
  1. 用于创建职能分解图和程序结构图。

    Use to create functional decomposition diagrams and program structure diagrams .

  2. 提出了全球电子采购战略U型曲线的概念,论述了全球电子化采购的战略原则:采购职能分解和区别管理。

    The paper introduces a U-curve for global E-procurement strategy that defines the principle in establishing global purchasing strategy : function decomposition and separate management .

  3. 接着,从行政管理职能的分解开始,根据职能对信息的相互依赖性提出行政管理结构的信息优化模型和方法。

    Third , to begin with the decomposition of the administrative functions , it puts forward the model and ways of the informationization of the administrative construction according to the interdependence between the function and information .