
jù biàn fǎn yìnɡ duī
  • fusion reactor
  1. 一项政府间合作计划正在法国建造一个190亿美元的核聚变反应堆ITER。

    An intergovernmental partnership is building a $ 19bn fusion reactor , ITER , in France .

  2. 实验包层模块(TBM)是ITER国际合作组织计划在ITER运行期间用来模拟和测试与聚变反应堆相关技术的装置。

    Test blanket module ( TBM ) is planned to be used by the international cooperation to simulate and test the device that is related to the fusion reactor technology during the operation of International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ( ITER ) .

  3. 国际热核实验反应堆(ITER)是建造中的世界上最大的聚变反应堆,目前选址已确定在法国的卡达拉奇。

    ITER will be the largest fusion experimental reactor in the world . This is an international cooperative project .

  4. 其氚增殖实验包层模块(TBM)的主要目的是验证未来核聚变反应堆氚自持的可行性和可靠性,是ITER的核心技术之一。

    The fundamental purpose of TBM ( Test Blanket Module ) is to verify the feasibility and reliability of tritium self-sufficiency in fusion reactor .

  5. 但在今年10月,洛克希德马丁公司(LockheedMartin)表示其实现了技术突破,从而将能在10年内制造出小得足以安装在卡车后部的紧凑型聚变反应堆。

    But in October , Lockheed Martin said it had achieved a technological breakthrough that will enable it to make compact fusion reactors small enough to fit on the back of a truck within a decade .

  6. 勒那希望在年底前将铍电极安装在LPP那台试验性的聚变反应堆上,这个反应堆设置在米德尔塞克斯市的一处库房里,那个地方原本堆满了箱子和家具。

    He hopes to install them by the end of this year in his experimental fusion reactor , which Lerner operates at the Friendly Storage premises in Middlesex , a place otherwise full of surplus boxes and furniture .

  7. 钒作为一种非常宝贵的战略性资源,长期以来被广泛应用于钢铁、化工、TiAl金属合金化合物、光学转换涂层、核聚变反应堆、代替合金中的金属元素、汽车、二次电池以及航天航空领域。

    Vanadium as a very valuable strategic resources , has long been widely used in iron and steel , chemicals , TiAl metal alloy compound , optical conversion coating , fusion reactors , instead of alloy metals , automotive , rechargeable batteries , as well as aerospace .

  8. 聚变反应堆包层中液态金属磁流体动力学效应研究

    Studies of Liquid Metal MHD Effects in Blankets of Fusion Reactor

  9. 燃烧着的蜡烛发出的光。激光引烧聚变反应堆

    The light provided by a burning candle . laser ignited fusion reactor

  10. 聚变反应堆壁材料钨和钼的表面离子束效应

    The surface effect of ion beam on plasma-facing materials of W and Mo

  11. 商业聚变反应堆上使用常规磁体已不予考虑。

    The use of conventional magnets for commercial fusion reactors is ruled out .

  12. 这是个核聚变反应堆模型。

    You 're looking at a prototype fusion reactor .

  13. 段的聚变反应堆可能解决中国的能源难题。

    Duan 's fusion reactor could be the answer to China 's energy conundrum .

  14. 聚变反应堆含氚废水处理系统的设计

    Design of water detritiation system for fusion reactor

  15. 那么,我们怎么知道太阳黑子是稳定的核聚变反应堆呢?

    Then , how can we know that sunspots are stable nuclear fusion reactors ?

  16. 一种聚变反应堆装置的新概念

    A new concept for fusion reactor device

  17. 激光触发核聚变反应堆

    Nuclear fusion reactor triggered by laser

  18. 一旦买用的聚变反应堆被研制出来,此能源就可被开发。

    This energy source can be exploited as soon as an economical fusion reactor is developed .

  19. 现在不清楚我们能否,成功使聚变反应堆起效。

    Now , it is unclear whether we will ever succeed in making a fusion reactor working .

  20. 激光引烧聚变反应堆

    Laser ignited fusion reactor

  21. 惯性约束聚变反应堆

    Inertially confined fusion reactor

  22. 然而,科学家们很赞同这种能和太阳同样的聚变反应堆。

    Yet scientists hope to bring the power that emblazons the sun , fusion , to earthbound reactors .

  23. 共生式聚变反应堆包层

    Symbiotic fusion reactor blanket

  24. 此后,将需要新一代的聚变反应堆对下一阶段,即起爆阶段进行试验。

    A new generation fusion reactor will be needed after that to prove the next step , ignition .

  25. 从动磁核聚变反应堆

    Driven magnetic fusion reactor

  26. 然而还存在很多的技术问题,而成功的聚变反应堆仍是将来多年后的事情。

    However , the technical problems are extremely great and successful fusion reactors are still many years in the future .

  27. 我14岁的时候造了一个核聚变反应堆,这是里面的构造。

    Well I built a fusion reactor when I was 14 years old . That is the inside of my nuclear fusion reactor .

  28. 材料的快中子溅射性能直接关系到裂变和聚变反应堆材料的选择。

    The sputtering performance of materials induced by fast neutrons is of vital importance to the selection of the materials for fission and fusion reactors .

  29. 日前,该公司的神秘臭鼬工厂宣布:小型聚变反应堆的研发仅还需十年,投资者们快快投资吧!

    The firm 's secretive Skunk Works has announced that its compact fusion reactor is a mere 10 years away and would investors please send money .

  30. 对于聚变反应堆中超导载流磁体在稳态电流基础上受到脉冲电流影响时的动力稳定性给出了定量分析方法。

    A quantitative analysis for dynamic stability of a set of superconducting partial torus in a fusion reactor under a pulse current over a stationary current is given .