
  • 网络Joint tenancy
  1. 你不能赠送联权帐户下的财产,因为这种财产在你过世后归于幸存的共有人,而不管你的遗嘱说什么。

    You cannot gift property that you own if it is owned in joint tenancy as this type of property vests in the surviving joint tenant on your death irrespective of what your Will may say .

  2. 若买方多于一人,他们须以联权方式持有该物业。

    If the Purchaser is more than one person , they shall hold the Property as Joint Tenants .

  3. 江西省会昌县拍卖部省联造林经营权的调查

    Investigation on management right auction of ministry-province cooperative forests in Huichang County of Jiangxi Province

  4. 从前和现在最大的不同就是张伯伦和达拉第在国联没有否决权。

    The one big difference between then and now is that Chamberlain and Daladier did not have the power of veto .

  5. 但是考虑到英国和伊拉克的历史联系,他对英国支持科研奖学金的程度感到难以接受&英国在伊拉克1958年革命之前曾根据国联的托管权控制伊拉克40年。

    But he is bitter about Britain 's level of support for research scholarships given its historic ties & it controlled Iraq for four decades before the1958 revolution under a League of Nations mandate .