
  • 网络United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees;UNHCR;Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees
  1. 联合国难民事务高级专员公署说,该机构已经没有资金帮助苏丹南部的难民返回家园。

    UNHCR Running Out of Money to Repatriate Southern Sudan Refugees

  2. 这些救援物资将交给缅甸的灾害管理委员会分发。联合国难民事务高级专员公署将监督物资的分发。

    The supplies will be handed over to the Disaster Management Committee to be distributed under UNHCR monitoring .

  3. 教皇方济各及联合国难民事务高级专员公署(UNHighCommissionerforRefugees)称,首要任务必须是在海上拯救生命。

    The Pope and UN High Commissioner for Refugees say the priority must be saving lives at sea .

  4. 去年12月,联合国难民事务高级专员公署(UNHighCommissionerforRefugees)呼吁欧盟为在内战中流离失所的叙利亚人提供13万个安置点。

    In December , the UN High Commissioner for Refugees appealed to the EU to provide 130,000 resettlement places for Syrians displaced by the civil war .

  5. 因为在联合国难民事务高级专员公署工作,所以我先去了叙利亚。

    I first went to Syria because I work with U.N.H.C.R.

  6. 3.联合国难民事务高级专员公署

    United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 4 .

  7. 难民署警告说,如果得不到这笔资金,今年的遣返行动可能会被迫中断。联合国难民事务高级专员公署说,这个自愿遣返项目一直很成功。

    The UN refugee agency says the voluntary repatriation program has been a huge success .

  8. 联合国难民事务高级专员公署说,这支车队由两辆卡车组成,装载了20多吨的帐篷和塑料布。

    The UN refugee agency says the two-truck convoy was carrying more than 20 tons of tents and plastic sheets .

  9. 斯平德勒说,联合国难民事务高级专员公署打算在该缓冲区开展常规的评估工作,并且向当地居民提供援助。

    Spindler says the UNHCR plans to conduct regular assessment missions to the buffer zone and to provide aid to the inhabitants .

  10. 联合国难民事务高级专员公署发言人雷德蒙说,该机构的考察队已被派往约翰内斯堡和开普敦的周边地区。

    UN refugee spokesman , Ron Redmond , says UNHCR field teams have been sent to areas around Johannesburg and Cape Town .

  11. 联合国难民事务高级专员公署说,千百万名在本国境内流离失所的难民尤其容易受到粮食涨价的冲击。

    The U.N. refugee agency says millions of refugees and internally displaced people will be particularly hard hit by skyrocketing food prices .

  12. 2006年的数字显示,联合国难民事务高级专员公署在世界范围内安置近1000万难民,比一年前增加14%。

    Figures from 2006 show the UNHCR cares for almost 10 million refugees worldwide . This is a 14 percent increase from the year before .

  13. 但是她说,联合国难民事务高级专员公署和泰国与缅甸的政府官员举行了谈判,让边境口岸海关开放,从而让救援物品进入缅甸。

    But , she says the UNHCR negotiated with government officials in Thailand and Burma to keep the posts open to allow the supplies to enter Burma .

  14. 古特雷斯说,从有300个队员的联合国难民事务高级专员公署紧急应变队执行任务的数字就可以看出局势的严重性。

    Guterres says an indication of the seriousness of the situation can be seen by how many of the300-member UNHCR emergency response teams are being called into action .

  15. 所以我决定跑到难民营我目前正在寻求庇护根据联合国难民事务高级专员公署在达喀尔,塞内加尔共和国。

    So I decided to run to the refugee camp where I am presently seeking asylum under the United Nations High Commission for Refugees here in Dakar , Republic of Senegal .

  16. 联合国难民事务高级专员公署在内罗毕的发言人尼亚贝拉说,难民署已经请求肯尼亚政府在边界一带的达达阿布建立第4个难民营。

    Emmanuel Nyabera , a spokesman for UNHCR in Nairobi , said the organization had asked the Kenyan government to construct a fourth refugee camp at Dadaab , along the border .

  17. 联合国难民事务高级专员公署表示,该机构已经派出第一支联合国援助车队通过陆路进入缅甸,一架满载临时庇护所建筑设备的飞机也从迪拜起飞进入缅甸。

    The UN refugee agency ( UNHCR ) says it has sent the first UN convoy of aid overland into Burma , and a planeload of shelter supplies has been flown in from Dubai .

  18. 每年的3月21日,在日内瓦的联合国难民事务高级专员公署以及总部纽约都会举办许多打击种族歧视的活动。

    Every March 21st , the offices of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva and New York conduct activities to highlight the evil of racism and our duty to combat it .

  19. 联合国难民署说,提出这一特别请求是因为考虑到南非发生的针对外国人的暴力事件,这些暴力事件已经导致42人死亡。联合国难民事务高级专员公署说,他们对南非发生的袭击难民和寻求避难者等外国人的事件表示担忧。

    The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees says it is deeply concerned about the attacks against foreigners in South Africa , including refugees and asylum-seekers .