
pá zi
  • rake;rabble
耙子 [pá zǐ]
  • [rake] 归拢或散开谷物、柴草或平整土地用的一种农具,柄长,装有木、竹或铁制的齿

耙子[pá zi]
  1. 然后我用耙子的背将土壤拍实。

    Then I tamp down the soil with the back of a rake

  2. 他不会干农活,拿起耙子来没个架势。

    He was a poor hand at farming and held his rake clumsily .

  3. 树叶已经用耙子拢成了一堆。

    The leaves had been raked into a pile .

  4. 第二天,如果没有雷阵雨,所有的人就会来帮着用耙子把割下来的草收拢到一起,装上高高的干草车往谷仓拉,芬和埃弗里则坐到了车的最顶上。

    Next day , if there was no thunder shower , all hands would help rake and pitch and load , and the hay would be hauled to barn in the high hay wagon , with Fern and Avery riding at the top of the load .

  5. 约翰把耙子靠在谷仓边上。

    John leaned his rake against the side of the barn .

  6. 大耙子被用来刨土。

    A big fork is used to dig the earth .

  7. 使用耙子把土壤表面耙平。

    Use a landscape rake to create a level surface .

  8. 使用耙子将腐叶肥均匀地覆盖在土壤表层。

    Use a rake to cover the soil with an even layer .

  9. 花园工具,例如泥铲,耙子或锄头

    Garden tools , such as a trowel , fork , or hoe

  10. 园丁用耙子耙平土壤设一个苗圃。

    The gardener raked the soil smooth for a seedbed .

  11. 农夫正在劳动的时候,耙子断了。

    The farmer 's harrow was broken during his working .

  12. 用耙子把叶子收在一起堆在汽车库旁边。

    Rake the leaves and heap them by the garage .

  13. 应当用耙子把土翻过来。

    The soil should be turned over with a fork .

  14. 我们用耙子耙完所有的树叶后都累坏了。

    We were just beat after raking all the leaves .

  15. 4.用耙子搅拌一下土壤。

    Step 4 Using your garden fork , stir up the soil .

  16. 用金属耙子头部轻轻地压实土壤。

    Using the head of the metal rake , lightly firm the soil .

  17. 用耙子把土壤表面耙平。

    Use a rake to create a level surface .

  18. 飞行时或骑在扫帚或耙子上,或骑在某种有魔力的动物背上。

    They flew by riding brooms or rakes , or riding magical animals .

  19. 然后,用耙子把叶子聚拢到一起时发出了叶子碰撞的声。

    Then the swish of leaves colliding as my rake herded them together .

  20. 农民用耙子翻地除草。

    The farmers turned over the soil with a fork to destroy the weeds .

  21. 另外四把耙子也和她以同样速度收集草。

    The other four rakes began to gather as much hay as she did .

  22. 用耙弄平(农地,土壤)用耙子打碎和平整(土壤或土地)

    To break up and level ( soil or land ) with a harrow .

  23. 将土壤重新扫回沟里,覆盖豌豆种子。使用耙子顶部轻轻压实土壤。

    Fill in the trenches by gently sweeping the soil back over the peas .

  24. 他们是拿着耙子的农夫!

    They ` re farmers with pitchforks !

  25. 他们用耙子把小径耙扫乾净。

    They were raking the paths clean .

  26. 请用耙子把花园的路耙平。

    Rake the garden paths , please .

  27. 花匠忘记拿耙子了。

    The gardener forgot his plow fork .

  28. 儿子们拿起铁锹和耙子。

    The sons took spade and fork .

  29. 现在,拿起菜园耙子,把护根物均匀的播撒开来。

    Now , grab that garden rake . It 's time to spread the mulch .

  30. 赌场上的主持人用来在桌子上移动筹码的小耙子。

    A small rake used by a croupier to move chips around on the table .