
  • 网络Old Mother
  1. 无疑,他的老母亲如今只能放下身价,去和格拉迪斯住在一起。

    No doubt his old mother would now swallow her pride and go and live with Gladys .

  2. 她十分惦念年迈的老母亲。

    She is very anxious about her dear old mother .

  3. 老母亲近来好吗?

    How is the old girl these days ?

  4. 他是他可怜的老母亲的唯一赡养者。

    He is the only support that his poor old mother has .

  5. 一个夜晚,一家人把年迈体虚的老母亲送到了敬老院,希望她在那里能得到悉心的照顾。

    One evening a family brings their frail , elderly mother to a nursing home and leaves her , hoping she will be well cared for .

  6. 这位63岁的老母亲来自河南省郑州市,对陪她一起到海南三亚旅游的年轻女孩子,她还提出将会赠送一台iPhone7手机作为报酬。

    The 63-year-old mother from Zhengzhou , Henan Province is even throwing in an iPhone 7 to the young woman she chooses for her trip to sunny Sanya , Hainan Province .

  7. 这时,老母亲把那颗漂亮的红宝石献给了苏丹王。

    Then , the old woman gave him the beautiful ruby .

  8. 我担心老母亲从此会离我而去。

    There and then I was afraid Mother would leave me forever .

  9. 他渴望见到老母亲。

    He is eager to see his old mother .

  10. 他的老母亲被开了颅。

    And his old mother got her head cracked .

  11. 那家伙做得出勒索老母亲钱财的事来。

    That guy is capable of squeezing money out of his old mother .

  12. 有人威胁要杀他的老母亲。

    He was under the threat that his aged mother would be killed .

  13. 吉姆先跳下车,然后小心翼翼地扶他老母亲下车。

    Jim came out first , and carefully assisted out his old mother .

  14. 跟你那可怜的老母亲说那种话不好!

    That 's a nice thing to say to your poor old mother !

  15. 就当是为你的老母亲至少吃一块吧。

    Have at least one for your elderly mother .

  16. 他的老母亲戴安娜表示他们在看望他会跟他聊聊家常。

    His mother , Diana , said they leave messages when they visit .

  17. 你的课程就是帮我照看我的老母亲。

    Your lessons will consist of taking care of my old mother for me .

  18. 首先,老母亲玛丽没有多少遗产可以留下来;

    For one thing , there 's not much of an estate to leave .

  19. 我与88岁的老母亲一起玩。

    I hang out with my 88-year-old mother .

  20. 他去找他老母亲帮忙。

    He asked his old mother for help .

  21. 老母亲哈勃得去橱柜给他那可怜的狗拿骨头。

    Old Mother Hubbard went to her cupboard to fetch her poor dog a bone .

  22. 当他出现时,他的老母亲总是舒展一下身体,叹口气,慢慢破颜而笑。

    When he appeared his old mother would expand and sigh , gradually breaking into a smile .

  23. 不光是女儿,他们的房子也塌了,身边还有一个残疾老母亲。

    In the disaster , they have not only lost their daughter , but also their house .

  24. 她们非常穷,难以保证自己和老母亲不被饿死。

    They could barely earn enough to keep themselves and their old mother from starving to death .

  25. 8年前,她时年83岁的老母亲芭芭拉•马塞利诺出人意料地死于脊柱外科手术。

    Eight years before , her 83-year-old mother , Barbara Marcelino , had unexpectedly died during spine surgery .

  26. 但韩德先生感觉到,他的老母亲听得很用心,而且产生了兴趣。

    But Mr Hande sensed the farmer 's elderly mother , who had listened attentively , was intrigued .

  27. 海王的的妻子死了很多年了,他的老母亲照顾他。

    The Sea King 's wife died many years before , so his old mother looked after him .

  28. 住在那底下的海王已经做了好多年的鳏夫,但是他有老母亲为他管理家务。

    The Sea King had been a widower for many years , and his aged mother kept house for him .

  29. 在丈夫死于脑出血后的一年,这位老母亲开始出现阿尔茨海默氏症的症状。

    The mother began to show symptoms of Alzheimer 's a year after her husband died of a cerebral hemorrhage .

  30. 从前,有个名叫彼得的年轻人和他的守寡的老母亲住在农村。

    There was once a young man called Peter , who lived in a country village with his old widowed mother .