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  • 网络tolerant plant;shade plant;sciophytes
  1. 海南耐荫植物资源及其开发利用

    Shade-tolerant Plants Resources and Their Development and Utilization in Hainan Island

  2. 适度遮荫可以有效的防止耐荫植物发生光氧化伤害。

    Moderate shade can protect shade endurance plants from photooxidation injury .

  3. 耐荫植物在室内绿化中的适应性和经济性状观察研究

    Adaptability of Shade Plants in Indoor Greening and Their Economic Performances

  4. 耐荫植物耐寒性的观测研究

    Observations on Cold Resistance of Shade Tolerance Plant

  5. 14种耐荫植物对兰州市特殊空间的适应性研究

    A Study on the Adaptability of Fourteen Types of Shade-tolerance Plants in the Special Space in Lanzhou City

  6. 并在此基础上,探讨了耐荫植物在城市隔离人工植物群落中的应用。

    Also , the application of the shaded & tolerance plants in mixed plantation artificial population has been discussed in detail . 1 .

  7. 充分发掘耐荫植物资源,加以科学地应用,势必对丰富北京市绿化植物种类,增加垂直景观效果,加快北京市城市森林建设具有重要意义。

    To seek shaded & tolerance species and use them scientifically has important significance in enriching plant species , increasing vertical scene and quickening the speed of the building of " Urban Forest " in Beijing .

  8. 敏感种组包括12种原来就存在于原始林下的耐荫植物种,它们的重要值在郁闭前逐渐减少而后增大,它们对采伐迹地环境退化敏感性强;

    The sensitive species group included 12 intolerant species existing in parent virgin stand , which decreased their importance before stand closed and gradually restored afterwards , which indicating that they are sensitive to forest environment degradation .

  9. 3种野生耐荫地被植物的调查与评价

    The Investigation and evaluation of three wild and shade-tolerant ground cover plants

  10. 贵州野生耐荫观叶植物资源调查及园林应用评价

    Investigation on Resource of Wild Shade-tolerant Plants for Foliage Ornament and its Garden Application in Guizhou

  11. 8个树种叶片对其生境表现出多样化的适应方式,大致可分为3类阳性旱生植物、耐荫性中生植物和阳性中生植物。

    According to principle component analysis ordination on leaf anatomical characteristics , the 8 species from Xiangshan were divided into three groups : sun xerophyte , sun mesophyte , and shade-enduring mesophyte .

  12. 垂吊植物在室内的装饰应用及景观设计方面的应用具有更广阔的前景,植物的耐荫性是限制植物在室内应用的重要因子之一。

    The application of hanging plant at the aspect of the indoor decoration and plant landscape design have wider prospects , and shade tolerance is one important factor that limit the application of plant in the room .