
  • 网络professional ideal
  1. 希望通过以上建议,引导女大学生树立正确的职业理想,努力为了实现理想而奋斗,这对于女大学生、高等教育和社会都有十分重要的意义!

    By granting the above-mentioned suggestions , I hope to lead the female undergraduates to establish correct professional ideals , to strive to realize their dreams , which is significant to female undergraduates , senior education and the society .

  2. 第三部分在分析现状的基础上,提出了改进的措施和建议:第一,加强教师职业理想和职业道德教育,引导中学青年教师树立献身教育事业的价值观。

    The third part of the analysis of the status quo , based on the proposed improvements measures and recommendations . First , strengthen teacher professional ideals and ethics , to guide young teachers to establish a school dedicated to education values .

  3. 我们已经进入了“正确穿衣”的时代,女性买衣服不再是为了吸引男性的注意,而是为了跟自己不断攀升的职业理想匹配。

    We have entered the era of dress correctness , in which women 's clothes are purchased less to attract male sexual attention and more to match rising professional ambitions .

  4. 时任CEO对我说过的一件事,改变了我的一生和职业理想。

    One of the things the then-CEO said to me changed my life and my career ambitions .

  5. 女性的职业理想的诉求与没落

    Profession for Women ( excerpts ) Ideal 's Pursuit and Collapse

  6. 大学生职业理想教育体系建设初探

    Study on Construction of University Student 's Vocational Ideal Education System

  7. 高中生职业理想受到家庭因素影响显著。

    Family reason is a significant factor when affecting students occupation ideal .

  8. 请学生在自己的心愿卡上写下对未来的职业理想。

    Please write down your dream on the wish card .

  9. 树立目标意识,确立职业理想;

    To build up objective sense , define employment ideal ;

  10. 当代图书馆人的职业理想:开放、平等、免费

    Tho Occupational Ideals of the Contemporary Librarians : Open , Equality and Free

  11. 家庭社会资本对普通高中学生职业理想的影响

    The Impact of Family Social Capital on High School Students ' Profession Ideal

  12. 论大学生职业理想的确立

    On the Establishment of the Vocational Ideal of Undergraduates

  13. 医学新生职业理想调查分析

    Investigation on Occupational Ideal of Medical College Freshman

  14. 应该是涵盖职业理想和道德教育、职业生涯指导、从业能力培养等方面内容在内的系统性教育;

    Should be systematic , covering ethic education , career guidelines , working abilities ;

  15. 这三个特点在藏区学生的职业理想中具有一定的普射性。

    Moreover , the three characteristics are universal in the vocational ideals of Zang students .

  16. 技校生的职业理想教育

    Career Education of Professional School Students

  17. 帮助学生客观认识评价自己,树立正确的职业理想;

    Furthermore , they can help students evaluate themselves objectively and establish a proper career aspiration .

  18. 但是从内因上讲呢,我有我的职业理想。

    You said it was for of internal reasons . It 's because I have a dream job .

  19. 实际上,在任何情况下,一个人都应该有一个长远而又切实的职业理想。

    Actually , in any case , a person should have an long-run and practical ideal for occupation .

  20. 它的实现状况,关系到教师的生活质量和职业理想。

    The implementation of teachers ' rights and interests has impact on teachers ' life quality and profession idea .

  21. 面对书籍所具有的思想论述和市场商品这两种功能,编辑应该有所坚持,首先回归职业理想。

    Facing the dissertation of thought and the market product , the editor should hold on to the professional ideal .

  22. 钢琴教师应从职业理想、知识水平、教育观念、教学行为和教学策略几方面提高和完善自己。

    Piano teachers should improve themselves in aspects of professional ideal , knowledge level , educational concept , teaching behavior and teaching strategy .

  23. 大学阶段是大学生职业理想由尝试期向现实期转变的阶段,也是加强文化修养的重要阶段。

    College is a period that students attempt to and then realize their career ideal , it is also an important time to enforce their cultural cultivation .

  24. 对免费教育师范生的职业理想教育状况,直接关系到免费师范生职业理想的确立,关系到能否把免费师范生培养成为优秀的人民教师和教育家。

    Career education of tuition-free normal university students has a direct relation with the establishment of their career aspirations and the cultivation of outstanding teachers and educators .

  25. 通过分析由学生的职业理想体现出来的教育需求,反思当前藏区学校教育的现状。

    By analyzing the education demands embodied in the students ' vocational ideals , the research rethinks the present education statue quo of the schools in Zang nationality areas .

  26. 方法对目前就业形势进行全面分析,对大学生的择业观念、职业理想、就业心理及价值取向等进行了调查、分析和研究。

    Methods To analyze the overall situation of employment and make research on graduates ' idea of career , ideal of profession , psychology and value consideration of employment .

  27. 社会理想在理想内容的四个方面中居于核心的地位,对其余的道德理想、职业理想和生活理想起主导和支配的作用。

    It is the core of four aspect of ideal content , which directs and controls the rest three aspects as moral ideal , professional ideal and living ideal .

  28. 总体上,笔者认为高校青年教师理想信念教育应着重加强社会理想信念和职业理想信念两方面教育。

    The author supports that the ideals and conviction education should strengthen the education in two parts , social ideal and conviction education and professional ideal and conviction education .

  29. 如果你有兴趣加入我们,并成为我们的实习生,我将会跟你一起工作,并帮助你更好更快地实现你的职业理想。

    And if you are selected as an intern , I 'll look forward to working with you and mentoring you in helping you fulfill your dreams in your career .

  30. 大学生在校期间要确立正确的职业理想和明确的职业目标,要进行系统地自我分析和职业分析,根据自己的兴趣、特长来进行职业生涯设计。

    College students should form correct career ideals and career aims , make systematic self-analysis and career analysis so as to conduct their career design according to their interests and specialties .