
  • 网络Employment History
  1. 在GIP诊断中,仔细收集患者的职业史非常重要。

    Meticulous history taking on occupational exposure is important for the diagnosis of GIP .

  2. 方法对1例经开胸肺活检证实的GIP患者的职业史、临床表现、胸部X线、CT和病理资料并结合有关文献进行回顾性分析。

    Methods The clinical , radiological and pathological data of a patient with GIP confirmed by open lung biopsy were presented , and relevant literatures were reviewed .

  3. 对工人的职业史作了详细记录。

    Occupational history of each worker was recorded in detail .

  4. 石棉肺病例根据职业史及胸片诊断。

    Asbestosis cases were diagnosed on the basis of their chest radiographs and occupational history .

  5. 检查职业史及眼镜、形眼镜、听器和药物使用情况。

    Determine occupational history and use of glasses , contacts , hearing aid , and medications .

  6. 收集个人职业史、年龄、性别、吸烟和饮酒状况等信息。

    Personal information including occupational history , age , sex , smoking and drinking status was collected by questionnaire .

  7. 深入了解病史、服药史、精神病史、家族史以及社会和职业史。

    Take a careful medical history , medication history , psychiatric history , family history , and social and occupational history .

  8. 使用健康体检调查表收集个人职业史,年龄及吸烟等健康信息;

    Personal general information including age , gender , history of person , occupational exposure history and smoking status was elicited during questionnaire-based interviews .

  9. 调查所有研究对象既往职业史、现有呼吸系统症状,并测定肺通气功能,参考各指标的实测和预测值之比对肺功能障碍进行分型。

    All subjects were invited to perform a questionnaire about job history and clinical symptom , and perform a lung function examination at the same time .

  10. 调查内容包括个人基本资料、家族疾病史、职业史、吸烟史、作业场所粉尘浓度、肺通气功能随访测定。

    Data collection included : individual demographic parameters , family medical history , occupational history , and smoking history , measurement of dust concentrations in work areas , and lung function tests .

  11. 职业史、临床症状、血及尿镉水平是慢性镉中毒早期诊断的重要条件。

    In addition to the above sensitive methods , blood and urinary cadmium level , clinical symptoms and occupational history are necessary and very important in the early diagnosis of chronic cadmium poisoning .

  12. 方法以60名萘作业工人为观察组,75名不接触化学毒物的机械作业工人为对照组,通过职业史调查和眼科检查,比较两组的晶状体改变。

    Methods 60 naphthalin workers were selected as observed group and 75 machine workers not to exposure chemical poisons as the control group . The changes of lens of the two groups were compared through occupational history investigation and ophthalmic examination .

  13. 采用统一设计的调查表,通过本研究组成员亲自查阅病史,同时通过访谈的形式调查每位研究对象,调查内容包括一般情况、职业史、吸烟史、饮酒史、憋尿、其他生活习惯等。

    With unified design of questionnaires , the research team members studied the medical history of each case , and interviewed each patient to get information in the form of survey , which consisted of smoking history , drinking history , occupational history , habits and so on .

  14. 这种主体性内涵体系可从中外大学校长职业发展史的国外镜鉴与本土追索中得到感知并证伪。

    This kind subjectivity connotations system from foreign University Presidents career development history of foreign Mirroring local recourse falsifiable .

  15. 职业接触史:工人患肺癌的OR值为1.43,农民为0.69。

    Occupation and exposure history : the ORs to lung cancer of workers and farmers were 1.43 and 0.69 , respectively .

  16. 我们拥有有史以来最好的教练和联盟中最好的球员,我们是一支职业体育史上传奇球队的一份子。

    We have the best coach of all time , the best player in the league and we are a part of the best franchise in pro sports .

  17. 方法选择357名石棉接触工人为暴露组,另选280名无职业接触史的行政后勤人员做对照。

    Methods 357 workers exposed to asbestos dust were selected as exposure group . Meanwhile , 280 personnels of the administration and logistics unexposed to asbestos dust were selected as control group .

  18. 学徒制度传承了古代文明,开创了职业教育史上的典范,启发了现代职业教育的制度创新,具有重要的历史意义。

    The apprenticeship had inherited and transmitted the antiquity civilization and had set up an outstanding example in the vocational education history and had enlightened the innovation of modern vocational education . It is of important historical significance .

  19. 职业暴露史、过敏史是患气流受限性疾病的危险因素,存在危险因素的胸闷、胸痛的患者应行支气管舒张试验鉴别。

    Bronchial dilation test should be used . 2 . Occupational exposure history and allergies are the risk factors of airflow limitation disease . The patients with risk factors of chest tightness and chest pain should examine bronchial dilation test identified . 3 .

  20. 方法采用病例对照流行病学研究方法,收集102例成人过敏性哮喘患者和394例健康对照人群的一般社会人口学特征、疾病健康状况、吸烟史、职业接触史、室内环境状况以及家族史等信息。

    Methods Case-control study was used to collect the information from 102 cases of adults ' allergic asthma and 394 controls . The information included general social demographic characteristics , disease history , smoking history , occupation , indoor environmental situation and genetic history of the families .

  21. 多因素logistic回归分析发现:妇女生殖道疾病的主要影响因素依次为地区、职业、孕产史等。

    Multi-factors Logistic Reres-sion Analysis showed that the influencing factors of reproductive tract disease included residential areas , occupation , pregnancy and delivery history , etc.

  22. 与年龄相关性黄斑变性中医证型相关流行病因素研究得出AMD的发病与年龄、职业、既往史等有一定相关性。

    With age-related macular degeneration TCM Syndrome Epidemic factors emerging from the study associated with age , occupation , bad habits , significant correlation .

  23. 美国国会于1917年颁布的《斯密斯-休斯法》是美国职业教育发展史上具有重大意义的教育法令。

    The Smith-Hughes act endorsed by the American Congress in1917is significant in the development of American Vocational education .

  24. 煤矿开采是一种古老的职业,有史以来,就一直被认为是风险极高的职业。

    Coal mining is an ancient profession , and has been recognized as wildly risky since the very start .

  25. 中医证型分布与年龄、流产次数、孕龄、职业、月经史均有一定的相关性。

    TCM syndrome type distribution and age , abortion number , gestational age , occupation , menstrual history all have certain relevance .

  26. 结论:影响田厦社区高血压患病率的重要因素有年龄,职业,家族史,体质量和精神神经紧张等。

    CONCLUSION : The important factors that influence the prevalence rate of hypertension in Tianxia community are age , occupation , family history , body mass and psycho neurological tension .

  27. 主要调查因素包括:情绪行为障碍、血流变改变及血胆固醇增高,混杂因素包括年龄、性别、职业及既往史等。

    Main factors such as emotional disturbance , hemorheology , TC ( serum total cholesterol ) were examined , and other potential confounding factors were age , sex , occupation , histories ( hypertension , heart disease , diabetes mellitus ) and electrocardiogram changes .

  28. 职业、糖尿病家族史、饮食习惯、体力活动、体格检查、生化检查。

    The investigation included profession , diabetic family history , diet habit , intensity of labor , physical examinination and biochemical tests .

  29. 新闻媒体必须按新闻规律行事对共和国新闻史上三个指导方针的反思从历史贡献研究到职业认同研究新闻史人物研究的一种新视角

    News media must act according to laws of news & Re-study on the three key matters of the news history of the the People 's Republic of China in the sixty years From Historical Contribution to Professional Identity : a New Perspective in Researches of Journalists

  30. 阐述中等职业教育以及中等职业教育中文史课程教学中存在的问题。

    Elaborate the secondary vocational education , and the problems of secondary vocational education in literature and history .