    Traditionally , Taoism has been attributed to three sources , the oldest being the legendary'Yellow Emperor ' , but the most famous is Lao Tse 's Tao Teh Ching .

  11. 本文选择马克思的《1844年经济学-哲学手稿》和老子的《道德经》为文本,对其中的人与自然关系思想进行比较。

    The thesis select Carl Marx ' 《 The writing of economics-philosophy in 1844 》 and Lao Tzu ' 《 The Tao The King 》 as object and compare with the relation of nature and humanity of them .

  12. 笔者通过对老子的著作《道德经》深入的研究之后,发现许多积极的东西,让笔者对生活更加的积极与热爱。

    After the works of the " me " moral in-depth research , found that many positive things , let the life more active and love .