
  • 网络Durability Test;Endurance test;Durability
  1. 通过对样车(B车)的试验分析,证明疲劳损伤理论在耐久试验中应用是非常有效。

    Through test analysis of the specimen ( B-car ) , the fatigue damage theory is proven to be useful in the vehicle durability test .

  2. 本仪器可进行12V、24V汽车电喇叭的耐久试验。

    This instrument can undertake12V car electric horn , 24V durability test .

  3. 基于PID控制的摩托车耐久试验台的研制

    Development of Motorcycle 's Endurance Test System Based on PID Control

  4. 介绍了汽车球形接头多功能耐久试验机的计算机辅助试验(CAT)系统。

    The CAT system of a multi-function fatigue test machine for ball stud of automobile was introduced .

  5. AMT变速箱同步换挡耐久试验台的研究

    The Research on Test Rig of Shifting Durability of Synchroniser for Automated Electronically Mechanical Transmission of Car

  6. 本文介绍了对交流接触器按照UL认证标准,采用PLC进行过载耐久试验,提高了试验的可靠性和试验的自动化程度。

    This paper introduces the AC contactor overload endurance test with PLC according to UL authentication standard , and the reliability and automation extent are improved .

  7. 本文设计的系统用来控制12V240Z柴油机,按照国际铁联UIC规程对其进行性能和耐久试验。

    The system is designed to control the 12V 240Z diesel engine for carrying out performance and durability tests according to the International Railway Unit UIC rules .

  8. 针对活塞燃烧室喉口开裂失效随着爆发压力提高有所增加的趋势,利用FEA技术并结合发动机耐久试验进行了异形销孔结构对燃烧室开裂影响的研究。

    The crack and failure of aperture of larynx of piston combustion chamber can lead to the increasing trend with explosive pressure increasing , use FEA technology and engine durability test to research the crack effect of combustion chamber with the irregular shape structure of piston pinhole .

  9. 介绍了刷式密封的原理、结构、性能以及应用与发展,对刷式密封进行了模拟航空发动机工作条件的340h耐久试验。

    The principle , structure , performance , application and development of brush seal are presented . A durability test is made for 340h under simulated aeroengine operating conditions .

  10. 介绍中国石化石油化工科学研究院研制的10W/30SF/CD通用多级内燃机油全尺寸发动机耐久试验和实车试验,试验结果进一步验证该油品具有良好的抗氧性、清净分散性和抗磨性。

    Duration test and field test of full scale engine of 10W / 30 SF / CD general multigrade internal combustion engine oil developed by RIPP were presented . The result showed that this oil has good anti oxidizability , detergent dispersive property and anti wearability .

  11. 摩托车整车底盘耐久试验设定方法简介

    A Brief Introduction of the Setting of Motorcycle Chassis Durability Test

  12. 摩托车片式离合器耐久试验模拟参数的确定

    The Determination of Analog Parameters for Durability Test of Motorcycle Single-disc Clutch

  13. 背压加载在作动筒耐久试验中的应用

    Application of Back pressure Loading in Actuating Cylinder Endurance Test

  14. 汽车车门综合耐久试验台研制

    Development of an endurance testing rig for the vehicle door

  15. 汽车传动系冲击耐久试验台开发的关键技术

    The Key Technologies of Developing Automobile Power Train ' impacting Durability Test Rig

  16. 直升机旋翼传动系统200小时耐久试验

    Helicopter Rotor Drive System Endurance Tests for 200 Hours

  17. 鉴定耐久试验的准备工作和耐久试验的结果;

    Preliminaries for evaluation endurance tests and test results ;

  18. 汽车电动玻璃升降器耐久试验台设计

    Automotive Electric Glass Regulator Durability Tested-bed Design

  19. 汽车离合器从动盘扭转耐久试验中弹簧疲劳断裂的自动识别

    Automatic detection of Spring Fatigue Rupture in Torsion Durability Test of Automotive Clutch Driven Disk

  20. 该系统用工控机实现了对汽车球形接头耐久试验的自动控制。

    The system realized auto-control over the fatigue test of automobile stud ball with IPC .

  21. 经耐久试验和重复性试验,材料的摩擦磨损性能稳定,重复性好。

    During the durability and re-productivity test , it presents stable friction and wear resistance characteristics .

  22. 为验证优化效果,本研究对试制的产品进行落锤容量试验,落锤耐久试验和冲击试验等试验。

    Capacity test , endurance test and impact test are also carried out to the new products .

  23. 论文较详细地介绍了扭转刚度检测机和扭转耐久试验机的开发过程。

    The developing process of the rigidity-testing machine and durability-testing machine are described in details in this paper .

  24. 本机台对座椅的滑轨的各项指标进行动态耐久试验及静态指标的测试。

    This machine is used to seat the slippery course of various indexes of dynamic durability test and static index test .

  25. 论文详细介绍了基于机电一体化的新型扭转耐久试验机的研制过程、性能特点、组成及测控原理。

    The developing process , performance , makeup and principle of the testing machine , which is based on mechatronics , are described in details in this paper .

  26. 本文简介桑塔纳轿车离合器耐久试验过程和其结构参数,分析桑塔纳离合器的性能及一些故障产生的可能原因。

    The durability test procedure and its structural parameter of Santana clutch are briefly introduced . The performance and fault of Santana clutch are analyzed in this paper .

  27. 汽车离合器从动盘总成扭转耐久试验机是汽车零部件寿命试验的重要试验设备。

    A new torsion durability-testing machine for driven plates of automobile clutch , which is important testing equipment in automobile component industry , has been presented in this paper .

  28. 230系列6缸和8缸柴油机均通过了船检认可的耐久试验,拆检证明:工作可靠,零件磨损小。

    Both 6-cylinder and 8-cylinder have passed durability test approved by ship examination . It has been showed they work reliably and parts wear little when checked after disassembly .

  29. 介绍了用单一泵源实现油缸往复耐久试验的系统回路设计,并分析了其实际应用意义。

    This is a introduction of hydrolic circuit system design on realizing the reciprocal durability test of cylinder with the single pump source , and an analysis of practical application meaning .

  30. 底盘耐久试验的设定要经过多次试验的积累、归纳总结,恰当的设定既保证有充分的试验强度又使其在合理的范围内,使得底盘耐久试验能在产品检验中发挥出最大的作用。

    A proper setting can ensure the sufficient test strength and keep it in a reasonable ranger as well , thus helping the chassis durability test play a key role hi product tests .