
lǎo zì hɑo
  • China’s time-honored brand;long-established store or brand of merchandise
  1. 这家老字号公司创建于19世纪80年代。

    This time-honored company was established in the 1880s .

  2. 一些知名餐饮老字号商家也推出外带年夜饭。

    Some time-honored and well-known restaurants have also launched takeout reunion meals .

  3. 利物浦老字号之一、润滑剂企业艾斯克莱尔公司(RSClare)也为展会提供了赞助。

    RS Clare , a surfacing company and one of Liverpool 's oldest businesses , also sponsored the event .

  4. 老字号连锁百货公司JohnLewis今年增加了一系列毕业舞会服装。而男士晚礼服出租店也反映,今年这段时间小孩生意有所增加。

    Old-line department-store chain John Lewis added a line of prom dresses this year , and tuxedo-rental stores report a jump in business from kids this time of year .

  5. 这间在派拉蒙(Paramount)的老字号食店是街边美食的宝库,里面的烧鸡摊乃其中的佼佼者。

    This old-timer kopitiam in Paramount is a treasure trove of delicious hawker food and one of them has to be the roast chicken stall .

  6. 清河坊特色街区先后被授予“国家4A级旅游景区”、“中华老字号第一街”等荣誉称号。

    The Qinghefang Historical and Cultural Street has been given the title of National4A Tourism Spots and the Most Famous Street of Chinese Time-honored Brands .

  7. 此地也有老字号,比如保罗伯特大街上的保罗伯特餐厅,供应的牛排加炸薯条值得信赖,而蔷薇街上的LeP’titLandais则供应美味的鹅肝酱和蔬菜沙拉。

    There are also the old-timers , like Caf é Paul Bert for a reliable steak frites on Rue Paul Bert , and Le P'tit Landais on Rue des Rosiers for a slab of foie gras and green salad .

  8. 周淮山说,甚至中国电商巨头阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroupHoldingLtd.)有一天也可能会成为一个老字号,不过可以追溯到1956年以前这一条规定需要破个例。阿里巴巴目前正准备到美国上市。

    Even Chinese E-Commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. , now gearing up for a stock exchange listing in the U.S. , could become a Lao Zihao one day , Mr. Zhou said - though it would presumably need an exemption from the rule that requires a pre-1956 pedigree .

  9. 结论:就算是老字号有时也会让人感觉很糟糕。

    The verdict : even Lao Zihao can be lousy sometimes .

  10. 长沙老字号的生存困境与发展战略

    The Living Plight and Developing Strategy of Time-honored Brand in Changsha

  11. 本公司成立于1998年,是老字号的报检公司。

    The company was founded in1998 , is old inspection company .

  12. 中华老字号是属于中国的一种巨大财富。

    Time-honored national brands are a tremendoussource of wealth for China .

  13. 还有千万别忘了那些老字号补品,维生素片。

    And don 't forget those old standbys , multivitamin tablets .

  14. 中国老字号企业是具有中国民族特色的老企业。

    Chinese historical brands are old companies with Chinese national features .

  15. 中医药老字号著作权保护的法理思考

    Thoughts on the Copyright Protection of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Brands

  16. 饮食业老字号品牌营销战略分析

    Analysis of catering industry " old brand " brand marketing strategy

  17. 老字号,重生之路在何方?

    Old time name shop : where is the new road ?

  18. 老字号:连锁经营能否化蛹成蝶?

    Whether an old firm run chain shop can be success ?

  19. 北京老字号品牌消费心理与消费行为研究

    Research of consumer psychology and behavior on Beijing famous old brand

  20. “中国实时报”栏目将带读者们一览北京一些最受欢迎的老字号。

    CRT takes readers on a tour of some Beijing favorites :

  21. 广州药业品牌管理案例研究&兼论中华老字号的发展

    A Case Study on Management of Medicine Brands in Guangzhou

  22. 品牌理论研究(3)北京中华老字号品牌寿命研究

    The Research on Life-span of China Old and Reputable Shops in Beijing

  23. 就连老字号的药店也开始推出自制的健脑产品。

    Even old-line pharmaceutical houses are offering their versions of brain boosters .

  24. 餐饮老字号发展策略探索

    An Exploration on the Development Tactics of Old-name Catering Trade

  25. 老字号知识产权属性、冲突及解决

    Intellectual Property of the Old-trade-name , Its Conflict and Resolution

  26. 新时期广州老字号的困境与发展探讨

    The confusion and development of guangzhou ' old brand in New Period

  27. 中国餐饮业老字号的民族文化研究

    The Study of Ethnical Culture on Chinese Historical Restaurant Brands

  28. 虽然将老字号国有化并没有什么必需的理由。

    There is no reason why they have to be , though .

  29. 这里还是有很多老字号商品的。

    There are still many old name-brand products available here .

  30. 提高北京商业老字号的品牌实力

    Improve the Competitive Power of the Trade Marks of Beijing Old Business Enterprises